blob: 4944eb33ddfa3c20ddec7c770fccf7b4da36c5fb [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
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import { InjectionToken, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
* Injection token used to provide a `CdkTreeNode` to its outlet.
* Used primarily to avoid circular imports.
* @docs-private
export declare const CDK_TREE_NODE_OUTLET_NODE: InjectionToken<{}>;
* Outlet for nested CdkNode. Put `[cdkTreeNodeOutlet]` on a tag to place children dataNodes
* inside the outlet.
export declare class CdkTreeNodeOutlet {
viewContainer: ViewContainerRef;
_node?: any;
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, _node?: any);