blob: 3b5c08ed1735cc7691f151f04bc5ee3909b30732 [file] [log] [blame]
var pathProxy = require('../index'),
context = describe;
function Base() {}
function createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith(proxyObject, pathSegments, params, path) {
it('creates a proxy object constructor with path segments ' + pathSegments.join(', '), function() {
it('creates a proxy object constructor with params ' + params.join(', '), function() {
it('creates a proxy object constructor with path ' + path, function() {
describe('#pathProxy', function() {
context('when the path is a single segment', function() {
var base = new Base();
pathProxy.pathProxy(Base, '/foo');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith(, ['foo'], [], '/foo');
context('when the path is a segment with a parameter', function() {
var base = new Base();
pathProxy.pathProxy(Base, '/foo/{bar}');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith('bar'), ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar'], '/foo/bar');
context('when the path is two segments', function() {
var base = new Base();
pathProxy.pathProxy(Base, '/foo/bar');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith(, ['foo'], [], '/foo');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith(, ['foo', 'bar'], [], '/foo/bar');
context('when the path is a segment with a parameter followed by a segment', function() {
var base = new Base();
pathProxy.pathProxy(Base, '/foo/{bar}/baz');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith('bar'), ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar'], '/foo/bar');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith('bar').baz(), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ['bar'], '/foo/bar/baz');
context('when the path is a segment followed by a segment with a parameter', function() {
var base = new Base();
pathProxy.pathProxy(Base, '/foo/baz/{qux}');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith(, ['foo'], [], '/foo');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith('qux'), ['foo', 'baz', 'qux'], ['qux'], '/foo/baz/qux');
context('when the path is a segment with a parameter followed by a segment with a parameter', function() {
var base = new Base();
pathProxy.pathProxy(Base, '/foo/{bar}/baz/{qux}');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith('bar'), ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar'], '/foo/bar');
createsAProxyObjectConstructorWith('bar').baz('qux'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'], ['bar', 'qux'], '/foo/bar/baz/qux');