blob: fabd66ecf883c829c067f78d9a0e1c973ea9d828 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export declare type HorizontalConnectionPos = 'start' | 'center' | 'end';
/** Vertical dimension of a connection point on the perimeter of the origin or overlay element. */
export declare type VerticalConnectionPos = 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
/** A connection point on the origin element. */
export interface OriginConnectionPosition {
originX: HorizontalConnectionPos;
originY: VerticalConnectionPos;
/** A connection point on the overlay element. */
export interface OverlayConnectionPosition {
overlayX: HorizontalConnectionPos;
overlayY: VerticalConnectionPos;
/** The points of the origin element and the overlay element to connect. */
export declare class ConnectionPositionPair {
/** Offset along the X axis. */
offsetX?: number | undefined;
/** Offset along the Y axis. */
offsetY?: number | undefined;
/** Class(es) to be applied to the panel while this position is active. */
panelClass?: string | string[] | undefined;
/** X-axis attachment point for connected overlay origin. Can be 'start', 'end', or 'center'. */
originX: HorizontalConnectionPos;
/** Y-axis attachment point for connected overlay origin. Can be 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'. */
originY: VerticalConnectionPos;
/** X-axis attachment point for connected overlay. Can be 'start', 'end', or 'center'. */
overlayX: HorizontalConnectionPos;
/** Y-axis attachment point for connected overlay. Can be 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'. */
overlayY: VerticalConnectionPos;
constructor(origin: OriginConnectionPosition, overlay: OverlayConnectionPosition,
/** Offset along the X axis. */
offsetX?: number | undefined,
/** Offset along the Y axis. */
offsetY?: number | undefined,
/** Class(es) to be applied to the panel while this position is active. */
panelClass?: string | string[] | undefined);
* Set of properties regarding the position of the origin and overlay relative to the viewport
* with respect to the containing Scrollable elements.
* The overlay and origin are clipped if any part of their bounding client rectangle exceeds the
* bounds of any one of the strategy's Scrollable's bounding client rectangle.
* The overlay and origin are outside view if there is no overlap between their bounding client
* rectangle and any one of the strategy's Scrollable's bounding client rectangle.
* ----------- -----------
* | outside | | clipped |
* | view | --------------------------
* | | | | | |
* ---------- | ----------- |
* -------------------------- | |
* | | | Scrollable |
* | | | |
* | | --------------------------
* | Scrollable |
* | |
* --------------------------
* @docs-private
export declare class ScrollingVisibility {
isOriginClipped: boolean;
isOriginOutsideView: boolean;
isOverlayClipped: boolean;
isOverlayOutsideView: boolean;
/** The change event emitted by the strategy when a fallback position is used. */
export declare class ConnectedOverlayPositionChange {
/** The position used as a result of this change. */
connectionPair: ConnectionPositionPair;
/** @docs-private */
scrollableViewProperties: ScrollingVisibility;
/** The position used as a result of this change. */
connectionPair: ConnectionPositionPair,
/** @docs-private */
scrollableViewProperties: ScrollingVisibility);
* Validates whether a vertical position property matches the expected values.
* @param property Name of the property being validated.
* @param value Value of the property being validated.
* @docs-private
export declare function validateVerticalPosition(property: string, value: VerticalConnectionPos): void;
* Validates whether a horizontal position property matches the expected values.
* @param property Name of the property being validated.
* @param value Value of the property being validated.
* @docs-private
export declare function validateHorizontalPosition(property: string, value: HorizontalConnectionPos): void;