blob: 3086341e30f63040700a9f4212c27e3ce9f4f967 [file] [log] [blame]
* Module dependencies.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var Readable = require('readable-stream');;
var dataUriToBuffer = require('data-uri-to-buffer');
var NotModifiedError = require('./notmodified');
var debug = require('debug')('get-uri:data');
* Module exports.
module.exports = get;
* Returns a Readable stream from a "data:" URI.
* @api protected
function get (parsed, opts, fn) {
var uri = parsed.href;
var cache = opts.cache;
// need to create a SHA1 hash of the URI string, for cacheability checks
// in future `getUri()` calls with the same data URI passed in.
var shasum = crypto.createHash('sha1');
var hash = shasum.digest('hex');
debug('generated SHA1 hash for "data:" URI: %o', hash);
// check if the cache is the same "data:" URI that was previously passed in.
if (cache && cache.hash == hash) {
debug('got matching cache SHA1 hash: %o', hash);
fn(new NotModifiedError());
} else {
debug('creating Readable stream from "data:" URI buffer');
var buf = dataUriToBuffer(uri, opts);
var rs = new Readable();
rs._read = read(buf);
buf = null;
rs.hash = hash;
fn(null, rs);
* Function that returns a Readable `_read` function implementation.
* @api private
function read (buf) {
return function (n) {
buf = null;