blob: 81b4838b8028658e586daedde9609d0ead9a4ff2 [file] [log] [blame]
* client.js: Core client functions for accessing Loggly
* (C) 2010 Charlie Robbins
var events = require('events'),
util = require('util'),
qs = require('querystring'),
common = require('./common'),
loggly = require('../loggly'),
Search = require('./search').Search,
stringifySafe = require('json-stringify-safe');
function stringify(msg) {
var payload;
try { payload = JSON.stringify(msg) }
catch (ex) { payload = stringifySafe(msg, null, null, noop) }
return payload;
// function createClient (options)
// Creates a new instance of a Loggly client.
exports.createClient = function (options) {
return new Loggly(options);
// ### function Loggly (options)
// #### @options {Object} Options for this Loggly client
// #### @subdomain
// #### @token
// #### @json
// #### @auth
// #### @tags
// Constructor for the Loggly object
var Loggly = exports.Loggly = function (options) {
if (!options || !options.subdomain || !options.token) {
throw new Error('options.subdomain and options.token are required.');
this.subdomain = options.subdomain;
this.token = options.token; = || '';
this.json = options.json || null;
this.auth = options.auth || null;
this.proxy = options.proxy || null;
this.userAgent = 'node-loggly ' + loggly.version;
this.useTagHeader = 'useTagHeader' in options ? options.useTagHeader : true;
// Set the tags on this instance.
this.tags = options.tags
? this.tagFilter(options.tags)
: null;
var url = 'https://' +,
api = options.api || 'apiv2';
this.urls = {
default: url,
log: [url, 'inputs', this.token].join('/'),
bulk: [url, 'bulk', this.token].join('/'),
api: 'https://' + [this.subdomain, 'loggly', 'com'].join('.') + '/' + api
// Inherit from events.EventEmitter
util.inherits(Loggly, events.EventEmitter);
// ### function log (msg, tags, callback)
// #### @msg {string|Object} Data to log
// #### @tags {Array} **Optional** Tags to send with this msg
// #### @callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.
// Logs the message to the token associated with this instance. If
// the message is an Object we will attempt to serialize it. If any
// `tags` are supplied they will be passed via the `X-LOGGLY-TAG` header.
// -
Loggly.prototype.log = function (msg, tags, callback) {
if (!callback && typeof tags === 'function') {
callback = tags;
tags = null;
var self = this,
// Remark: Have some extra logic for detecting if we want to make a bulk
// request to loggly
var isBulk = Array.isArray(msg);
function serialize(msg) {
if (msg instanceof Object) {
return self.json ? stringify(msg) : common.serialize(msg);
else {
return self.json ? stringify({ message: msg }) : msg;
msg = isBulk ?'\n') : serialize(msg);
logOptions = {
uri: isBulk ? this.urls.bulk : this.urls.log,
method: 'POST',
body: msg,
proxy: this.proxy,
headers: {
accept: '*/*',
'user-agent': this.userAgent,
'content-type': this.json ? 'application/json' : 'text/plain',
'content-length': Buffer.byteLength(msg)
// Remark: if tags are passed in run the filter on them and concat
// with any tags that were passed or just use default tags if they exist
tags = tags
? (this.tags ? this.tags.concat(this.tagFilter(tags)) : this.tagFilter(tags))
: this.tags;
// Optionally send `X-LOGGLY-TAG` if we have them
if (tags) {
// Decide whether to add tags as http headers or add them to the URI.
if (this.useTagHeader) {
logOptions.headers['X-LOGGLY-TAG'] = tags.join(',');
else {
logOptions.uri += '/tag/' + tags.join(',') + '/';
common.loggly(logOptions, callback, function (res, body) {
try {
var result = JSON.parse(body);
self.emit('log', result);
if (callback) {
callback(null, result);
catch (ex) {
if (callback) {
callback(new Error('Unspecified error from Loggly: ' + ex));
return this;
// ### function tag (tags)
// #### @tags {Array} Tags to use for `X-LOGGLY-TAG`
// Sets the tags on this instance
Loggly.prototype.tagFilter = function (tags) {
var isSolid = /^[\w\d][\w\d-_.]+/;
tags = !Array.isArray(tags)
? [tags]
: tags;
// TODO: Filter against valid tag names with some Regex
// Remark: Docs make me think we dont need this but whatevs
return tags.filter(function (tag) {
// Remark: length may need to use Buffer.byteLength?
return isSolid.test(tag) && tag.length <= 64;
// ### function customer (callback)
// ### @callback {function} Continuation to respond to.
// Retrieves the customer information from the Loggly API:
// -
Loggly.prototype.customer = function (callback) {
uri: this.logglyUrl('customer'),
auth: this.auth
}, callback, function (res, body) {
var customer;
try { customer = JSON.parse(body) }
catch (ex) { return callback(ex) }
callback(null, customer);
// function search (query, callback)
// Returns a new search object which can be chained
// with options or called directly if @callback is passed
// initially.
// Sample Usage:
//'404', function () { /* ... */ })
// .on('rsid', function (rsid) { /* ... */ })
//{ query: '404', rows: 100 })
// .on('rsid', function (rsid) { /* ... */ })
// .run(function () { /* ... */ });
// = function (query, callback) {
var options = typeof query === 'string'
? { query: query }
: query;
options.callback = callback;
return new Search(options, this);
// function logglyUrl ([path, to, resource])
// Helper method that concats the string params into a url
// to request against a loggly serverUrl.
Loggly.prototype.logglyUrl = function (/* path, to, resource */) {
var args =;
return [this.urls.api].concat(args).join('/');
// Simple noop function for reusability
function noop() {}