blob: 06b6a781dfd61f6455f62b93f68a17be487fd708 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
var trim = require('trim')
var repeat = require('repeat-string')
var getIndent = require('./get-indentation')
module.exports = indentation
var tab = '\t'
var lineFeed = '\n'
var space = ' '
var exclamationMark = '!'
// Remove the minimum indent from every line in `value`. Supports both tab,
// spaced, and mixed indentation (as well as possible).
function indentation(value, maximum) {
var values = value.split(lineFeed)
var position = values.length + 1
var minIndent = Infinity
var matrix = []
var index
var indentation
var stops
var padding
values.unshift(repeat(space, maximum) + exclamationMark)
while (position--) {
indentation = getIndent(values[position])
matrix[position] = indentation.stops
if (trim(values[position]).length === 0) {
if (indentation.indent) {
if (indentation.indent > 0 && indentation.indent < minIndent) {
minIndent = indentation.indent
} else {
minIndent = Infinity
if (minIndent !== Infinity) {
position = values.length
while (position--) {
stops = matrix[position]
index = minIndent
while (index && !(index in stops)) {
if (
trim(values[position]).length !== 0 &&
minIndent &&
index !== minIndent
) {
padding = tab
} else {
padding = ''
values[position] =
padding + values[position].slice(index in stops ? stops[index] + 1 : 0)
return values.join(lineFeed)