blob: 82b8d92c96a1c5962fd5f6fe749d87b717c8c835 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
var defs = require('./defs');
var constants = defs.constants;
var frame = require('./frame');
var Mux = require('./mux').Mux;
var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
var Duplex =
require('stream').Duplex ||
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var Heart = require('./heartbeat').Heart;
var methodName = require('./format').methodName;
var closeMsg = require('./format').closeMessage;
var inspect = require('./format').inspect;
var BitSet = require('./bitset').BitSet;
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var fmt = require('util').format;
var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough ||
var IllegalOperationError = require('./error').IllegalOperationError;
var stackCapture = require('./error').stackCapture;
// High-water mark for channel write buffers, in 'objects' (which are
// encoded frames as buffers).
// If all the frames of a message (method, properties, content) total
// to less than this, copy them into a single buffer and write it all
// at once. Note that this is less than the minimum frame size: if it
// was greater, we might have to fragment the content.
function Connection(underlying) { this );
var stream = = wrapStream(underlying);
this.muxer = new Mux(stream);
// frames = Buffer.alloc(0);
this.frameMax = constants.FRAME_MIN_SIZE;
this.sentSinceLastCheck = false;
this.recvSinceLastCheck = false;
this.expectSocketClose = false;
this.freeChannels = new BitSet();
this.channels = [{channel: {accept: channel0(this)},
buffer: underlying}];
inherits(Connection, EventEmitter);
var C = Connection.prototype;
// Usual frame accept mode
function mainAccept(frame) {
var rec = this.channels[];
if (rec) { return; }
// NB CHANNEL_ERROR may not be right, but I don't know what is ..
fmt('Frame on unknown channel %d',,
new Error(fmt("Frame on unknown channel: %s",
inspect(frame, false))));
// Handle anything that comes through on channel 0, that's the
// connection control channel. This is only used once mainAccept is
// installed as the frame handler, after the opening handshake.
function channel0(connection) {
return function(f) {
// Once we get a 'close', we know 1. we'll get no more frames, and
// 2. anything we send except close, or close-ok, will be
// ignored. If we already sent 'close', this won't be invoked since
// we're already in closing mode; if we didn't well we're not going
// to send it now are we.
if (f === HEARTBEAT); // ignore; it's already counted as activity
// on the socket, which is its purpose
else if ( === defs.ConnectionClose) {
// Oh. OK. I guess we're done here then.
connection.sendMethod(0, defs.ConnectionCloseOk, {});
var emsg = fmt('Connection closed: %s', closeMsg(f));
var s = stackCapture(emsg);
var e = new Error(emsg);
e.code = f.fields.replyCode;
if (isFatalError(e)) {
connection.emit('error', e);
connection.toClosed(s, e);
else if ( === defs.ConnectionBlocked) {
connection.emit('blocked', f.fields.reason);
else if ( === defs.ConnectionUnblocked) {
else {
fmt("Unexpected frame on channel 0"),
new Error(fmt("Unexpected frame on channel 0: %s",
inspect(f, false))));
// This changed between versions, as did the codec, methods, etc. AMQP
// 0-9-1 is fairly similar to 0.8, but better, and nothing implements
// 0.8 that doesn't implement 0-9-1. In other words, it doesn't make
// much sense to generalise here.
C.sendProtocolHeader = function() {
The frighteningly complicated opening protocol (spec section 2.2.4):
Client -> Server
protocol header ->
<- start
start-ok ->
.. next two zero or more times ..
<- secure
secure-ok ->
<- tune
tune-ok ->
open ->
<- open-ok
If I'm only supporting SASL's PLAIN mechanism (which I am for the time
being), it gets a bit easier since the server won't in general send
back a `secure`, it'll just send `tune` after the `start-ok`.
