
ASTUtilsTools for operating on the ESTree AST. Also includes the eslint-utils package, correctly typed to work with the types found in TSESTree
ESLintUtilsTools for creating ESLint rules with TypeScript.
JSONSchemaTypes from the @types/json-schema package, re-exported to save you having to manually import them. Also ensures you're using the same version of the types as this package.
TSESLintTypes for ESLint, correctly typed to work with the types found in TSESTree.
TSESLintScopeThe eslint-scope package, correctly typed to work with the types found in both TSESTree and TSESLint
TSESTreeTypes for the TypeScript flavor of ESTree created by @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree.
AST_NODE_TYPESAn enum with the names of every single node found in TSESTree.
AST_TOKEN_TYPESAn enum with the names of every single token found in TSESTree.
ParserServicesTyping for the parser services provided when parsing a file using @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree.


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