blob: 16d325e30a4c433135f79a8eac3b5d30df603270 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { TdDataTableService } from '@covalent/core/bundles/covalent-core.umd.min.js';
import { MatDialog } from '@angular/material';
import { FdsDialogService, FdsSnackBarService, FdsAnimations } from '@nifi-fds/core';
import FdsService from 'webapp/services/fds.service.js';
import FdsDemoDialog from 'webapp/components/flow-design-system/dialogs/demo/fds-demo-dialog.js';
const NUMBER_FORMAT = function (v) {
return v;
const DECIMAL_FORMAT = function (v) {
return v.toFixed(2);
const date = new Date();
* FdsDemo constructor.
* @param FdsSnackBarService The FDS snack bar service module.
* @param FdsService The FDS service module.
* @param dialog The angular material dialog module.
* @param TdDialogService The covalent dialog service module.
* @param TdDataTableService The covalent data table service module.
* @constructor
function FdsDemo(FdsSnackBarService, FdsService, dialog, TdDataTableService, FdsDialogService) {
this.fdsService = FdsService;
//<editor-fold desc='Snack Bars'>
this.snackBarService = FdsSnackBarService;
//<editor-fold desc='Dialog'>
this.dialog = dialog;
//<editor-fold desc='Simple Dialogs'>
this.dialogService = FdsDialogService;
//<editor-fold desc='Expansion Panel'>
this.expandCollapseExpansion1Msg = 'No expanded/collapsed detected yet';
this.expansion1 = false;
this.disabled = false;
//<editor-fold desc='Autocomplete'>
this.currentState = '';
this.reactiveStates = '';
this.tdStates = [];
this.tdDisabled = false;
this.states = [
{code: 'AL', name: 'Alabama'},
{code: 'AK', name: 'Alaska'},
{code: 'AZ', name: 'Arizona'},
{code: 'AR', name: 'Arkansas'},
{code: 'CA', name: 'California'},
{code: 'CO', name: 'Colorado'},
{code: 'CT', name: 'Connecticut'},
{code: 'DE', name: 'Delaware'},
{code: 'FL', name: 'Florida'},
{code: 'GA', name: 'Georgia'},
{code: 'HI', name: 'Hawaii'},
{code: 'ID', name: 'Idaho'},
{code: 'IL', name: 'Illinois'},
{code: 'IN', name: 'Indiana'},
{code: 'IA', name: 'Iowa'},
{code: 'KS', name: 'Kansas'},
{code: 'KY', name: 'Kentucky'},
{code: 'LA', name: 'Louisiana'},
{code: 'ME', name: 'Maine'},
{code: 'MD', name: 'Maryland'},
{code: 'MA', name: 'Massachusetts'},
{code: 'MI', name: 'Michigan'},
{code: 'MN', name: 'Minnesota'},
{code: 'MS', name: 'Mississippi'},
{code: 'MO', name: 'Missouri'},
{code: 'MT', name: 'Montana'},
{code: 'NE', name: 'Nebraska'},
{code: 'NV', name: 'Nevada'},
{code: 'NH', name: 'New Hampshire'},
{code: 'NJ', name: 'New Jersey'},
{code: 'NM', name: 'New Mexico'},
{code: 'NY', name: 'New York'},
{code: 'NC', name: 'North Carolina'},
{code: 'ND', name: 'North Dakota'},
{code: 'OH', name: 'Ohio'},
{code: 'OK', name: 'Oklahoma'},
{code: 'OR', name: 'Oregon'},
{code: 'PA', name: 'Pennsylvania'},
{code: 'RI', name: 'Rhode Island'},
{code: 'SC', name: 'South Carolina'},
{code: 'SD', name: 'South Dakota'},
{code: 'TN', name: 'Tennessee'},
{code: 'TX', name: 'Texas'},
{code: 'UT', name: 'Utah'},
{code: 'VT', name: 'Vermont'},
{code: 'VA', name: 'Virginia'},
{code: 'WA', name: 'Washington'},
{code: 'WV', name: 'West Virginia'},
{code: 'WI', name: 'Wisconsin'},
{code: 'WY', name: 'Wyoming'},
//<editor-fold desc='Searchable Expansion Panels'>
this.dataTableService = TdDataTableService;
this.droplets = [{
id: '23f6cc59-0156-1000-09b4-2b0610089090',
name: 'Decompression_Circular_Flow',
displayName: 'Decompressed Circular flow',
type: 'flow',
sublabel: 'A sublabel',
compliant: {
id: '25fd6vv87-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
