blob: c55e0e87962771f49ec804af5149e28984e56534 [file] [log] [blame]
// General-purpose API for glueing everything together.
'use strict';
var URL = require('url');
var QS = require('querystring');
var Connection = require('./connection').Connection;
var fmt = require('util').format;
var credentials = require('./credentials');
function copyInto(obj, target) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
var i = keys.length;
while (i--) {
var k = keys[i];
target[k] = obj[k];
return target;
// Adapted from util._extend, which is too fringe to use.
function clone(obj) {
return copyInto(obj, {});
"product": "amqplib",
"version": require('../package.json').version,
"platform": fmt('Node.JS %s', process.version),
"information": "",
"capabilities": {
"publisher_confirms": true,
"exchange_exchange_bindings": true,
"basic.nack": true,
"consumer_cancel_notify": true,
"connection.blocked": true,
"authentication_failure_close": true
// Construct the main frames used in the opening handshake
function openFrames(vhost, query, credentials, extraClientProperties) {
if (!vhost)
vhost = '/';
vhost = QS.unescape(vhost);
var query = query || {};
function intOrDefault(val, def) {
return (val === undefined) ? def : parseInt(val);
var clientProperties = Object.create(CLIENT_PROPERTIES);
return {
// start-ok
'clientProperties': copyInto(extraClientProperties, clientProperties),
'mechanism': credentials.mechanism,
'response': credentials.response(),
'locale': query.locale || 'en_US',
// tune-ok
'channelMax': intOrDefault(query.channelMax, 0),
'frameMax': intOrDefault(query.frameMax, 0x1000),
'heartbeat': intOrDefault(query.heartbeat, 0),
// open
'virtualHost': vhost,
'capabilities': '',
'insist': 0
// Decide on credentials based on what we're supplied. Note that in a
// parsed URL, the auth part is already URL-decoded, so e.g., '%3a' in
// the URL is already decoded to ':'. This is a bit unhelpful, as it
// means we can't tell whether a colon is a separator, or part of the
// username. Assume no colons in usernames.
function credentialsFromUrl(parts) {
var user = 'guest', passwd = 'guest';
if (parts.auth) {
var colon = parts.auth.indexOf(':')
if (colon == -1) {
user = parts.auth;
passwd = '';
} else {
user = parts.auth.substring(0, colon);
passwd = parts.auth.substring(colon+1);
return credentials.plain(user, passwd);
function connect(url, socketOptions, openCallback) {
// tls.connect uses `util._extend()` on the options given it, which
// copies only properties mentioned in `Object.keys()`, when
// processing the options. So I have to make copies too, rather
// than using `Object.create()`.
var sockopts = clone(socketOptions || {});
url = url || 'amqp://localhost';
var noDelay = !!sockopts.noDelay;
var timeout = sockopts.timeout;
var keepAlive = !!sockopts.keepAlive;
// 0 is default for node
var keepAliveDelay = sockopts.keepAliveDelay || 0;
var extraClientProperties = sockopts.clientProperties || {};
var protocol, fields;
if (typeof url === 'object') {
protocol = (url.protocol || 'amqp') + ':'; = url.hostname;
sockopts.port = url.port || ((protocol === 'amqp:') ? 5672 : 5671);
var user, pass;
// Only default if both are missing, to have the same behaviour as
// the stringly URL.
if (url.username == undefined && url.password == undefined) {
user = 'guest'; pass = 'guest';
} else {
user = url.username || '';
pass = url.password || '';
var config = {
locale: url.locale,
channelMax: url.channelMax,
frameMax: url.frameMax,
heartbeat: url.heartbeat,
fields = openFrames(url.vhost, config, sockopts.credentials || credentials.plain(user, pass), extraClientProperties);
} else {
var parts = URL.parse(url, true); // yes, parse the query string
protocol = parts.protocol; = parts.hostname;
sockopts.port = parseInt(parts.port) || ((protocol === 'amqp:') ? 5672 : 5671);
var vhost = parts.pathname ? parts.pathname.substr(1) : null;
fields = openFrames(vhost, parts.query, sockopts.credentials || credentialsFromUrl(parts), extraClientProperties);
var sockok = false;
var sock;
function onConnect() {
sockok = true;
if (keepAlive) sock.setKeepAlive(keepAlive, keepAliveDelay);
var c = new Connection(sock);, function(err, ok) {
// disable timeout once the connection is open, we don't want
// it fouling things
if (timeout) sock.setTimeout(0);
if (err === null) {
openCallback(null, c);
else openCallback(err);
if (protocol === 'amqp:') {
sock = require('net').connect(sockopts, onConnect);
else if (protocol === 'amqps:') {
sock = require('tls').connect(sockopts, onConnect);
else {
throw new Error("Expected amqp: or amqps: as the protocol; got " + protocol);
if (timeout) {
sock.setTimeout(timeout, function() {
openCallback(new Error('connect ETIMEDOUT'));
sock.once('error', function(err) {
if (!sockok) openCallback(err);
module.exports.connect = connect;
module.exports.credentialsFromUrl = credentialsFromUrl;