blob: 48ca69ce395bdfd8775cfba5270c51b523fee245 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
const schematics_1 = require("@angular-devkit/schematics");
const schematics_2 = require("@angular/cdk/schematics");
const change_1 = require("@schematics/angular/utility/change");
const config_1 = require("@schematics/angular/utility/config");
const chalk_1 = require("chalk");
const path_1 = require("path");
const create_custom_theme_1 = require("./create-custom-theme");
/** Path segment that can be found in paths that refer to a prebuilt theme. */
const prebuiltThemePathSegment = '@angular/material/prebuilt-themes';
/** Default file name of the custom theme that can be generated. */
const defaultCustomThemeFilename = 'custom-theme.scss';
/** Object that maps a CLI target to its default builder name. */
const defaultTargetBuilders = {
build: '@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser',
test: '@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma',
/** Add pre-built styles to the main project style file. */
function addThemeToAppStyles(options) {
return function (host) {
const workspace = config_1.getWorkspace(host);
const project = schematics_2.getProjectFromWorkspace(workspace, options.project);
const themeName = options.theme || 'indigo-pink';
if (themeName === 'custom') {
insertCustomTheme(project, options.project, host, workspace);
else {
insertPrebuiltTheme(project, host, themeName, workspace);
return host;
exports.addThemeToAppStyles = addThemeToAppStyles;
* Insert a custom theme to project style file. If no valid style file could be found, a new
* Scss file for the custom theme will be created.
function insertCustomTheme(project, projectName, host, workspace) {
const stylesPath = schematics_2.getProjectStyleFile(project, 'scss');
const themeContent = create_custom_theme_1.createCustomTheme(projectName);
if (!stylesPath) {
if (!project.sourceRoot) {
throw new schematics_1.SchematicsException(`Could not find source root for project: "${projectName}". ` +
`Please make sure that the "sourceRoot" property is set in the workspace config.`);
// Normalize the path through the devkit utilities because we want to avoid having
// unnecessary path segments and windows backslash delimiters.
const customThemePath = core_1.normalize(path_1.join(project.sourceRoot, defaultCustomThemeFilename));
if (host.exists(customThemePath)) {
console.warn(chalk_1.yellow(`Cannot create a custom Angular Material theme because
${chalk_1.bold(customThemePath)} already exists. Skipping custom theme generation.`));
host.create(customThemePath, themeContent);
addThemeStyleToTarget(project, 'build', host, customThemePath, workspace);
const insertion = new change_1.InsertChange(stylesPath, 0, themeContent);
const recorder = host.beginUpdate(stylesPath);
recorder.insertLeft(insertion.pos, insertion.toAdd);
/** Insert a pre-built theme into the angular.json file. */
function insertPrebuiltTheme(project, host, theme, workspace) {
// Path needs to be always relative to the `package.json` or workspace root.
const themePath = `./node_modules/@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/${theme}.css`;
addThemeStyleToTarget(project, 'build', host, themePath, workspace);
addThemeStyleToTarget(project, 'test', host, themePath, workspace);
/** Adds a theming style entry to the given project target options. */
function addThemeStyleToTarget(project, targetName, host, assetPath, workspace) {
// Do not update the builder options in case the target does not use the default CLI builder.
if (!validateDefaultTargetBuilder(project, targetName)) {
const targetOptions = schematics_2.getProjectTargetOptions(project, targetName);
if (!targetOptions.styles) {
targetOptions.styles = [assetPath];
else {
const existingStyles = => typeof s === 'string' ? s : s.input);
for (let [index, stylePath] of existingStyles.entries()) {
// If the given asset is already specified in the styles, we don't need to do anything.
if (stylePath === assetPath) {
// In case a prebuilt theme is already set up, we can safely replace the theme with the new
// theme file. If a custom theme is set up, we are not able to safely replace the custom
// theme because these files can contain custom styles, while prebuilt themes are
// always packaged and considered replaceable.
if (stylePath.includes(defaultCustomThemeFilename)) {
console.warn(`Could not add the selected theme to the CLI project configuration ` +
`because there is already a custom theme file referenced.`));
console.warn(`Please manually add the following style file to your configuration:`));
console.warn(chalk_1.yellow(` ${chalk_1.bold(assetPath)}`));
else if (stylePath.includes(prebuiltThemePathSegment)) {
targetOptions.styles.splice(index, 1);
host.overwrite('angular.json', JSON.stringify(workspace, null, 2));
* Validates that the specified project target is configured with the default builders which are
* provided by the Angular CLI. If the configured builder does not match the default builder,
* this function can either throw or just show a warning.
function validateDefaultTargetBuilder(project, targetName) {
const defaultBuilder = defaultTargetBuilders[targetName];
const targetConfig = project.architect && project.architect[targetName] ||
project.targets && project.targets[targetName];
const isDefaultBuilder = targetConfig && targetConfig['builder'] === defaultBuilder;
// Because the build setup for the Angular CLI can be customized by developers, we can't know
// where to put the theme file in the workspace configuration if custom builders are being
// used. In case the builder has been changed for the "build" target, we throw an error and
// exit because setting up a theme is a primary goal of `ng-add`. Otherwise if just the "test"
// builder has been changed, we warn because a theme is not mandatory for running tests
// with Material. See:
if (!isDefaultBuilder && targetName === 'build') {
throw new schematics_1.SchematicsException(`Your project is not using the default builders for ` +
`"${targetName}". The Angular Material schematics cannot add a theme to the workspace ` +
`configuration if the builder has been changed.`);
else if (!isDefaultBuilder) {
console.warn(`Your project is not using the default builders for "${targetName}". This ` +
`means that we cannot add the configured theme to the "${targetName}" target.`);
return isDefaultBuilder;