label: 'Compliant',
type: 'certification'
fleet: {
id: '23f6cc59-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
label: 'Fleet',
type: 'certification'
prod: {
id: '52fd6vv87-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
label: 'Production Ready',
type: 'certification'
secure: {
id: '32f6cc59-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
label: 'Secure',
type: 'certification'
versions: [{
id: '23f6cc59-0156-1000-06b4-2b0810089090',
revision: '1',
dependentFlows: [{
id: '25fd6vv87-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765'
created: date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1),
updated: new Date()
}, {
id: '25fd6vv87-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
revision: '2',
dependentFlows: [{
id: '23f6cc59-0156-1000-06b4-2b0810089090'
created: new Date(),
updated: new Date()
flows: [],
extensions: [],
assets: [],
actions: [{
'name': 'Delete',
'icon': 'fa fa-close',
'tooltip': 'Delete User'
}, {
'name': 'Manage',
'icon': 'fa fa-user',
'tooltip': 'Manage User'
}, {
'name': 'Action 3',
'icon': 'fa fa-question',
'tooltip': 'Whatever else we want to do...'
}, {
id: '25fd6vv87-3249-0001-05g6-4d4767890765',
name: 'DateConversion',
displayName: 'Date conversion',
type: 'asset',
sublabel: 'A sublabel',
compliant: {
id: '25fd6vv34-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
label: 'Compliant',
type: 'certification'
prod: {
id: '52vn6vv87-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
label: 'Production Ready',
type: 'certification'
versions: [{
id: '23f6ic59-0156-1000-06b4-2b0810089090',
revision: '1',
dependentFlows: [{
id: '23f6cc19-0156-1000-06b4-2b0810089090'
created: new Date(),
updated: new Date()
flows: [],
extensions: [],
assets: [],
actions: [{
'name': 'Delete',
'icon': 'fa fa-close',
'tooltip': 'Delete User'
}, {
id: '52fd6vv87-3294-0001-05g6-4d4767890765',
name: 'nifi-email-bundle',
displayName: 'nifi-email-bundle',
type: 'extension',
sublabel: 'A sublabel',
compliant: {
id: '33fd6vv87-3549-0001-05g6-4d4567890765',
label: 'Compliant',
test: {
label: 'test'
type: 'certification'
versions: [{
id: '23d3cc59-0156-1000-06b4-2b0810089090',
revision: '1',
dependentFlows: [{
id: '23f6cc89-0156-1000-06b4-2b0810089090'
created: new Date(),
updated: new Date()
flows: [],
extensions: [],
assets: [],
actions: [{
'name': 'Delete',
'icon': 'fa fa-close',
'tooltip': 'Delete User'
}, {
'name': 'Manage',
'icon': 'fa fa-user',
'tooltip': 'Manage User'
this.filteredDroplets = [];
this.dropletColumns = [
{name: 'id', label: 'ID', sortable: true},
{name: 'name', label: 'Name', sortable: true},
{name: 'displayName', label: 'Display Name', sortable: true},
{name: 'sublabel', label: 'Label', sortable: true},
{name: 'type', label: 'Type', sortable: true}
this.activeDropletColumn = this.dropletColumns[0];
this.autoCompleteDroplets = [];
this.dropletsSearchTerms = [];
//<editor-fold desc='Data Tables'> = [{
'id': 1,
'name': 'Frozen yogurt',
'type': 'Ice cream',
'calories': 159.0,
'fat': 6.0,
'carbs': 24.0,
'protein': 4.0,
'sodium': 87.0,
'calcium': 14.0,
'iron': 1.0,
'comments': 'I love froyo!',
'actions': [{
'name': 'Action 1',
'icon': 'fa fa-user',
'tooltip': 'Manage Users'
}, {
'name': 'Action 2',
'icon': 'fa fa-key',
'tooltip': 'Manage Permissions'
}, {
'id': 2,
'name': 'Ice cream sandwich',
'type': 'Ice cream',
'calories': 237.0,
'fat': 9.0,
'carbs': 37.0,
'protein': 4.3,
'sodium': 129.0,
'calcium': 8.0,
'iron': 1.0,
'actions': [{
'name': 'Action 1',
'icon': 'fa fa-user',
'tooltip': 'Manage Users'
