blob: 068617af349aed180e6b24f2872a63ff1f40d344 [file] [log] [blame]
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { Observable, Subscribable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { BreakPointRegistry } from '../breakpoints/break-point-registry';
import { MediaChange } from '../media-change';
import { MatchMedia } from '../match-media/match-media';
* Base class for MediaService and pseudo-token for
export declare abstract class ObservableMedia implements Subscribable<MediaChange> {
abstract isActive(query: string): boolean;
abstract asObservable(): Observable<MediaChange>;
abstract subscribe(next?: (value: MediaChange) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription;
* Class internalizes a MatchMedia service and exposes an Subscribable and Observable interface.
* This an Observable with that exposes a feature to subscribe to mediaQuery
* changes and a validator method (`isActive(<alias>)`) to test if a mediaQuery (or alias) is
* currently active.
* !! Only mediaChange activations (not de-activations) are announced by the ObservableMedia
* This class uses the BreakPoint Registry to inject alias information into the raw MediaChange
* notification. For custom mediaQuery notifications, alias information will not be injected and
* those fields will be ''.
* !! This is not an actual Observable. It is a wrapper of an Observable used to publish additional
* methods like `isActive(<alias>). To access the Observable and use RxJS operators, use
* `.asObservable()` with syntax like media.asObservable().map(....).
* @usage
* // RxJS
* import {filter} from 'rxjs/operators/filter';
* import { ObservableMedia } from '@angular/flex-layout';
* @Component({ ... })
* export class AppComponent {
* status : string = '';
* constructor( media:ObservableMedia ) {
* let onChange = (change:MediaChange) => {
* this.status = change ? `'${change.mqAlias}' = (${change.mediaQuery})` : '';
* };
* // Subscribe directly or access observable to use filter/map operators
* // e.g.
* // media.subscribe(onChange);
* media.asObservable()
* .pipe(
* filter((change:MediaChange) => true) // silly noop filter
* ).subscribe(onChange);
* }
* }
export declare class MediaService implements ObservableMedia {
private breakpoints;
private mediaWatcher;
* Should we announce gt-<xxx> breakpoint activations ?
filterOverlaps: boolean;
constructor(breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry, mediaWatcher: MatchMedia);
* Test if specified query/alias is active.
isActive(alias: any): boolean;
* Proxy to the Observable subscribe method
subscribe(next?: (value: MediaChange) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription;
* Access to observable for use with operators like
* .filter(), .map(), etc.
asObservable(): Observable<MediaChange>;
* Register all the mediaQueries registered in the BreakPointRegistry
* This is needed so subscribers can be auto-notified of all standard, registered
* mediaQuery activations
private _registerBreakPoints();
* Prepare internal observable
* NOTE: the raw MediaChange events [from MatchMedia] do not
* contain important alias information; as such this info
* must be injected into the MediaChange
private _buildObservable();
* Breakpoint locator by alias
private _findByAlias(alias);
* Breakpoint locator by mediaQuery
private _findByQuery(query);
* Find associated breakpoint (if any)
private _toMediaQuery(query);
private observable$;