blob: c2c1256bee4533d567f39b6d37a9af201af46d36 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
const declarationValueIndex = require("../../utils/declarationValueIndex");
const isStandardSyntaxDeclaration = require("../../utils/isStandardSyntaxDeclaration");
const report = require("../../utils/report");
const ruleMessages = require("../../utils/ruleMessages");
const validateOptions = require("../../utils/validateOptions");
const whitespaceChecker = require("../../utils/whitespaceChecker");
const ruleName = "declaration-colon-newline-after";
const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, {
expectedAfter: () => 'Expected newline after ":"',
expectedAfterMultiLine: () =>
'Expected newline after ":" with a multi-line declaration'
const rule = function(expectation, options, context) {
const checker = whitespaceChecker("newline", expectation, messages);
return (root, result) => {
const validOptions = validateOptions(result, ruleName, {
actual: expectation,
possible: ["always", "always-multi-line"]
if (!validOptions) {
root.walkDecls(decl => {
if (!isStandardSyntaxDeclaration(decl)) {
// Get the raw prop, and only the prop
const endOfPropIndex =
declarationValueIndex(decl) + (decl.raws.between || "").length - 1;
// The extra characters tacked onto the end ensure that there is a character to check
// after the colon. Otherwise, with `background:pink` the character after the
const propPlusColon = decl.toString().slice(0, endOfPropIndex) + "xxx";
for (let i = 0, l = propPlusColon.length; i < l; i++) {
if (propPlusColon[i] !== ":") {
const indexToCheck = /^[^\S\r\n]*\/\*/.test(propPlusColon.slice(i + 1))
? propPlusColon.indexOf("*/", i) + 1
: i;
source: propPlusColon,
index: indexToCheck,
lineCheckStr: decl.value,
err: m => {
if (context.fix) {
const between = decl.raws.between;
const betweenStart = declarationValueIndex(decl) - between.length;
const sliceIndex = indexToCheck - betweenStart + 1;
const betweenBefore = between.slice(0, sliceIndex);
const betweenAfter = between.slice(sliceIndex);
if (/^\s*\r?\n/.test(betweenAfter)) {
decl.raws.between =
betweenBefore + betweenAfter.replace(/^[^\S\r\n]*/, "");
} else {
decl.raws.between =
betweenBefore + context.newline + betweenAfter;
message: m,
node: decl,
index: indexToCheck,
rule.ruleName = ruleName;
rule.messages = messages;
module.exports = rule;