*/ = function(allFields, openCallback0) {
var self = this;
var openCallback = openCallback0 || function() {};
// This is where we'll put our negotiated values
var tunedOptions = Object.create(allFields);
function wait(k) {
self.step(function(err, frame) {
if (err !== null) bail(err);
else if ( !== 0) {
bail(new Error(
fmt("Frame on channel != 0 during handshake: %s",
inspect(frame, false))));
else k(frame);
function expect(Method, k) {
wait(function(frame) {
if ( === Method) k(frame);
else {
bail(new Error(
fmt("Expected %s; got %s",
methodName(Method), inspect(frame, false))));
function bail(err) {
function send(Method) {
// This can throw an exception if there's some problem with the
// options; e.g., something is a string instead of a number.
try { self.sendMethod(0, Method, tunedOptions); }
catch (err) { bail(err); }
function negotiate(server, desired) {
// We get sent values for channelMax, frameMax and heartbeat,
// which we may accept or lower (subject to a minimum for
// frameMax, but we'll leave that to the server to enforce). In
// all cases, `0` really means "no limit", or rather the highest
// value in the encoding, e.g., unsigned short for channelMax.
if (server === 0 || desired === 0) {
// i.e., whichever places a limit, if either
return Math.max(server, desired);
else {
return Math.min(server, desired);
function onStart(start) {
var mechanisms = start.fields.mechanisms.toString().split(' ');
if (mechanisms.indexOf(allFields.mechanism) < 0) {
bail(new Error(fmt('SASL mechanism %s is not provided by the server',
function afterStartOk(reply) {
switch ( {
case defs.ConnectionSecure:
bail(new Error(
"Wasn't expecting to have to go through secure"));
case defs.ConnectionClose:
bail(new Error(fmt("Handshake terminated by server: %s",
case defs.ConnectionTune:
var fields = reply.fields;
tunedOptions.frameMax =
negotiate(fields.frameMax, allFields.frameMax);
tunedOptions.channelMax =
negotiate(fields.channelMax, allFields.channelMax);
tunedOptions.heartbeat =
negotiate(fields.heartbeat, allFields.heartbeat);
expect(defs.ConnectionOpenOk, onOpenOk);
bail(new Error(
fmt("Expected, connection.close, " +
"or connection.tune during handshake; got %s",
inspect(reply, false))));
function onOpenOk(openOk) {
// Impose the maximum of the encoded value, if the negotiated
// value is zero, meaning "no, no limits"
self.channelMax = tunedOptions.channelMax || 0xffff;
self.frameMax = tunedOptions.frameMax || 0xffffffff;
// 0 means "no heartbeat", rather than "maximum period of
// heartbeating"
self.heartbeat = tunedOptions.heartbeat;
self.heartbeater = self.startHeartbeater();
self.accept = mainAccept;
// If the server closes the connection, it's probably because of
// something we did
function endWhileOpening(err) {
bail(err || new Error('Socket closed abruptly ' +
'during opening handshake'));
}'end', endWhileOpening);'error', endWhileOpening);
function succeed(ok) {'end', endWhileOpening);'error', endWhileOpening);'error', self.onSocketError.bind(self));'end', self.onSocketError.bind(
self, new Error('Unexpected close')));
self.on('frameError', self.onSocketError.bind(self));
openCallback(null, ok);
// Now kick off the handshake by prompting the server
expect(defs.ConnectionStart, onStart);
// Closing things: AMQP has a closing handshake that applies to
// closing both connects and channels. As the initiating party, I send
// Close, then ignore all frames until I see either CloseOK --
// which signifies that the other party has seen the Close and shut
// the connection or channel down, so it's fine to free resources; or
// Close, which means the other party also wanted to close the
// whatever, and I should send CloseOk so it can free resources,
// then go back to waiting for the CloseOk. If I receive a Close
// out of the blue, I should throw away any unsent frames (they will
// be ignored anyway) and send CloseOk, then clean up resources. In
// general, Close out of the blue signals an error (or a forced
// closure, which may as well be an error).
// RUNNING [1] --- send Close ---> Closing [2] ---> recv Close --+
// | | [3]
// | +------ send CloseOk ------+
// recv Close recv CloseOk
// | |
// V V
// Ended [4] ---- send CloseOk ---> Closed [5]
// [1] All frames accepted; getting a Close frame from the server
// moves to Ended; client may initiate a close by sending Close
// itself.
// [2] Client has initiated a close; only CloseOk or (simulataneously
// sent) Close is accepted.
// [3] Simultaneous close
// [4] Server won't send any more frames; accept no more frames, send
// CloseOk.
