blob: e44e60829b9b547d8051dc7297a72c0fe0e96a93 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license Angular v5.2.0
* (c) 2010-2018 Google, Inc.
* License: MIT
import { ApplicationInitStatus, Compiler, Component, InjectionToken, Injector, NgModule, NgZone, Optional, RendererFactory2, SkipSelf, getDebugNode, ɵclearOverrides, ɵoverrideComponentView, ɵoverrideProvider, ɵstringify } from '@angular/core';
import { __extends } from 'tslib';
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
var _global = (typeof window === 'undefined' ? global : window);
* Wraps a test function in an asynchronous test zone. The test will automatically
* complete when all asynchronous calls within this zone are done. Can be used
* to wrap an {@link inject} call.
* Example:
* ```
* it('...', async(inject([AClass], (object) => {
* object.doSomething.then(() => {
* expect(...);
* })
* });
* ```
* @stable
function async(fn) {
// If we're running using the Jasmine test framework, adapt to call the 'done'
// function when asynchronous activity is finished.
if (_global.jasmine) {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function (done) {
if (!done) {
// if we run beforeEach in @angular/core/testing/testing_internal then we get no done
// fake it here and assume sync.
done = function () { }; = function (e) { throw e; };
runInTestZone(fn, this, done, function (err) {
if (typeof err === 'string') {
return Error(err));
else {;
// Otherwise, return a promise which will resolve when asynchronous activity
// is finished. This will be correctly consumed by the Mocha framework with
// it('...', async(myFn)); or can be used in a custom framework.
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function () {
var _this = this;
return new Promise(function (finishCallback, failCallback) {
runInTestZone(fn, _this, finishCallback, failCallback);
function runInTestZone(fn, context, finishCallback, failCallback) {
var currentZone = Zone.current;
var AsyncTestZoneSpec = Zone['AsyncTestZoneSpec'];
if (AsyncTestZoneSpec === undefined) {
throw new Error('AsyncTestZoneSpec is needed for the async() test helper but could not be found. ' +
'Please make sure that your environment includes zone.js/dist/async-test.js');
var ProxyZoneSpec = Zone['ProxyZoneSpec'];
if (ProxyZoneSpec === undefined) {
throw new Error('ProxyZoneSpec is needed for the async() test helper but could not be found. ' +
'Please make sure that your environment includes zone.js/dist/proxy.js');
var proxyZoneSpec = ProxyZoneSpec.get();
// We need to create the AsyncTestZoneSpec outside the ProxyZone.
// If we do it in ProxyZone then we will get to infinite recursion.
var proxyZone = Zone.current.getZoneWith('ProxyZoneSpec');
var previousDelegate = proxyZoneSpec.getDelegate(); () {
var testZoneSpec = new AsyncTestZoneSpec(function () {
// Need to restore the original zone. () {
if (proxyZoneSpec.getDelegate() == testZoneSpec) {
// Only reset the zone spec if it's sill this one. Otherwise, assume it's OK.
}, function (error) {
// Need to restore the original zone. () {
if (proxyZoneSpec.getDelegate() == testZoneSpec) {
// Only reset the zone spec if it's sill this one. Otherwise, assume it's OK.
}, 'test');
return Zone.current.runGuarded(fn, context);
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* Fixture for debugging and testing a component.
* @stable
var ComponentFixture = /** @class */ (function () {
function ComponentFixture(componentRef, ngZone, _autoDetect) {
var _this = this;
this.componentRef = componentRef;
this.ngZone = ngZone;
this._autoDetect = _autoDetect;
this._isStable = true;
this._isDestroyed = false;
this._resolve = null;
this._promise = null;
this._onUnstableSubscription = null;
this._onStableSubscription = null;
this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription = null;
this._onErrorSubscription = null;
this.changeDetectorRef = componentRef.changeDetectorRef;
this.elementRef = componentRef.location;
this.debugElement = getDebugNode(this.elementRef.nativeElement);
this.componentInstance = componentRef.instance;
this.nativeElement = this.elementRef.nativeElement;
this.componentRef = componentRef;
this.ngZone = ngZone;
if (ngZone) {
// Create subscriptions outside the NgZone so that the callbacks run oustide
// of NgZone.
ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
_this._onUnstableSubscription =
ngZone.onUnstable.subscribe({ next: function () { _this._isStable = false; } });
_this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription = ngZone.onMicrotaskEmpty.subscribe({
next: function () {
if (_this._autoDetect) {
// Do a change detection run with checkNoChanges set to true to check
// there are no changes on the second run.
// Do a change detection run with checkNoChanges set to true to check
// there are no changes on the second run.
_this._onStableSubscription = ngZone.onStable.subscribe({
next: function () {
_this._isStable = true;
// Check whether there is a pending whenStable() completer to resolve.
if (_this._promise !== null) {
// If so check whether there are no pending macrotasks before resolving.
// Do this check in the next tick so that ngZone gets a chance to update the state of
// pending macrotasks.
scheduleMicroTask(function () {
if (!ngZone.hasPendingMacrotasks) {
if (_this._promise !== null) {
_this._resolve = null;
_this._promise = null;
_this._onErrorSubscription =
ngZone.onError.subscribe({ next: function (error) { throw error; } });
ComponentFixture.prototype._tick = function (checkNoChanges) {
if (checkNoChanges) {
* Trigger a change detection cycle for the component.
* Trigger a change detection cycle for the component.
