Enforces that types will not to be used (ban-types)

Bans specific types from being used. Does not ban the corresponding runtime objects from being used.

Rule Details

Examples of incorrect code for this rule "String": "Use string instead"

class Foo<F = String> extends Bar<String> implements Baz<String> {
  constructor(foo: String) {}

  exit(): Array<String> {
    const foo: String = 1 as String;

Examples of correct code for this rule "String": "Use string instead"

class Foo<F = string> extends Bar<string> implements Baz<string> {
  constructor(foo: string) {}

  exit(): Array<string> {
    const foo: string = 1 as string;


    "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": ["error", {
        "types": {
            // report usages of the type using the default error message
            "Foo": null,

            // add a custom message to help explain why not to use it
            "Bar": "Don't use bar!",

            // add a custom message, AND tell the plugin how to fix it
            "String": {
                "message": "Use string instead",
                "fixWith": "string"


  "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": [
      "types": {
        "Array": null,
        "Object": "Use {} instead",
        "String": {
          "message": "Use string instead",
          "fixWith": "string"
