blob: 329e16cb2270ef7bb2931eac19b820b508581e2a [file] [log] [blame]
/// <reference types="node" />
import * as http from 'http';
import { AngularWaitBarrier } from './angular_wait_barrier';
import { HighlightDelayBarrier } from './highlight_delay_barrier';
import { WebDriverLogger } from './webdriver_logger';
export declare const BP_PREFIX = "bpproxy";
* The stability proxy is an http server responsible for intercepting
* JSON webdriver commands. It keeps track of whether the page under test
* needs to wait for page stability, and initiates a wait if so.
export declare class BlockingProxy {
server: http.Server;
logger: WebDriverLogger;
waitBarrier: AngularWaitBarrier;
highlightBarrier: HighlightDelayBarrier;
private proxy;
constructor(seleniumAddress: string, highlightDelay?: number);
* This command is for the proxy server, not to be forwarded to Selenium.
static isProxyCommand(commandPath: string): boolean;
* Turn on WebDriver logging.
* @param logDir The directory to create logs in.
enableLogging(logDir: string): void;
* Override the logger instance. Only used for testing.
setLogger(logger: WebDriverLogger): void;
* Change the parameters used by the wait function.
setWaitParams(rootEl: any): void;
handleProxyCommand(message: any, data: any, response: any): void;
requestListener(originalRequest: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse): void;
listen(port: number): number;
quit(): Promise<{}>;