blob: b3f8af8930a5cc1f96865a5853f640f730e0936f [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { ComponentFactoryResolver, Directive, EventEmitter, NgModule, Output, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
* Throws an exception when attempting to attach a null portal to a host.
* \@docs-private
* @return {?}
function throwNullPortalError() {
throw Error('Must provide a portal to attach');
* Throws an exception when attempting to attach a portal to a host that is already attached.
* \@docs-private
* @return {?}
function throwPortalAlreadyAttachedError() {
throw Error('Host already has a portal attached');
* Throws an exception when attempting to attach a portal to an already-disposed host.
* \@docs-private
* @return {?}
function throwPortalOutletAlreadyDisposedError() {
throw Error('This PortalOutlet has already been disposed');
* Throws an exception when attempting to attach an unknown portal type.
* \@docs-private
* @return {?}
function throwUnknownPortalTypeError() {
throw Error('Attempting to attach an unknown Portal type. BasePortalOutlet accepts either ' +
'a ComponentPortal or a TemplatePortal.');
* Throws an exception when attempting to attach a portal to a null host.
* \@docs-private
* @return {?}
function throwNullPortalOutletError() {
throw Error('Attempting to attach a portal to a null PortalOutlet');
* Throws an exception when attempting to detach a portal that is not attached.
* \@docs-private
* @return {?}
function throwNoPortalAttachedError() {
throw Error('Attempting to detach a portal that is not attached to a host');
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
* A `Portal` is something that you want to render somewhere else.
* It can be attach to / detached from a `PortalOutlet`.
* @abstract
* @template T
class Portal {
* Attach this portal to a host.
* @param {?} host
* @return {?}
attach(host) {
if (host == null) {
if (host.hasAttached()) {
this._attachedHost = host;
return (/** @type {?} */ (host.attach(this)));
* Detach this portal from its host
* @return {?}
detach() {
/** @type {?} */
let host = this._attachedHost;
if (host == null) {
else {
this._attachedHost = null;
* Whether this portal is attached to a host.
* @return {?}
get isAttached() {
return this._attachedHost != null;
* Sets the PortalOutlet reference without performing `attach()`. This is used directly by
* the PortalOutlet when it is performing an `attach()` or `detach()`.
* @param {?} host
* @return {?}
setAttachedHost(host) {
this._attachedHost = host;
* A `ComponentPortal` is a portal that instantiates some Component upon attachment.
* @template T
class ComponentPortal extends Portal {
* @param {?} component
* @param {?=} viewContainerRef
* @param {?=} injector
* @param {?=} componentFactoryResolver
constructor(component, viewContainerRef, injector, componentFactoryResolver) {
this.component = component;
this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef;
this.injector = injector;
this.componentFactoryResolver = componentFactoryResolver;
* A `TemplatePortal` is a portal that represents some embedded template (TemplateRef).
* @template C
class TemplatePortal extends Portal {
* @param {?} template
* @param {?} viewContainerRef
* @param {?=} context
constructor(template, viewContainerRef, context) {
this.templateRef = template;
this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef;
this.context = context;
* @return {?}
get origin() {
return this.templateRef.elementRef;
* Attach the portal to the provided `PortalOutlet`.
* When a context is provided it will override the `context` property of the `TemplatePortal`
* instance.
* @param {?} host
* @param {?=} context
* @return {?}
attach(host, context = this.context) {
this.context = context;
return super.attach(host);
* @return {?}
detach() {
this.context = undefined;
return super.detach();
* Partial implementation of PortalOutlet that handles attaching
* ComponentPortal and TemplatePortal.
* @abstract
class BasePortalOutlet {
constructor() {
* Whether this host has already been permanently disposed.
this._isDisposed = false;
* Whether this host has an attached portal.
* @return {?}
hasAttached() {
return !!this._attachedPortal;
* Attaches a portal.
* @param {?} portal
* @return {?}
attach(portal) {
if (!portal) {
if (this.hasAttached()) {
if (this._isDisposed) {
if (portal instanceof ComponentPortal) {
this._attachedPortal = portal;
return this.attachComponentPortal(portal);
else if (portal instanceof TemplatePortal) {
this._attachedPortal = portal;
return this.attachTemplatePortal(portal);
* Detaches a previously attached portal.