}, {
'name': 'Action 2',
'icon': 'fa fa-key',
'tooltip': 'Manage Permissions'
}, {
'name': 'Action 3',
'tooltip': 'Action 3'
}, {
'name': 'Action 4',
'disabled': true,
'tooltip': 'Action 4'
}, {
'name': 'Action 5',
'tooltip': 'Action 5'
}, {
'id': 3,
'name': 'Eclair',
'type': 'Pastry',
'calories': 262.0,
'fat': 16.0,
'carbs': 24.0,
'protein': 6.0,
'sodium': 337.0,
'calcium': 6.0,
'iron': 7.0,
'actions': [{
'name': 'Action 1',
'icon': 'fa fa-user',
'tooltip': 'Manage Users'
}, {
'name': 'Action 2',
'icon': 'fa fa-key',
'tooltip': 'Manage Permissions'
}, {
'name': 'Action 3',
'tooltip': 'Action 3'
}, {
'name': 'Action 4',
'disabled': true,
'tooltip': 'Action 4'
}, {
'name': 'Action 5',
'tooltip': 'Action 5'
}, {
'id': 4,
'name': 'Cupcake',
'type': 'Pastry',
'calories': 305.0,
'fat': 3.7,
'carbs': 67.0,
'protein': 4.3,
'sodium': 413.0,
'calcium': 3.0,
'iron': 8.0,
'actions': [{
'name': 'Action 1',
'icon': 'fa fa-user',
'tooltip': 'Manage Users'
}, {
'name': 'Action 2',
'icon': 'fa fa-key',
'tooltip': 'Manage Permissions'
}, {
'name': 'Action 3',
'tooltip': 'Action 3'
}, {
'name': 'Action 4',
'disabled': true,
'tooltip': 'Action 4'
}, {
'name': 'Action 5',
'tooltip': 'Action 5'
}, {
'id': 5,
'name': 'Jelly bean',
'type': 'Candy',
'calories': 375.0,
'fat': 0.0,
'carbs': 94.0,
'protein': 0.0,
'sodium': 50.0,
'calcium': 0.0,
'iron': 0.0,
}, {
'id': 6,
'name': 'Lollipop',
'type': 'Candy',
'calories': 392.0,
'fat': 0.2,
'carbs': 98.0,
'protein': 0.0,
'sodium': 38.0,
'calcium': 0.0,
'iron': 2.0,
}, {
'id': 7,
'name': 'Honeycomb',
'type': 'Other',
'calories': 408.0,
'fat': 3.2,
'carbs': 87.0,
'protein': 6.5,
'sodium': 562.0,
'calcium': 0.0,
'iron': 45.0,
}, {
'id': 8,
'name': 'Donut',
'type': 'Pastry',
'calories': 452.0,
'fat': 25.0,
'carbs': 51.0,
'protein': 4.9,
'sodium': 326.0,
'calcium': 2.0,
'iron': 22.0,
}, {
'id': 9,
'name': 'KitKat',
'type': 'Candy',
'calories': 518.0,
'fat': 26.0,
'carbs': 65.0,
'protein': 7.0,
'sodium': 54.0,
'calcium': 12.0,
'iron': 6.0,
}, {
'id': 10,
'name': 'Chocolate',
'type': 'Candy',
'calories': 518.0,
'fat': 26.0,
'carbs': 65.0,
'protein': 7.0,
'sodium': 54.0,
'calcium': 12.0,
'iron': 6.0,
}, {
'id': 11,
'name': 'Chamoy',
'type': 'Candy',
'calories': 518.0,
'fat': 26.0,
'carbs': 65.0,
'protein': 7.0,
'sodium': 54.0,
'calcium': 12.0,
'iron': 6.0,
this.filteredData =;
this.filteredTotal =;
this.columns = [
{name: 'comments', label: 'Comments', width: 10},
{name: 'name', label: 'Dessert (100g serving)', sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'type', label: 'Type', sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'calories', label: 'Calories', numeric: true, format: NUMBER_FORMAT, sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'fat', label: 'Fat (g)', numeric: true, format: DECIMAL_FORMAT, sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'carbs', label: 'Carbs (g)', numeric: true, format: NUMBER_FORMAT, sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'protein', label: 'Protein (g)', numeric: true, format: DECIMAL_FORMAT, sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'sodium', label: 'Sodium (mg)', numeric: true, format: NUMBER_FORMAT, sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'calcium', label: 'Calcium (%)', numeric: true, format: NUMBER_FORMAT, sortable: true, width: 10},
{name: 'iron', label: 'Iron (%)', numeric: true, format: NUMBER_FORMAT, width: 10},
this.allRowsSelected = false;
this.autoCompleteData = [];
this.selectedRows = [];
this.searchTerm = [];
this.fromRow = 1;
