blob: 2a427d614f7d0aa551711408956aab01bb912e80 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { MediaChange, MediaQuerySubscriber } from '../media-change';
import { BreakPoint } from '../breakpoints/break-point';
import { MediaMonitor } from '../media-monitor/media-monitor';
export declare type SubscriptionList = Subscription[];
export interface BreakPointX extends BreakPoint {
key: string;
baseKey: string;
export declare class KeyOptions {
baseKey: string;
defaultValue: string | number | boolean;
inputKeys: {
[key: string]: any;
constructor(baseKey: string, defaultValue: string | number | boolean, inputKeys: {
[key: string]: any;
* ResponsiveActivation acts as a proxy between the MonitorMedia service (which emits mediaQuery
* changes) and the fx API directives. The MQA proxies mediaQuery change events and notifies the
* directive via the specified callback.
* - The MQA also determines which directive property should be used to determine the
* current change 'value'... BEFORE the original `onMediaQueryChanges()` method is called.
* - The `ngOnDestroy()` method is also head-hooked to enable auto-unsubscribe from the
* MediaQueryServices.
* NOTE: these interceptions enables the logic in the fx API directives to remain terse and clean.
export declare class ResponsiveActivation {
private _options;
private _mediaMonitor;
private _onMediaChanges;
private _subscribers;
private _activatedInputKey;
private _registryMap;
* Constructor
constructor(_options: KeyOptions, _mediaMonitor: MediaMonitor, _onMediaChanges: MediaQuerySubscriber);
* Get a readonly sorted list of the breakpoints corresponding to the directive properties
* defined in the HTML markup: the sorting is done from largest to smallest. The order is
* important when several media queries are 'registered' and from which, the browser uses the
* first matching media query.
readonly registryFromLargest: BreakPointX[];
* Accessor to the DI'ed directive property
* Each directive instance has a reference to the MediaMonitor which is
* used HERE to subscribe to mediaQuery change notifications.
readonly mediaMonitor: MediaMonitor;
* Determine which directive @Input() property is currently active (for the viewport size):
* The key must be defined (in use) or fallback to the 'closest' overlapping property key
* that is defined; otherwise the default property key will be used.
* e.g.
* if `<div fxHide"false">` is used but the current activated mediaQuery alias
* key is `.md` then `.gt-sm` should be used instead
readonly activatedInputKey: string;
* Get the currently activated @Input value or the fallback default @Input value
readonly activatedInput: any;
* Fast validator for presence of attribute on the host element
hasKeyValue(key: any): boolean;
* Remove interceptors, restore original functions, and forward the onDestroy() call
destroy(): void;
* For each *defined* API property, register a callback to `_onMonitorEvents( )`
* Cache 1..n subscriptions for internal auto-unsubscribes when the the directive destructs
private _configureChangeObservers();
* Build mediaQuery key-hashmap; only for the directive properties that are actually defined/used
* in the HTML markup
private _buildRegistryMap();
* Synchronizes change notifications with the current mq-activated @Input and calculates the
* mq-activated input value or the default value
protected _onMonitorEvents(change: MediaChange): void;
* Has the key been specified in the HTML markup and thus is intended
* to participate in activation processes.
private _keyInUse(key);
* Map input key associated with mediaQuery activation to closest defined input key
* then return the values associated with the targeted input property
* !! change events may arrive out-of-order (activate before deactivate)
* so make sure the deactivate is used ONLY when the keys match
* (since a different activate may be in use)
private _calculateActivatedValue(current);
* For the specified input property key, validate it is defined (used in the markup)
* If not see if a overlapping mediaQuery-related input key fallback has been defined
* NOTE: scans in the order defined by activeOverLaps (largest viewport ranges -> smallest ranges)
private _validateInputKey(inputKey);
* Get the value (if any) for the directive instances @Input property (aka key)
private _lookupKeyValue(key);