blob: e43ca5adfd5bf0451b01dea1959565a512a111a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { Migration } from '../update-tool/migration';
import { ValueOfChanges, VersionChanges } from '../update-tool/version-changes';
import { AttributeSelectorUpgradeData, ClassNameUpgradeData, ConstructorChecksUpgradeData, CssSelectorUpgradeData, ElementSelectorUpgradeData, InputNameUpgradeData, MethodCallUpgradeData, OutputNameUpgradeData, PropertyNameUpgradeData } from './data';
/** Upgrade data for the Angular CDK. */
export declare const cdkUpgradeData: UpgradeData;
* Interface that describes the upgrade data that needs to be defined when using the CDK
* upgrade rules.
export interface UpgradeData {
attributeSelectors: VersionChanges<AttributeSelectorUpgradeData>;
classNames: VersionChanges<ClassNameUpgradeData>;
constructorChecks: VersionChanges<ConstructorChecksUpgradeData>;
cssSelectors: VersionChanges<CssSelectorUpgradeData>;
elementSelectors: VersionChanges<ElementSelectorUpgradeData>;
inputNames: VersionChanges<InputNameUpgradeData>;
methodCallChecks: VersionChanges<MethodCallUpgradeData>;
outputNames: VersionChanges<OutputNameUpgradeData>;
propertyNames: VersionChanges<PropertyNameUpgradeData>;
* Gets the reduced upgrade data for the specified data key. The function reads out the
* target version and upgrade data object from the migration and resolves the specified
* data portion that is specifically tied to the target version.
export declare function getVersionUpgradeData<T extends keyof UpgradeData, U = ValueOfChanges<UpgradeData[T]>>(migration: Migration<UpgradeData>, dataName: T): U[];