// [5] Fully closed, client will send no more, server will send no
// more. Signal 'close' or 'error'.
// There are two signalling mechanisms used in the API. The first is
// that calling `close` will return a promise, that will either
// resolve once the connection or channel is cleanly shut down, or
// will reject if the shutdown times out.
// The second is the 'close' and 'error' events. These are
// emitted as above. The events will fire *before* promises are
// resolved.
// Close the connection without even giving a reason. Typical.
C.close = function(closeCallback) {
var k = closeCallback && function() { closeCallback(null); };
this.closeBecause("Cheers, thanks", constants.REPLY_SUCCESS, k);
// Close with a reason and a 'code'. I'm pretty sure RabbitMQ totally
// ignores these; maybe it logs them. The continuation will be invoked
// when the CloseOk has been received, and before the 'close' event.
C.closeBecause = function(reason, code, k) {
this.sendMethod(0, defs.ConnectionClose, {
replyText: reason,
replyCode: code,
methodId: 0, classId: 0
var s = stackCapture('closeBecause called: ' + reason);
this.toClosing(s, k);
C.closeWithError = function(reason, code, error) {
this.emit('error', error);
this.closeBecause(reason, code);
C.onSocketError = function(err) {
if (!this.expectSocketClose) {
// forestall any more calls to onSocketError, since we're signed
// up for `'error'` *and* `'end'`
this.expectSocketClose = true;
this.emit('error', err);
var s = stackCapture('Socket error');
this.toClosed(s, err);
function invalidOp(msg, stack) {
return function() {
throw new IllegalOperationError(msg, stack);
function invalidateSend(conn, msg, stack) {
conn.sendMethod = conn.sendContent = conn.sendMessage =
invalidOp(msg, stack);
// A close has been initiated. Repeat: a close has been initiated.
// This means we should not send more frames, anyway they will be
// ignored. We also have to shut down all the channels.
C.toClosing = function(capturedStack, k) {
var send = this.sendMethod.bind(this);
this.accept = function(f) {
if ( === defs.ConnectionCloseOk) {
if (k) k();
var s = stackCapture('ConnectionCloseOk received');
this.toClosed(s, undefined);
else if ( === defs.ConnectionClose) {
send(0, defs.ConnectionCloseOk, {});
// else ignore frame
invalidateSend(this, 'Connection closing', capturedStack);
C._closeChannels = function(capturedStack) {
for (var i = 1; i < this.channels.length; i++) {
var ch = this.channels[i];
if (ch !== null) {; // %%% or with an error? not clear
// A close has been confirmed. Cease all communication.
C.toClosed = function(capturedStack, maybeErr) {
var info = fmt('Connection closed (%s)',
(maybeErr) ? maybeErr.toString() : 'by client');
// Tidy up, invalidate enverything, dynamite the bridges.
invalidateSend(this, info, capturedStack);
this.accept = invalidOp(info, capturedStack);
this.close = function(cb) {
cb && cb(new IllegalOperationError(info, capturedStack));
if (this.heartbeater) this.heartbeater.clear();
// This is certainly true now, if it wasn't before
this.expectSocketClose = true;;
this.emit('close', maybeErr);
// ===
C.startHeartbeater = function() {
if (this.heartbeat === 0) return null;
else {
var self = this;
var hb = new Heart(this.heartbeat,
hb.on('timeout', function() {
var hberr = new Error("Heartbeat timeout");
self.emit('error', hberr);
var s = stackCapture('Heartbeat timeout');
self.toClosed(s, hberr);
hb.on('beat', function() {
return hb;
// I use an array to keep track of the channels, rather than an
// object. The channel identifiers are numbers, and allocated by the
// connection. If I try to allocate low numbers when they are
// available (which I do, by looking from the start of the bitset),
// this ought to keep the array small, and out of 'sparse array
// storage'. I also set entries to null, rather than deleting them, in
// the expectation that the next channel allocation will fill the slot
// again rather than growing the array. See
C.freshChannel = function(channel, options) {