this.currentPage = 1;
this.pageSize = 5;
this.pageCount = 0;
//<editor-fold desc='Chips $ Autocomplete'>
this.readOnly = false;
this.items = [
'need more?',
this.itemsRequireMatch = this.items.slice(0, 6);
//<editor-fold desc='Radios'>
this.favoriteSeason = 'Autumn';
this.seasonOptions = [
//<editor-fold desc='Select'>
this.selectedValue = '';
this.foods = [
{value: 'steak-0', viewValue: 'Steak'},
{value: 'pizza-1', viewValue: 'Pizza'},
{value: 'tacos-2', viewValue: 'Tacos'},
//<editor-fold desc='Checkbox'>
this.user = {
agreesToTOS: false
this.groceries = [{
bought: true,
name: 'Seitan',
}, {
bought: false,
name: 'Almond Meal Flour',
}, {
bought: false,
name: 'Organic Eggs',
//<editor-fold desc='Slide Toggle'> = [{
name: 'Lights',
on: false,
color: 'primary',
}, {
name: 'Surround Sound',
on: true,
color: 'accent',
}, {
name: 'T.V.',
on: true,
color: 'warn',
}]; = {
lockHouse: false,
FdsDemo.prototype = {
constructor: FdsDemo,
//<editor-fold desc='Autocomplete'>
displayFn: function (value) {
return value && typeof value === 'object' ? : value;
filterStates: function (val) {
return val ? this.states.filter(function (s) {
return RegExp(val, 'gi'));
}) : this.states;
//<editor-fold desc='Snack Bars'>
showSuccessSnackBar: function () {
title: 'Success',
message: 'Some help text regarding the successful event.',
verticalPosition: 'top',
horizontalPosition: 'right',
icon: 'fa fa-check-circle-o',
color: '#1EB475',
duration: 3000
showWarnSnackBar: function () {
title: 'Warning',
message: 'Some help text regarding the warning.',
verticalPosition: 'top',
horizontalPosition: 'left',
icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle',
color: '#E98A40',
duration: 3000
showErrorSnackBar: function () {
title: 'Error',
message: 'Some help text regarding the critical error. This coaster will stay open until closed with the `x` or if another coaster is created.',
verticalPosition: 'bottom',
horizontalPosition: 'right',
icon: 'fa fa-times-circle-o',
color: '#EF6162'
showRegularSnackBar: function () {
title: 'Regular',
message: 'Something interesting.',
verticalPosition: 'bottom',
horizontalPosition: 'left',
color: '#808793',
duration: 3000
//<editor-fold desc='Dialog'>
openDialog: function () {;
//<editor-fold desc='Expansion Panel'>
toggleExpansion1: function () {
if (!this.disabled) {
this.expansion1 = !this.expansion1;
toggleDisabled: function () {
this.disabled = !this.disabled;
expandExpansion1Event: function () {
this.expandCollapseExpansion1Msg = 'Expand event emitted.';
collapseExpansion1Event: function () {
this.expandCollapseExpansion1Msg = 'Collapse event emitted.';
//<editor-fold desc='Simple Dialogs'>
openAlert: function () {
title: 'Alert',
disableClose: true,
message: 'This is how simple it is to create an alert with this wrapper service.',
openConfirm: function () {
title: 'Confirm',
message: 'This is how simple it is to create a confirm with this wrapper service. Do you agree?',
cancelButton: 'Disagree',
acceptButton: 'Agree',
openPrompt: function () {
title: 'Prompt',
message: 'This is how simple it is to create a prompt with this wrapper service. Prompt something.',
value: 'Populated value',
cancelButton: 'Cancel',
acceptButton: 'Ok',
//<editor-fold desc='Searchable Expansion Panels'>
isDropletFilterChecked: function (term) {
return (this.dropletsSearchTerms.indexOf(term) > -1);
getDropletTypeCount: function (type) {
return this.filteredDroplets.filter(function (droplet) {
return droplet.type === type;
getDropletCertificationCount: function (certification) {
