blob: d97d038d6b8a4db8986fd886d71b30de964c55c8 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as webdriver from './index';
import * as remote from './remote';
export class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver {
* @param {(capabilities.Capabilities|Options)=} opt_config The configuration
* options.
* @param {remote.DriverService=} opt_service The session to use; will use
* the {@linkplain #getDefaultService default service} by default.
* @param {promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow to use, or
* {@code null} to use the currently active flow.
constructor(opt_config?: webdriver.Capabilities | Options, opt_service?: remote.DriverService, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
* This function is a no-op as file detectors are not supported by this
* implementation.
* @override
setFileDetector(): void;
* Class for managing MicrosoftEdgeDriver specific options.
export class Options {
* Extracts the MicrosoftEdgeDriver specific options from the given
* capabilities object.
* @param {!capabilities.Capabilities} caps The capabilities object.
* @return {!Options} The MicrosoftEdgeDriver options.
static fromCapabilities(cap: webdriver.Capabilities): Options;
* Sets the proxy settings for the new session.
* @param {capabilities.ProxyConfig} proxy The proxy configuration to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setProxy(proxy: webdriver.ProxyConfig): Options;
* Sets the page load strategy for Edge.
* Supported values are 'normal', 'eager', and 'none';
* @param {string} pageLoadStrategy The page load strategy to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setPageLoadStrategy(pageLoadStrategy: string): Options;
* Converts this options instance to a {@link capabilities.Capabilities}
* object.
* @param {capabilities.Capabilities=} opt_capabilities The capabilities to
* merge these options into, if any.
* @return {!capabilities.Capabilities} The capabilities.
toCapabilities(opt_capabilities: webdriver.Capabilities): webdriver.Capabilities;
* Creates {@link remote.DriverService} instances that manage a
* MicrosoftEdgeDriver server in a child process.
export class ServiceBuilder {
* @param {string=} opt_exe Path to the server executable to use. If omitted,
* the builder will attempt to locate the MicrosoftEdgeDriver on the current
* @throws {Error} If provided executable does not exist, or the
* MicrosoftEdgeDriver cannot be found on the PATH.
constructor(opt_exe?: string);
* Defines the stdio configuration for the driver service. See
* {@code child_process.spawn} for more information.
* @param {(string|!Array.<string|number|!stream.Stream|null|undefined>)}
* config The configuration to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
setStdio(config: string | Array<string | number | any>): ServiceBuilder;
* Sets the port to start the MicrosoftEdgeDriver on.
* @param {number} port The port to use, or 0 for any free port.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
* @throws {Error} If the port is invalid.
usingPort(port: number): ServiceBuilder;
* Defines the environment to start the server under. This settings will be
* inherited by every browser session started by the server.
* @param {!Object.<string, string>} env The environment to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
withEnvironment(env: Object): ServiceBuilder;
* Creates a new DriverService using this instance's current configuration.
* @return {!remote.DriverService} A new driver service using this instance's
* current configuration.
* @throws {Error} If the driver exectuable was not specified and a default
* could not be found on the current PATH.
build(): remote.DriverService;
* Returns the default MicrosoftEdgeDriver service. If such a service has
* not been configured, one will be constructed using the default configuration
* for an MicrosoftEdgeDriver executable found on the system PATH.
* @return {!remote.DriverService} The default MicrosoftEdgeDriver service.
export function getDefaultService(): remote.DriverService;
* Sets the default service to use for new MicrosoftEdgeDriver instances.
* @param {!remote.DriverService} service The service to use.
* @throws {Error} If the default service is currently running.
export function setDefaultService(service: remote.DriverService): void;