* @return {?}
detach() {
if (this._attachedPortal) {
this._attachedPortal = null;
* Permanently dispose of this portal host.
* @return {?}
dispose() {
if (this.hasAttached()) {
this._isDisposed = true;
* \@docs-private
* @param {?} fn
* @return {?}
setDisposeFn(fn) {
this._disposeFn = fn;
* @private
* @return {?}
_invokeDisposeFn() {
if (this._disposeFn) {
this._disposeFn = null;
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
* A PortalOutlet for attaching portals to an arbitrary DOM element outside of the Angular
* application context.
class DomPortalOutlet extends BasePortalOutlet {
* @param {?} outletElement
* @param {?} _componentFactoryResolver
* @param {?} _appRef
* @param {?} _defaultInjector
constructor(outletElement, _componentFactoryResolver, _appRef, _defaultInjector) {
this.outletElement = outletElement;
this._componentFactoryResolver = _componentFactoryResolver;
this._appRef = _appRef;
this._defaultInjector = _defaultInjector;
* Attach the given ComponentPortal to DOM element using the ComponentFactoryResolver.
* @template T
* @param {?} portal Portal to be attached
* @return {?} Reference to the created component.
attachComponentPortal(portal) {
/** @type {?} */
const resolver = portal.componentFactoryResolver || this._componentFactoryResolver;
/** @type {?} */
const componentFactory = resolver.resolveComponentFactory(portal.component);
/** @type {?} */
let componentRef;
// If the portal specifies a ViewContainerRef, we will use that as the attachment point
// for the component (in terms of Angular's component tree, not rendering).
// When the ViewContainerRef is missing, we use the factory to create the component directly
// and then manually attach the view to the application.
if (portal.viewContainerRef) {
componentRef = portal.viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory, portal.viewContainerRef.length, portal.injector || portal.viewContainerRef.injector);
* @return {?}
() => componentRef.destroy()));
else {
componentRef = componentFactory.create(portal.injector || this._defaultInjector);
* @return {?}
() => {
// At this point the component has been instantiated, so we move it to the location in the DOM
// where we want it to be rendered.
return componentRef;
* Attaches a template portal to the DOM as an embedded view.
* @template C
* @param {?} portal Portal to be attached.
* @return {?} Reference to the created embedded view.
attachTemplatePortal(portal) {
/** @type {?} */
let viewContainer = portal.viewContainerRef;
/** @type {?} */
let viewRef = viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(portal.templateRef, portal.context);
// The method `createEmbeddedView` will add the view as a child of the viewContainer.
// But for the DomPortalOutlet the view can be added everywhere in the DOM
// (e.g Overlay Container) To move the view to the specified host element. We just
// re-append the existing root nodes.
* @param {?} rootNode
* @return {?}
rootNode => this.outletElement.appendChild(rootNode)));
* @return {?}
() => {
/** @type {?} */
let index = viewContainer.indexOf(viewRef);
if (index !== -1) {
// TODO(jelbourn): Return locals from view.
return viewRef;
* Clears out a portal from the DOM.
* @return {?}
dispose() {
if (this.outletElement.parentNode != null) {
* Gets the root HTMLElement for an instantiated component.
* @private
* @param {?} componentRef
* @return {?}
_getComponentRootNode(componentRef) {
return (/** @type {?} */ (((/** @type {?} */ (componentRef.hostView))).rootNodes[0]));
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
* Directive version of a `TemplatePortal`. Because the directive *is* a TemplatePortal,
* the directive instance itself can be attached to a host, enabling declarative use of portals.
class CdkPortal extends TemplatePortal {
* @param {?} templateRef
* @param {?} viewContainerRef
constructor(templateRef, viewContainerRef) {
super(templateRef, viewContainerRef);
CdkPortal.decorators = [
{ type: Directive, args: [{
selector: '[cdk-portal], [cdkPortal], [portal]',
exportAs: 'cdkPortal',
},] },
/** @nocollapse */
CdkPortal.ctorParameters = () => [
{ type: TemplateRef },
{ type: ViewContainerRef }
* Directive version of a PortalOutlet. Because the directive *is* a PortalOutlet, portals can be
* directly attached to it, enabling declarative use.
