blob: 7e2a8f69eeeb39f5619d5c522f7bea7d3c6b87f1 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const schematics_1 = require("@angular/cdk/schematics");
* List of class names for which the constructor signature has been changed. The new constructor
* signature types don't need to be stored here because the signature will be determined
* automatically through type checking.
exports.constructorChecks = {
[schematics_1.TargetVersion.V8]: [
pr: '',
changes: ['MatFormField', 'MatTabLink', 'MatVerticalStepper']
{ pr: '', changes: ['MatBadge'] },
{ pr: '', changes: ['MatButton', 'MatAnchor'] },
pr: '',
changes: ['MatSpinner', 'MatProgressSpinner']
{ pr: '', changes: ['MatList', 'MatListItem'] },
{ pr: '', changes: ['MatExpansionPanel'] }, {
pr: '',
changes: ['MatTabHeader', 'MatTabBody']
{ pr: '', changes: ['MatSlideToggle'] },
{ pr: '', changes: ['MatDrawerContainer'] }
[schematics_1.TargetVersion.V7]: [
pr: '',
changes: ['MatDrawerContent'],
{ pr: '', changes: ['MatSidenavContent'] }
[schematics_1.TargetVersion.V6]: [
pr: '',
changes: ['NativeDateAdapter'],
pr: '',
changes: ['MatAutocomplete'],
pr: '',
changes: ['MatTooltip'],
pr: '',
changes: ['MatIconRegistry'],
pr: '',
changes: ['MatCalendar'],