blob: c79dd45bec758c7e0598b51529b85f6cbf3b9cbf [file] [log] [blame]
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* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
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import * as ts from 'typescript';
/** Finds all start indices of the given search string in the input string. */
export declare function findAllSubstringIndices(input: string, search: string): number[];
* Checks whether the given node is either a string literal or a no-substitution template
* literal. Note that we cannot use `ts.isStringLiteralLike()` because if developers update
* an outdated project, their TypeScript version is not automatically being updated
* and therefore could throw because the function is not available yet.
export declare function isStringLiteralLike(node: ts.Node): node is (ts.StringLiteral | ts.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral);