blob: 4660c58d691df43603aca589d43b94e061cd30c0 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
* The below is slightly modified from
* The module is not published on npm, this was just an attempt to see if
* I should spend time doing PRs or just start from scratch. To that end,
* some minor changes were made to get this code to work.
* Also note that this does not expand ranges, e.g. `{01..05}`
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = function expandBraces(expressions) {
if (_.isString(expressions)) {
expressions = [expressions];
var expansions = _.uniq(_.reduce(expressions, function(expansions, expression) {
return expansions.concat(_insideOut(expression));
}, []));
for (var i = 0; i < expansions.length; i++) {
expansions[i] = expansions[i].replace(/\\}/g, '}');
expansions[i] = expansions[i].replace(/\\{/g, '{');
return expansions.sort();
function _insideOut(expression) {
var innerBraces = _getInnerBraces(expression);
if (!innerBraces.length) {
return [expression];
var choices = expression.substring(innerBraces[0] + 1, innerBraces[1]).split(',');
return _.reduce(choices, function(expansions, choice) {
return expansions.concat(_insideOut(expression.substring(0, innerBraces[0]) + choice + expression.substring(innerBraces[1] + 1)));
}, []);
function _getInnerBraces(expression) {
var escaped = false;
var innerBraces = [];
for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
var c = expression.charAt(i);
if (c === '\\') escaped = true;
else if (!escaped) {
if (c === '{') innerBraces = [i];
else if (c === '}') {
if (!innerBraces.length) throw new Error('unmatched brace');
} else escaped = false;
if (innerBraces && innerBraces.length === 1) throw new Error('unmatched brace');
return innerBraces;