* Usage:
* `<ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]="greeting"></ng-template>`
class CdkPortalOutlet extends BasePortalOutlet {
* @param {?} _componentFactoryResolver
* @param {?} _viewContainerRef
constructor(_componentFactoryResolver, _viewContainerRef) {
this._componentFactoryResolver = _componentFactoryResolver;
this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;
* Whether the portal component is initialized.
this._isInitialized = false;
* Emits when a portal is attached to the outlet.
this.attached = new EventEmitter();
* Portal associated with the Portal outlet.
* @return {?}
get portal() {
return this._attachedPortal;
* @param {?} portal
* @return {?}
set portal(portal) {
// Ignore the cases where the `portal` is set to a falsy value before the lifecycle hooks have
// run. This handles the cases where the user might do something like `<div cdkPortalOutlet>`
// and attach a portal programmatically in the parent component. When Angular does the first CD
// round, it will fire the setter with empty string, causing the user's content to be cleared.
if (this.hasAttached() && !portal && !this._isInitialized) {
if (this.hasAttached()) {
if (portal) {
this._attachedPortal = portal;
* Component or view reference that is attached to the portal.
* @return {?}
get attachedRef() {
return this._attachedRef;
* @return {?}
ngOnInit() {
this._isInitialized = true;
* @return {?}
ngOnDestroy() {
this._attachedPortal = null;
this._attachedRef = null;
* Attach the given ComponentPortal to this PortalOutlet using the ComponentFactoryResolver.
* @template T
* @param {?} portal Portal to be attached to the portal outlet.
* @return {?} Reference to the created component.
attachComponentPortal(portal) {
// If the portal specifies an origin, use that as the logical location of the component
// in the application tree. Otherwise use the location of this PortalOutlet.
/** @type {?} */
const viewContainerRef = portal.viewContainerRef != null ?
portal.viewContainerRef :
/** @type {?} */
const resolver = portal.componentFactoryResolver || this._componentFactoryResolver;
/** @type {?} */
const componentFactory = resolver.resolveComponentFactory(portal.component);
/** @type {?} */
const ref = viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory, viewContainerRef.length, portal.injector || viewContainerRef.injector);
* @return {?}
() => ref.destroy()));
this._attachedPortal = portal;
this._attachedRef = ref;
return ref;
* Attach the given TemplatePortal to this PortlHost as an embedded View.
* @template C
* @param {?} portal Portal to be attached.
* @return {?} Reference to the created embedded view.
attachTemplatePortal(portal) {
/** @type {?} */
const viewRef = this._viewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView(portal.templateRef, portal.context);
* @return {?}
() => this._viewContainerRef.clear()));
this._attachedPortal = portal;
this._attachedRef = viewRef;
return viewRef;
CdkPortalOutlet.decorators = [
{ type: Directive, args: [{
selector: '[cdkPortalOutlet], [cdkPortalHost], [portalHost]',
exportAs: 'cdkPortalOutlet, cdkPortalHost',
inputs: ['portal: cdkPortalOutlet']
},] },
/** @nocollapse */
CdkPortalOutlet.ctorParameters = () => [
{ type: ComponentFactoryResolver },
{ type: ViewContainerRef }
CdkPortalOutlet.propDecorators = {
attached: [{ type: Output }]
class PortalModule {
PortalModule.decorators = [
{ type: NgModule, args: [{
exports: [CdkPortal, CdkPortalOutlet],
declarations: [CdkPortal, CdkPortalOutlet],
},] },
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
* Custom injector to be used when providing custom
* injection tokens to components inside a portal.
* \@docs-private
class PortalInjector {
* @param {?} _parentInjector
* @param {?} _customTokens
constructor(_parentInjector, _customTokens) {
this._parentInjector = _parentInjector;
this._customTokens = _customTokens;
* @param {?} token
* @param {?=} notFoundValue
* @return {?}
get(token, notFoundValue) {
/** @type {?} */
const value = this._customTokens.get(token);
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
return value;
return this._parentInjector.get(token, notFoundValue);
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
export { DomPortalOutlet as DomPortalHost, CdkPortalOutlet as PortalHostDirective, CdkPortal as TemplatePortalDirective, BasePortalOutlet as BasePortalHost, Portal, ComponentPortal, TemplatePortal, BasePortalOutlet, DomPortalOutlet, CdkPortal, CdkPortalOutlet, PortalModule, PortalInjector };