var next = this.freeChannels.nextClearBit(1);
if (next < 0 || next > this.channelMax)
throw new Error("No channels left to allocate");
var hwm = (options && options.highWaterMark) || DEFAULT_WRITE_HWM;
var writeBuffer = new PassThrough({
objectMode: true, highWaterMark: hwm
this.channels[next] = {channel: channel, buffer: writeBuffer};
writeBuffer.on('drain', function() {
return next;
C.releaseChannel = function(channel) {
var buffer = this.channels[channel].buffer;
this.channels[channel] = null;
C.acceptLoop = function() {
var self = this;
function go() {
try {
var f; while (f = self.recvFrame()) self.accept(f);
catch (e) {
self.emit('frameError', e);
}'readable', go);
C.step = function(cb) {
var self = this;
function recv() {
var f;
try {
f = self.recvFrame();
catch (e) {
cb(e, null);
if (f) cb(null, f);
else'readable', recv);
C.checkSend = function() {
var check = this.sentSinceLastCheck;
this.sentSinceLastCheck = false;
return check;
C.checkRecv = function() {
var check = this.recvSinceLastCheck;
this.recvSinceLastCheck = false;
return check;
C.sendBytes = function(bytes) {
this.sentSinceLastCheck = true;;
C.sendHeartbeat = function() {
return this.sendBytes(frame.HEARTBEAT_BUF);
var encodeMethod = defs.encodeMethod;
var encodeProperties = defs.encodeProperties;
C.sendMethod = function(channel, Method, fields) {
var frame = encodeMethod(Method, channel, fields);
this.sentSinceLastCheck = true;
var buffer = this.channels[channel].buffer;
return buffer.write(frame);
C.sendMessage = function(channel,
Method, fields,
Properties, props,
content) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(content))
throw new TypeError('content is not a buffer');
var mframe = encodeMethod(Method, channel, fields);
var pframe = encodeProperties(Properties, channel,
content.length, props);
var buffer = this.channels[channel].buffer;
this.sentSinceLastCheck = true;
var methodHeaderLen = mframe.length + pframe.length;
var bodyLen = (content.length > 0) ?
content.length + FRAME_OVERHEAD : 0;
var allLen = methodHeaderLen + bodyLen;
var all = Buffer.alloc(allLen);
var offset = mframe.copy(all, 0);
offset += pframe.copy(all, offset);
if (bodyLen > 0)
makeBodyFrame(channel, content).copy(all, offset);
return buffer.write(all);
else {
if (methodHeaderLen < SINGLE_CHUNK_THRESHOLD) {
var both = Buffer.alloc(methodHeaderLen);
var offset = mframe.copy(both, 0);
pframe.copy(both, offset);
else {
return this.sendContent(channel, content);
var makeBodyFrame = frame.makeBodyFrame;
C.sendContent = function(channel, body) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(body)) {
throw new TypeError(fmt("Expected buffer; got %s", body));
var writeResult = true;
var buffer = this.channels[channel].buffer;
var maxBody = this.frameMax - FRAME_OVERHEAD;
for (var offset = 0; offset < body.length; offset += maxBody) {
var end = offset + maxBody;
var slice = (end > body.length) ? body.slice(offset) : body.slice(offset, end);
var bodyFrame = makeBodyFrame(channel, slice);
writeResult = buffer.write(bodyFrame);
this.sentSinceLastCheck = true;
return writeResult;
var parseFrame = frame.parseFrame;
var decodeFrame = frame.decodeFrame;
C.recvFrame = function() {
// %%% identifying invariants might help here?
var frame = parseFrame(, this.frameMax);
if (!frame) {
var incoming =;
if (incoming === null) {
return false;
else {
this.recvSinceLastCheck = true; = Buffer.concat([, incoming]);
return this.recvFrame();
else { =;
return decodeFrame(frame);
function wrapStream(s) {
if (s instanceof Duplex) return s;
else {
var ws = new Duplex();
ws.wrap(s); //wraps the readable side of things
ws._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
return s.write(chunk, encoding, callback);
return ws;
function isFatalError(error) {
switch (error && error.code) {
case defs.constants.CONNECTION_FORCED:
case defs.constants.REPLY_SUCCESS:
return false;
return true;
module.exports.Connection = Connection;
module.exports.isFatalError = isFatalError;