blob: 1eee9bc670af41859872084f2303844388a19e40 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as webdriver from './index';
* A WebDriver client for Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
export class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver {
* @param {(capabilities.Capabilities|Options)=} opt_config The configuration
* options.
* @param {promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow to use,
* or {@code null} to use the currently active flow.
constructor(opt_config?: webdriver.Capabilities | Options, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
* This function is a no-op as file detectors are not supported by this
* implementation.
* @override
setFileDetector(): void;
* Class for managing IEDriver specific options.
export class Options {
* Extracts the IEDriver specific options from the given capabilities
* object.
* @param {!capabilities.Capabilities} caps The capabilities object.
* @return {!Options} The IEDriver options.
static fromCapabilities(caps: webdriver.Capabilities): Options;
* Whether to disable the protected mode settings check when the session is
* created. Disbling this setting may lead to significant instability as the
* browser may become unresponsive/hang. Only 'best effort' support is provided
* when using this capability.
* For more information, refer to the IEDriver's
* [required system configuration](
* @param {boolean} ignoreSettings Whether to ignore protected mode settings.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
introduceFlakinessByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings(ignoreSettings: boolean): Options;
* Indicates whether to skip the check that the browser's zoom level is set to
* 100%.
* @param {boolean} ignore Whether to ignore the browser's zoom level settings.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
ignoreZoomSetting(ignore: boolean): Options;
* Sets the initial URL loaded when IE starts. This is intended to be used with
* {@link #ignoreProtectedModeSettings} to allow the user to initialize IE in
* the proper Protected Mode zone. Setting this option may cause browser
* instability or flaky and unresponsive code. Only 'best effort' support is
* provided when using this option.
* @param {string} url The initial browser URL.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
initialBrowserUrl(url: string): Options;
* Configures whether to enable persistent mouse hovering (true by default).
* Persistent hovering is achieved by continuously firing mouse over events at
* the last location the mouse cursor has been moved to.
* @param {boolean} enable Whether to enable persistent hovering.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
enablePersistentHover(enable: boolean): Options;
* Configures whether the driver should attempt to remove obsolete
* {@linkplain webdriver.WebElement WebElements} from its internal cache on
* page navigation (true by default). Disabling this option will cause the
* driver to run with a larger memory footprint.
* @param {boolean} enable Whether to enable element reference cleanup.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
enableElementCacheCleanup(enable: boolean): Options;
* Configures whether to require the IE window to have input focus before
* performing any user interactions (i.e. mouse or keyboard events). This
* option is disabled by default, but delivers much more accurate interaction
* events when enabled.
* @param {boolean} require Whether to require window focus.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
requireWindowFocus(require: boolean): Options;
* Configures the timeout, in milliseconds, that the driver will attempt to
* located and attach to a newly opened instance of Internet Explorer. The
* default is zero, which indicates waiting indefinitely.
* @param {number} timeout How long to wait for IE.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
browserAttachTimeout(timeout: number): Options;
* Configures whether to launch Internet Explorer using the CreateProcess API.
* If this option is not specified, IE is launched using IELaunchURL, if
* available. For IE 8 and above, this option requires the TabProcGrowth
* registry value to be set to 0.
* @param {boolean} force Whether to use the CreateProcess API.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
forceCreateProcessApi(force: boolean): Options;
* Specifies command-line switches to use when launching Internet Explorer.
* This is only valid when used with {@link #forceCreateProcessApi}.
* @param {...(string|!Array.<string>)} var_args The arguments to add.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
addArguments(...var_args: string[]): Options;
* Configures whether proxies should be configured on a per-process basis. If
* not set, setting a {@linkplain #setProxy proxy} will configure the system
* proxy. The default behavior is to use the system proxy.
* @param {boolean} enable Whether to enable per-process proxy settings.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
usePerProcessProxy(enable: boolean): Options;
* Configures whether to clear the cache, cookies, history, and saved form data
* before starting the browser. _Using this capability will clear session data
* for all running instances of Internet Explorer, including those started
* manually._
* @param {boolean} cleanSession Whether to clear all session data on startup.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
ensureCleanSession(cleanSession: boolean): Options;
* Sets the path to the log file the driver should log to.
* @param {string} file The log file path.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setLogFile(file: string): Options;
* Sets the IEDriverServer's logging {@linkplain Level level}.
* @param {Level} level The logging level.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setLogLevel(level: webdriver.logging.Level): Options;
* Sets the IP address of the driver's host adapter.
* @param {string} host The IP address to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setHost(host: string): Options;
* Sets the path of the temporary data directory to use.
* @param {string} path The log file path.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setExtractPath(path: string): Options;
* Sets whether the driver should start in silent mode.
* @param {boolean} silent Whether to run in silent mode.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
silent(silent: boolean): Options;
* Sets the proxy settings for the new session.
* @param {capabilities.ProxyConfig} proxy The proxy configuration to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setProxy(proxy: webdriver.ProxyConfig): Options;
* Converts this options instance to a {@link capabilities.Capabilities}
* object.
* @param {capabilities.Capabilities=} opt_capabilities The capabilities to
* merge these options into, if any.
* @return {!capabilities.Capabilities} The capabilities.
toCapabilities(opt_capabilities: webdriver.Capabilities): webdriver.Capabilities;