blob: ed9a2c978447fe5b0e8e437d12d86db355bc23db [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ts = require("typescript");
const migration_rule_1 = require("../../update-tool/migration-rule");
const upgrade_data_1 = require("../upgrade-data");
* Rule that visits every TypeScript method call expression and checks if the
* argument count is invalid and needs to be *manually* updated.
class MethodCallArgumentsRule extends migration_rule_1.MigrationRule {
constructor() {
/** Change data that upgrades to the specified target version. */ = upgrade_data_1.getVersionUpgradeData(this, 'methodCallChecks');
// Only enable the migration rule if there is upgrade data.
this.ruleEnabled = !== 0;
visitNode(node) {
if (ts.isCallExpression(node) && ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression)) {
_checkPropertyAccessMethodCall(node) {
const propertyAccess = node.expression;
if (!ts.isIdentifier( {
const hostType = this.typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(propertyAccess.expression);
const hostTypeName = hostType.symbol &&;
const methodName =;
if (!hostTypeName) {
// TODO(devversion): Revisit the implementation of this upgrade rule. It seems difficult
// and ambiguous to maintain the data for this rule. e.g. consider a method which has the
// same amount of arguments but just had a type change. In that case we could still add
// new entries to the upgrade data that match the current argument length to just show
// a failure message, but adding that data becomes painful if the method has optional
// parameters and it would mean that the error message would always show up, even if the
// argument is in some cases still assignable to the new parameter type. We could re-use
// the logic we have in the constructor-signature checks to check for assignability and
// to make the upgrade data less verbose.
const failure = => data.method === methodName && data.className === hostTypeName)
.map(data => data.invalidArgCounts.find(f => f.count === node.arguments.length))[0];
if (!failure) {
this.createFailureAtNode(node, `Found call to "${hostTypeName + '.' + methodName}" ` +
`with ${failure.count} arguments. Message: ${failure.message}`);
exports.MethodCallArgumentsRule = MethodCallArgumentsRule;