blob: 472a0b5c3405ae82a6cedaad6e70ef5ee04a5e38 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ts = require("typescript");
const migration_rule_1 = require("../../update-tool/migration-rule");
const version_changes_1 = require("../../update-tool/version-changes");
* List of diagnostic codes that refer to pre-emit diagnostics which indicate invalid
* new expression or super call signatures. See the list of diagnostics here:
const signatureErrorDiagnostics = [
// Type not assignable error diagnostic.
// Constructor argument length invalid diagnostics
* Rule that visits every TypeScript new expression or super call and checks if
* the parameter type signature is invalid and needs to be updated manually.
class ConstructorSignatureRule extends migration_rule_1.MigrationRule {
constructor() {
// Note that the data for this rule is not distinguished based on the target version because
// we don't keep track of the new signature and don't want to update incrementally.
// See: = version_changes_1.getAllChanges(this.upgradeData.constructorChecks);
// Only enable the migration rule if there is upgrade data.
this.ruleEnabled = !== 0;
visitNode(node) {
if (ts.isSourceFile(node)) {
* Method that will be called for each source file of the upgrade project. In order to
* properly determine invalid constructor signatures, we take advantage of the pre-emit
* diagnostics from TypeScript.
* By using the diagnostics, the migration can handle type assignability. Not using
* diagnostics would mean that we need to use simple type equality checking which is
* too strict. See related issue:
_visitSourceFile(sourceFile) {
// List of classes of which the constructor signature has changed.
const diagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(this.program, sourceFile)
.filter(diagnostic => signatureErrorDiagnostics.includes(diagnostic.code))
.filter(diagnostic => diagnostic.start !== undefined);
for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) {
const node = findConstructorNode(diagnostic, sourceFile);
if (!node) {
const classType = this.typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(node.expression);
const className = classType.symbol &&;
const isNewExpression = ts.isNewExpression(node);
// Determine the class names of the actual construct signatures because we cannot assume that
// the diagnostic refers to a constructor of the actual expression. In case the constructor
// is inherited, we need to detect that the owner-class of the constructor is added to the
// constructor checks upgrade data. e.g. `class CustomCalendar extends MatCalendar {}`.
const signatureClassNames = classType.getConstructSignatures()
.map(signature => getClassDeclarationOfSignature(signature))
.map(declaration => declaration && ? : null)
// Besides checking the signature class names, we need to check the actual class name because
// there can be classes without an explicit constructor.
if (! &&
!signatureClassNames.some(name => {
const classSignatures = classType.getConstructSignatures().map(signature => getParameterTypesFromSignature(signature, this.typeChecker));
const expressionName = isNewExpression ? `new ${className}` : 'super';
const signatures = => => this.typeChecker.typeToString(t)))
.map(signature => `${expressionName}(${signature.join(', ')})`)
.join(' or ');
this.createFailureAtNode(node, `Found "${className}" constructed with ` +
`an invalid signature. Please manually update the ${expressionName} expression to ` +
`match the new signature${classSignatures.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}: ${signatures}`);
exports.ConstructorSignatureRule = ConstructorSignatureRule;
/** Resolves the type for each parameter in the specified signature. */
function getParameterTypesFromSignature(signature, typeChecker) {
return signature.getParameters().map(param => typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(param.declarations[0]));
* Walks through each node of a source file in order to find a new-expression node or super-call
* expression node that is captured by the specified diagnostic.
function findConstructorNode(diagnostic, sourceFile) {
let resolvedNode = null;
const _visitNode = (node) => {
// Check whether the current node contains the diagnostic. If the node contains the diagnostic,
// walk deeper in order to find all constructor expression nodes.
if (node.getStart() <= diagnostic.start && node.getEnd() >= diagnostic.start) {
if (ts.isNewExpression(node) ||
(ts.isCallExpression(node) && node.expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword)) {
resolvedNode = node;
ts.forEachChild(node, _visitNode);
ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, _visitNode);
return resolvedNode;
/** Determines the class declaration of the specified construct signature. */
function getClassDeclarationOfSignature(signature) {
let node = signature.getDeclaration();
// Handle signatures which don't have an actual declaration. This happens if a class
// does not have an explicitly written constructor.
if (!node) {
return null;
while (!ts.isSourceFile(node = node.parent)) {
if (ts.isClassDeclaration(node)) {
return node;
return null;