return this.filteredDroplets.filter(function (droplet) {
return Object.keys(droplet).find(function (key) {
if (key === certification && droplet[certification].type === 'certification') {
return droplet;
return null;
getSortBy: function () {
let sortByColumnLabel;
const arrayLength = this.dropletColumns.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (this.dropletColumns[i].active === true) {
sortByColumnLabel = this.dropletColumns[i].label;
return sortByColumnLabel;
sortDroplets: function (column) {
if (column.sortable === true) {
// toggle column sort order
column.sortOrder = (column.sortOrder === 'ASC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
const sortOrder = column.sortOrder;
this.filterDroplets(, sortOrder);
//only one column can be actively sorted so we reset all to inactive
this.dropletColumns.forEach(function (c) { = false;
//and set this column as the actively sorted column = true;
this.activeDropletColumn = column;
toggleDropletsFilter: function (searchTerm) {
let applySearchTerm = true;
// check if the search term is already applied and remove it if true
if (this.dropletsSearchTerms.length > 0) {
const arrayLength = this.dropletsSearchTerms.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
const index = this.dropletsSearchTerms.indexOf(searchTerm);
if (index > -1) {
this.dropletsSearchTerms.splice(index, 1);
applySearchTerm = false;
// if we just removed the search term do NOT apply it again
if (applySearchTerm) {
this.filterDroplets(, this.activeDropletColumn.sortOrder);
filterDroplets: function (sortBy, sortOrder) {
// if `sortOrder` is `undefined` then use 'ASC'
if (sortOrder === undefined) {
sortOrder = 'ASC';
// if `sortBy` is `undefined` then find the first sortable column in this.dropletColumns
if (sortBy === undefined) {
const arrayLength = this.dropletColumns.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (this.dropletColumns[i].sortable === true) {
sortBy = this.dropletColumns[i].name;
this.activeDropletColumn = this.dropletColumns[i];
//only one column can be actively sorted so we reset all to inactive
this.dropletColumns.forEach(function (c) { = false;
//and set this column as the actively sorted column
this.dropletColumns[i].active = true;
this.dropletColumns[i].sortOrder = sortOrder;
let newData = this.droplets;
for (let i = 0; i < this.dropletsSearchTerms.length; i++) {
newData = this.filterData(newData, this.dropletsSearchTerms[i], true,;
newData = this.dataTableService.sortData(newData, sortBy, sortOrder);
this.filteredDroplets = newData;
getAutoCompleteDroplets: function () {
const self = this;
this.autoCompleteDroplets = [];
this.dropletColumns.forEach(function (c) {
self.filteredDroplets.forEach(function (r) {
return (r[]) ? self.autoCompleteDroplets.push(r[].toString()) : '';
filterData: function (data, searchTerm, ignoreCase) {
let field = '';
if (searchTerm.indexOf(':') > -1) {
field = searchTerm.split(':')[0].trim();
searchTerm = searchTerm.split(':')[1].trim();
const filter = searchTerm ? (ignoreCase ? searchTerm.toLowerCase() : searchTerm) : '';
if (filter) {
data = data.filter(function (item) {
const res = Object.keys(item).find(function (key) {
if (field.indexOf('.') > -1) {
const objArray = field.split('.');
let obj = item;
const arrayLength = objArray.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
try {
obj = obj[objArray[i]];
} catch (e) {
return false;
const preItemValue = ('' + obj);
const itemValue = ignoreCase ? preItemValue.toLowerCase() : preItemValue;
return itemValue.indexOf(filter) > -1;
