blob: 9a6891cf2a50f7b669b2094c799b0bb9001df3c7 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
const styles = require('./styles');
const lastModifiedToString = require('./last-modified-to-string');
const permsToString = require('./perms-to-string');
const sizeToString = require('./size-to-string');
const sortFiles = require('./sort-files');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const he = require('he');
const etag = require('../etag');
const url = require('url');
const status = require('../status-handlers');
const supportedIcons = styles.icons;
const css = styles.css;
module.exports = (opts) => {
// opts are parsed by opts.js, defaults already applied
const cache = opts.cache;
const root = path.resolve(opts.root);
const baseDir = opts.baseDir;
const humanReadable = opts.humanReadable;
const hidePermissions = opts.hidePermissions;
const handleError = opts.handleError;
const showDotfiles = opts.showDotfiles;
const si =;
const weakEtags = opts.weakEtags;
return function middleware(req, res, next) {
// Figure out the path for the file from the given url
const parsed = url.parse(req.url);
const pathname = decodeURIComponent(parsed.pathname);
const dir = path.normalize(
path.join('/', baseDir),
fs.stat(dir, (statErr, stat) => {
if (statErr) {
if (handleError) {
status[500](res, next, { error: statErr });
} else {
// files are the listing of dir
fs.readdir(dir, (readErr, _files) => {
let files = _files;
if (readErr) {
if (handleError) {
status[500](res, next, { error: readErr });
} else {
// Optionally exclude dotfiles from directory listing.
if (!showDotfiles) {
files = files.filter(filename => filename.slice(0, 1) !== '.');
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html');
res.setHeader('etag', etag(stat, weakEtags));
res.setHeader('last-modified', (new Date(stat.mtime)).toUTCString());
res.setHeader('cache-control', cache);
function render(dirs, renderFiles, lolwuts) {
// each entry in the array is a [name, stat] tuple
let html = `${[
'<!doctype html>',
' <head>',
' <meta charset="utf-8">',
' <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">',
` <title>Index of ${he.encode(pathname)}</title>`,
` <style type="text/css">${css}</style>`,
' </head>',
' <body>',
`<h1>Index of ${he.encode(pathname)}</h1>`,
html += '<table>';
const failed = false;
const writeRow = (file) => {
// render a row given a [name, stat] tuple
const isDir = file[1].isDirectory && file[1].isDirectory();
let href = `./${encodeURIComponent(file[0])}`;
// append trailing slash and query for dir entry
if (isDir) {
href += `/${he.encode(( ? : '')}`;
const displayName = he.encode(file[0]) + ((isDir) ? '/' : '');
const ext = file[0].split('.').pop();
const classForNonDir = supportedIcons[ext] ? ext : '_page';
const iconClass = `icon-${isDir ? '_blank' : classForNonDir}`;
// TODO: use stylessheets?
html += `${'<tr>' +
'<td><i class="icon '}${iconClass}"></i></td>`;
if (!hidePermissions) {
html += `<td class="perms"><code>(${permsToString(file[1])})</code></td>`;
html +=
`<td class="last-modified">${lastModifiedToString(file[1])}</td>` +
`<td class="file-size"><code>${sizeToString(file[1], humanReadable, si)}</code></td>` +
`<td class="display-name"><a href="${href}">${displayName}</a></td>` +
dirs.sort((a, b) => a[0].toString().localeCompare(b[0].toString())).forEach(writeRow);
renderFiles.sort((a, b) => a.toString().localeCompare(b.toString())).forEach(writeRow);
lolwuts.sort((a, b) => a[0].toString().localeCompare(b[0].toString())).forEach(writeRow);
html += '</table>\n';
html += `<br><address>Node.js ${
}/ <a href="">http-server</a> ` +
`server running @ ${
he.encode( || '')}</address>\n` +
if (!failed) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });
sortFiles(dir, files, (lolwuts, dirs, sortedFiles) => {
// It's possible to get stat errors for all sorts of reasons here.
// Unfortunately, our two choices are to either bail completely,
// or just truck along as though everything's cool. In this case,
// I decided to just tack them on as "??!?" items along with dirs
// and files.
// Whatever.
// if it makes sense to, add a .. link
if (path.resolve(dir, '..').slice(0, root.length) === root) {
fs.stat(path.join(dir, '..'), (err, s) => {
if (err) {
if (handleError) {
status[500](res, next, { error: err });
} else {
dirs.unshift(['..', s]);
render(dirs, sortedFiles, lolwuts);
} else {
render(dirs, sortedFiles, lolwuts);