blob: 05d8f512e600665c44d80d06e44c2e228a99c168 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
const zlib = require('zlib');
// const levels = require('../levels');
const dgram = require('dgram');
const util = require('util');
const OS = require('os');
const debug = require('debug')('log4js:gelf');
/* eslint no-unused-vars:0 */
const LOG_EMERG = 0; // system is unusable(unused)
const LOG_ALERT = 1; // action must be taken immediately(unused)
const LOG_CRIT = 2; // critical conditions
const LOG_ERROR = 3; // error conditions
const LOG_WARNING = 4; // warning conditions
const LOG_NOTICE = 5; // normal, but significant, condition(unused)
const LOG_INFO = 6; // informational message
const LOG_DEBUG = 7; // debug-level message
* GELF appender that supports sending UDP packets to a GELF compatible server such as Graylog
* @param layout a function that takes a logevent and returns a string (defaults to none).
* @param - host to which to send logs (default:localhost)
* @param config.port - port at which to send logs to (default:12201)
* @param config.hostname - hostname of the current host (default:OS hostname)
* @param config.facility - facility to log to (default:nodejs-server)
/* eslint no-underscore-dangle:0 */
function gelfAppender(layout, config, levels) {
const levelMapping = {};
levelMapping[levels.ALL] = LOG_DEBUG;
levelMapping[levels.TRACE] = LOG_DEBUG;
levelMapping[levels.DEBUG] = LOG_DEBUG;
levelMapping[levels.INFO] = LOG_INFO;
levelMapping[levels.WARN] = LOG_WARNING;
levelMapping[levels.ERROR] = LOG_ERROR;
levelMapping[levels.FATAL] = LOG_CRIT;
const host = || 'localhost';
const port = config.port || 12201;
const hostname = config.hostname || OS.hostname();
const facility = config.facility;
const customFields = config.customFields;
const defaultCustomFields = customFields || {};
if (facility) {
defaultCustomFields._facility = facility;
const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
process.on('exit', () => {
if (client) client.close();
* Add custom fields (start with underscore )
* - if the first object passed to the logger contains 'GELF' field,
* copy the underscore fields to the message
* @param loggingEvent
* @param msg
function addCustomFields(loggingEvent, msg) {
/* append defaultCustomFields firsts */
Object.keys(defaultCustomFields).forEach((key) => {
// skip _id field for graylog2, skip keys not starts with UNDERSCORE
if (key.match(/^_/) && key !== '_id') {
msg[key] = defaultCustomFields[key];
/* append custom fields per message */
const data =;
if (!Array.isArray(data) || data.length === 0) return;
const firstData = data[0];
if (firstData) {
if (!firstData.GELF) return; // identify with GELF field defined
// Remove the GELF key, some gelf supported logging systems drop the message with it
delete firstData.GELF;
Object.keys(firstData).forEach((key) => {
// skip _id field for graylog2, skip keys not starts with UNDERSCORE
if (key.match(/^_/) || key !== '_id') {
msg[key] = firstData[key];
/* the custom field object should be removed, so it will not be looged by the later appenders */;
function preparePacket(loggingEvent) {
const msg = {};
addCustomFields(loggingEvent, msg);
msg.short_message = layout(loggingEvent);
msg.version = '1.1';
msg.timestamp = msg.timestamp || new Date().getTime() / 1000; // log should use millisecond = hostname;
msg.level = levelMapping[loggingEvent.level || levels.DEBUG];
return msg;
function sendPacket(packet) {
client.send(packet, 0, packet.length, port, host, (err) => {
if (err) {
const app = (loggingEvent) => {
const message = preparePacket(loggingEvent);
zlib.gzip(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(message)), (err, packet) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (packet.length > 8192) { // eslint-disable-line
debug(`Message packet length (${packet.length}) is larger than 8k. Not sending`);
} else {
app.shutdown = function (cb) {
if (client) {
return app;
function configure(config, layouts, findAppender, levels) {
let layout = layouts.messagePassThroughLayout;
if (config.layout) {
layout = layouts.layout(config.layout.type, config.layout);
return gelfAppender(layout, config, levels);
module.exports.configure = configure;