if (key !== field && field !== '') {
return false;
const preItemValue = ('' + item[key]);
const itemValue = ignoreCase ? preItemValue.toLowerCase() : preItemValue;
return itemValue.indexOf(filter) > -1;
return !(typeof res === 'undefined');
return data;
//<editor-fold desc='Data Tables'>
sort: function (sortEvent, column) {
if (column.sortable) {
const sortBy =;
column.sortOrder = (column.sortOrder === 'ASC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
const sortOrder = column.sortOrder;
this.filter(sortBy, sortOrder);
//only one column can be actively sorted so we reset all to inactive
this.columns.forEach(function (c) { = false;
//and set this column as the actively sorted column = true;
searchRemove: function (searchTerm) {
//only remove the first occurrence of the search term
const index = this.searchTerm.indexOf(searchTerm);
if (index !== -1) {
this.searchTerm.splice(index, 1);
this.fromRow = 1;
this.currentPage = 1;
searchAdd: function (searchTerm) {
this.fromRow = 1;
this.currentPage = 1;
page: function (pagingEvent) {
this.fromRow = pagingEvent.fromRow;
this.currentPage =;
this.pageSize = pagingEvent.pageSize;
this.allRowsSelected = false;
filter: function (sortBy, sortOrder) {
if (this.allRowsSelected) {
let newData =;
for (let i = 0; i < this.searchTerm.length; i++) {
newData = this.filterData(newData, this.searchTerm[i], true);
this.filteredTotal = newData.length;
newData = this.dataTableService.sortData(newData, sortBy, sortOrder);
this.pageCount = newData.length;
newData = this.dataTableService.pageData(newData, this.fromRow, this.currentPage * this.pageSize);
this.filteredData = newData;
toggleSelect: function (row) {
if (this.allFilteredRowsSelected()) {
this.allRowsSelected = true;
} else {
this.allRowsSelected = false;
toggleSelectAll: function () {
if (this.allRowsSelected) {
} else {
selectAll: function () {
this.filteredData.forEach(function (c) {
c.checked = true;
deselectAll: function () {
this.filteredData.forEach(function (c) {
c.checked = false;
allFilteredRowsSelected: function () {
let allFilteredRowsSelected = true;
this.filteredData.forEach(function (c) {
if (c.checked === undefined || c.checked === false) {
allFilteredRowsSelected = false;
return allFilteredRowsSelected;
areTooltipsOn: function () {
return this.columns[0].hasOwnProperty('tooltip');
toggleTooltips: function () {
if (this.columns[0].tooltip) {
this.columns.forEach(function (c) {
delete c.tooltip;
} else {
this.columns.forEach(function (c) {
c.tooltip = 'This is ' + c.label + '!';
openDataTablePrompt: function (row, name) {
message: 'Enter comment?',
value: row[name],
}).afterClosed().subscribe(function (value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
row[name] = value;
getAutoCompleteData: function () {
const self = this;
this.autoCompleteData = [];
this.columns.forEach(function (c) {
self.filteredData.forEach(function (r) {
return (r[]) ? self.autoCompleteData.push(r[].toString()) : '';
//<editor-fold desc='Chips $ Autocomplete'>
toggleReadOnly: function () {
this.readOnly = !this.readOnly;
//<editor-fold desc='Life Cycle Listeners'>
* Initialize the component
ngOnInit: function () {
* Respond after Angular checks the component's views and child views
ngAfterViewChecked: function () {
this.fdsService.inProgress = false;
FdsDemo.annotations = [
new Component({
templateUrl: './fds-demo.html',
animations: [FdsAnimations.slideInLeftAnimation],
host: {
'[@routeAnimation]': 'routeAnimation'
FdsDemo.parameters = [
export default FdsDemo;