blob: 1d09141bf59c02c16a2cbe4fb82f5e0f38ab4b46 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
* Request
* Copyright(c) 2014 Francois-Guillaume Ribreau <>
* MIT Licensed
var extend = require('extend');
var when = require('when');
var request = require('request');
var RetryStrategies = require('./strategies');
var _ = require('lodash');
var DEFAULTS = {
maxAttempts: 5, // try 5 times
retryDelay: 5000, // wait for 5s before trying again
fullResponse: true, // resolve promise with the full response object
promiseFactory: defaultPromiseFactory // Function to use a different promise implementation library
// Default promise factory which use bluebird
function defaultPromiseFactory(resolver) {
return when.promise(resolver);
* It calls the promiseFactory function passing it the resolver for the promise
* @param {Object} requestInstance - The Request Retry instance
* @param {Function} promiseFactoryFn - The Request Retry instance
* @return {Object} - The promise instance
function makePromise(requestInstance, promiseFactoryFn) {
// Resolver function wich assigns the promise (resolve, reject) functions
// to the requestInstance
function Resolver(resolve, reject) {
this._resolve = resolve;
this._reject = reject;
return promiseFactoryFn(Resolver.bind(requestInstance));
function Request(url, options, f, retryConfig) {
// ('url')
// ('url', f)
f = options;
options = {};
// ('url', {object})
options.url = url;
f = options;
options = url;
this.maxAttempts = retryConfig.maxAttempts;
this.retryDelay = retryConfig.retryDelay;
this.fullResponse = retryConfig.fullResponse;
this.attempts = 0;
* Option object
* @type {Object}
this.options = options;
* Return true if the request should be retried
* @type {Function} (err, response) -> Boolean
this.retryStrategy = _.isFunction(options.retryStrategy) ? options.retryStrategy : RetryStrategies.HTTPOrNetworkError;
* Return a number representing how long request-retry should wait before trying again the request
* @type {Boolean} (err, response, body) -> Number
this.delayStrategy = _.isFunction(options.delayStrategy) ? options.delayStrategy : function() { return this.retryDelay; };
this._timeout = null;
this._req = null;
this._callback = _.isFunction(f) ? _.once(f) : null;
// create the promise only when no callback was provided
if (!this._callback) {
this._promise = makePromise(this, retryConfig.promiseFactory);
this.reply = function requestRetryReply(err, response, body) {
if (this._callback) {
return this._callback(err, response, body);
if (err) {
return this._reject(err);
// resolve with the full response or just the body
response = this.fullResponse ? response : body;
Request.request = request;
Request.prototype._tryUntilFail = function () {
this._req = Request.request(this.options, function (err, response, body) {
if (response) {
response.attempts = this.attempts;
if (err) {
err.attempts = this.attempts;
if (this.retryStrategy(err, response, body) && this.maxAttempts > 0) {
this._timeout = setTimeout(this._tryUntilFail.bind(this),, err, response, body));
this.reply(err, response, body);
Request.prototype.abort = function () {
if (this._req) {
this.reply(new Error('Aborted'));
// expose request methods from RequestRetry
['end', 'on', 'emit', 'once', 'setMaxListeners', 'start', 'removeListener', 'pipe', 'write', 'auth'].forEach(function (requestMethod) {
Request.prototype[requestMethod] = function exposedRequestMethod () {
return this._req[requestMethod].apply(this._req, arguments);
// expose promise methods
['then', 'catch', 'finally', 'fail', 'done'].forEach(function (promiseMethod) {
Request.prototype[promiseMethod] = function exposedPromiseMethod () {
if (this._callback) {
throw new Error('A callback was provided but waiting a promise, use only one pattern');
return this._promise[promiseMethod].apply(this._promise, arguments);
function Factory(url, options, f) {
var retryConfig = _.chain(_.isObject(url) ? url : options || {}).defaults(DEFAULTS).pick(Object.keys(DEFAULTS)).value();
var req = new Request(url, options, f, retryConfig);
return req;
// adds a helper for HTTP method `verb` to object `obj`
function makeHelper(obj, verb) {
obj[verb] = function helper(url, options, f) {
// ('url')
// ('url', f)
f = options;
options = {};
// ('url', {object})
options.url = url;
f = options;
options = url;
options.method = verb.toUpperCase();
return obj(options, f);
function defaults(defaultOptions, defaultF) {
var factory = function (options, f) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = { uri: options };
return Factory.apply(null, [ extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, options), f || defaultF ]);
factory.defaults = function (newDefaultOptions, newDefaultF) {
return defaults.apply(null, [ extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, newDefaultOptions), newDefaultF || defaultF ]);
factory.Request = Request;
factory.RetryStrategies = RetryStrategies;
['get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'].forEach(function (verb) {
makeHelper(factory, verb);
factory.del = factory['delete'];
['jar', 'cookie'].forEach(function (method) {
factory[method] = factory.Request.request[method];
return factory;
module.exports = Factory;
Factory.defaults = defaults;
Factory.Request = Request;
Factory.RetryStrategies = RetryStrategies;
// define .get/.post/... helpers
['get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'].forEach(function (verb) {
makeHelper(Factory, verb);
Factory.del = Factory['delete'];
['jar', 'cookie'].forEach(function (method) {
Factory[method] = Factory.Request.request[method];