
Send room notifications to the HipChat v2 API using a Bearer Token.

example output


$ npm install --save hipchat-notification


TBD, from example.js

var room="devops"; var token="token_with_notification_privs"; // instantiate a hipchat-notifier var hipchat = require('hipchat-notifier').make(room, token); // the pyramid of doom example, calls to hipchat are serial hipchat.notice('this is a .notice()', function(err, response, body){ hipchat.info('this is a .info()', function(err, response, body){ hipchat.success('this is a .success()', function(err, response, body){ hipchat.warning('this is a .warning()', function(err, response, body){ hipchat.failure('this is a .failure()', function(err, response, body){ // getters and setters are supported hipchat.setFrom('setter label'); hipchat.setNotify(true); hipchat.setRoom(room); hipchat.setToken(token); hipchat.setHost('api.hipchat.com'); // bombs away hipchat.notice('from setter label'); // support passing an explicit API object, falls back to defaults. // allows sending HipChat cards &c. see: // https://www.hipchat.com/docs/apiv2/method/send_room_notification var body = { from: 'random color label', message: '<p><em>this message</em> is a random color', color: 'random' }; // bombs away deux! // callbacks are supported as 2nd argument hipchat.send(body, function(err, res, body){ if(err) { throw new Error(err); } console.log('finished'); }); }); }); }); }); });