blob: ee0729a59211813dd45ae0cd03f926ff5cfe7fb8 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
const glob_1 = require("glob");
const path_1 = require("path");
const ts = require("typescript");
const component_resource_collector_1 = require("./component-resource-collector");
const parse_tsconfig_1 = require("./utils/parse-tsconfig");
function runMigrationRules(tree, logger, tsconfigPath, targetVersion, ruleTypes, upgradeData, analyzedFiles) {
// The CLI uses the working directory as the base directory for the
// virtual file system tree.
const basePath = process.cwd();
const parsed = parse_tsconfig_1.parseTsconfigFile(tsconfigPath, path_1.dirname(tsconfigPath));
const host = ts.createCompilerHost(parsed.options, true);
// We need to overwrite the host "readFile" method, as we want the TypeScript
// program to be based on the file contents in the virtual file tree.
host.readFile = fileName => {
const buffer =;
// Strip BOM as otherwise TSC methods (e.g. "getWidth") will return an offset which
// which breaks the CLI UpdateRecorder.
return buffer ? buffer.toString().replace(/^\uFEFF/, '') : undefined;
const program = ts.createProgram(parsed.fileNames, parsed.options, host);
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
const rules = [];
// Create instances of all specified migration rules.
for (const ruleCtor of ruleTypes) {
const rule = new ruleCtor(program, typeChecker, targetVersion, upgradeData);
rule.getUpdateRecorder = getUpdateRecorder;
if (rule.ruleEnabled) {
const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles().filter(f => !f.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(f));
const resourceCollector = new component_resource_collector_1.ComponentResourceCollector(typeChecker);
const updateRecorderCache = new Map();
sourceFiles.forEach(sourceFile => {
const relativePath = getProjectRelativePath(sourceFile.fileName);
// Do not visit source files which have been checked as part of a
// previously migrated TypeScript project.
if (!analyzedFiles.has(relativePath)) {
resourceCollector.resolvedTemplates.forEach(template => {
const relativePath = getProjectRelativePath(template.filePath);
// Do not visit the template if it has been checked before. Inline
// templates cannot be referenced multiple times.
if (template.inline || !analyzedFiles.has(relativePath)) {
rules.forEach(r => r.visitTemplate(template));
resourceCollector.resolvedStylesheets.forEach(stylesheet => {
const relativePath = getProjectRelativePath(stylesheet.filePath);
// Do not visit the stylesheet if it has been checked before. Inline
// stylesheets cannot be referenced multiple times.
if (stylesheet.inline || !analyzedFiles.has(relativePath)) {
rules.forEach(r => r.visitStylesheet(stylesheet));
// In some applications, developers will have global stylesheets which are not specified in any
// Angular component. Therefore we glob up all CSS and SCSS files outside of node_modules and
// dist. The files will be read by the individual stylesheet rules and checked.
// TODO(devversion): double-check if we can solve this in a more elegant way.
glob_1.sync('!(node_modules|dist)/**/*.+(css|scss)', { absolute: true, cwd: basePath })
.filter(filePath => !resourceCollector.resolvedStylesheets.some(s => s.filePath === filePath))
.forEach(filePath => {
const stylesheet = resourceCollector.resolveExternalStylesheet(filePath, null);
rules.forEach(r => r.visitStylesheet(stylesheet));
// Commit all recorded updates in the update recorder. We need to perform the
// replacements per source file in order to ensure that offsets in the TypeScript
// program are not incorrectly shifted.
updateRecorderCache.forEach(recorder => tree.commitUpdate(recorder));
// Collect all failures reported by individual migration rules.
const ruleFailures = rules.reduce((res, rule) => res.concat(rule.failures), []);
// In case there are rule failures, print these to the CLI logger as warnings.
if (ruleFailures.length) {
ruleFailures.forEach(({ filePath, message, position }) => {
const normalizedFilePath = core_1.normalize(path_1.relative(basePath, filePath));
const lineAndCharacter = `${position.line + 1}:${position.character + 1}`;
logger.warn(`${normalizedFilePath}@${lineAndCharacter} - ${message}`);
return !!ruleFailures.length;
function getUpdateRecorder(filePath) {
const treeFilePath = path_1.relative(basePath, filePath);
if (updateRecorderCache.has(treeFilePath)) {
return updateRecorderCache.get(treeFilePath);
const treeRecorder = tree.beginUpdate(treeFilePath);
updateRecorderCache.set(treeFilePath, treeRecorder);
return treeRecorder;
function _visitTypeScriptNode(node) {
rules.forEach(r => r.visitNode(node));
ts.forEachChild(node, _visitTypeScriptNode);
/** Gets the specified path relative to the project root. */
function getProjectRelativePath(filePath) {
return path_1.relative(basePath, filePath);
exports.runMigrationRules = runMigrationRules;