blob: a3de26972d5f141e67a9a1435ac091a9561c2fb6 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
var entityPrefixLength = require('./entity-prefix-length')
module.exports = copy
var ampersand = '&'
var punctuationExppresion = /[-!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\]^`{|}~_]/
// For shortcut and collapsed reference links, the contents is also an
// identifier, so we need to restore the original encoding and escaping
// that were present in the source string.
// This function takes the unescaped & unencoded value from shortcut’s
// child nodes and the identifier and encodes the former according to
// the latter.
function copy(value, identifier) {
var length = value.length
var count = identifier.length
var result = []
var position = 0
var index = 0
var start
while (index < length) {
// Take next non-punctuation characters from `value`.
start = index
while (index < length && !punctuationExppresion.test(value.charAt(index))) {
index += 1
result.push(value.slice(start, index))
// Advance `position` to the next punctuation character.
while (
position < count &&
) {
position += 1
// Take next punctuation characters from `identifier`.
start = position
while (
position < count &&
) {
if (identifier.charAt(position) === ampersand) {
position += entityPrefixLength(identifier.slice(position))
position += 1
result.push(identifier.slice(start, position))
// Advance `index` to the next non-punctuation character.
while (index < length && punctuationExppresion.test(value.charAt(index))) {
index += 1
return result.join('')