ComponentFixture.prototype.detectChanges = /**
* Trigger a change detection cycle for the component.
function (checkNoChanges) {
var _this = this;
if (checkNoChanges === void 0) { checkNoChanges = true; }
if (this.ngZone != null) {
// Run the change detection inside the NgZone so that any async tasks as part of the change
// detection are captured by the zone and can be waited for in isStable. () { _this._tick(checkNoChanges); });
else {
// Running without zone. Just do the change detection.
* Do a change detection run to make sure there were no changes.
* Do a change detection run to make sure there were no changes.
ComponentFixture.prototype.checkNoChanges = /**
* Do a change detection run to make sure there were no changes.
function () { this.changeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges(); };
* Set whether the fixture should autodetect changes.
* Also runs detectChanges once so that any existing change is detected.
* Set whether the fixture should autodetect changes.
* Also runs detectChanges once so that any existing change is detected.
ComponentFixture.prototype.autoDetectChanges = /**
* Set whether the fixture should autodetect changes.
* Also runs detectChanges once so that any existing change is detected.
function (autoDetect) {
if (autoDetect === void 0) { autoDetect = true; }
if (this.ngZone == null) {
throw new Error('Cannot call autoDetectChanges when ComponentFixtureNoNgZone is set');
this._autoDetect = autoDetect;
* Return whether the fixture is currently stable or has async tasks that have not been completed
* yet.
* Return whether the fixture is currently stable or has async tasks that have not been completed
* yet.
ComponentFixture.prototype.isStable = /**
* Return whether the fixture is currently stable or has async tasks that have not been completed
* yet.
function () { return this._isStable && !this.ngZone.hasPendingMacrotasks; };
* Get a promise that resolves when the fixture is stable.
* This can be used to resume testing after events have triggered asynchronous activity or
* asynchronous change detection.
* Get a promise that resolves when the fixture is stable.
* This can be used to resume testing after events have triggered asynchronous activity or
* asynchronous change detection.
ComponentFixture.prototype.whenStable = /**
* Get a promise that resolves when the fixture is stable.
* This can be used to resume testing after events have triggered asynchronous activity or
* asynchronous change detection.
function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.isStable()) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
else if (this._promise !== null) {
return this._promise;
else {
this._promise = new Promise(function (res) { _this._resolve = res; });
return this._promise;
ComponentFixture.prototype._getRenderer = function () {
if (this._renderer === undefined) {
this._renderer = this.componentRef.injector.get(RendererFactory2, null);
return this._renderer;
* Get a promise that resolves when the ui state is stable following animations.
* Get a promise that resolves when the ui state is stable following animations.
ComponentFixture.prototype.whenRenderingDone = /**
* Get a promise that resolves when the ui state is stable following animations.
function () {
var renderer = this._getRenderer();
if (renderer && renderer.whenRenderingDone) {
return renderer.whenRenderingDone();
return this.whenStable();
* Trigger component destruction.
* Trigger component destruction.
ComponentFixture.prototype.destroy = /**
* Trigger component destruction.
function () {
if (!this._isDestroyed) {
if (this._onUnstableSubscription != null) {
this._onUnstableSubscription = null;
if (this._onStableSubscription != null) {
this._onStableSubscription = null;
if (this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription != null) {
this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription = null;
if (this._onErrorSubscription != null) {
this._onErrorSubscription = null;
this._isDestroyed = true;
return ComponentFixture;
function scheduleMicroTask(fn) {
Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('scheduleMicrotask', fn);
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
var FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = Zone['FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec'];
var ProxyZoneSpec = Zone['ProxyZoneSpec'];
var _fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = null;
* Clears out the shared fake async zone for a test.
* To be called in a global `beforeEach`.
* @experimental
function resetFakeAsyncZone() {
_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = null;
var _inFakeAsyncCall = false;
* Wraps a function to be executed in the fakeAsync zone:
* - microtasks are manually executed by calling `flushMicrotasks()`,
* - timers are synchronous, `tick()` simulates the asynchronous passage of time.
* If there are any pending timers at the end of the function, an exception will be thrown.
* Can be used to wrap inject() calls.
* ## Example
* {@example core/testing/ts/fake_async.ts region='basic'}
* @param fn
* @returns The function wrapped to be executed in the fakeAsync zone
* @experimental
function fakeAsync(fn) {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
var proxyZoneSpec = ProxyZoneSpec.assertPresent();
if (_inFakeAsyncCall) {
throw new Error('fakeAsync() calls can not be nested');
_inFakeAsyncCall = true;
try {
if (!_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec) {
if (proxyZoneSpec.getDelegate() instanceof FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec) {
throw new Error('fakeAsync() calls can not be nested');
_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = new FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec();
var res = void 0;
var lastProxyZoneSpec = proxyZoneSpec.getDelegate();
try {
res = fn.apply(this, args);
finally {
if (_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec.pendingPeriodicTimers.length > 0) {
throw new Error(_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec.pendingPeriodicTimers.length + " " +
"periodic timer(s) still in the queue.");
if (_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec.pendingTimers.length > 0) {
throw new Error(_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec.pendingTimers.length + " timer(s) still in the queue.");
return res;
finally {
_inFakeAsyncCall = false;
function _getFakeAsyncZoneSpec() {
if (_fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec == null) {
throw new Error('The code should be running in the fakeAsync zone to call this function');
return _fakeAsyncTestZoneSpec;
* Simulates the asynchronous passage of time for the timers in the fakeAsync zone.
* The microtasks queue is drained at the very start of this function and after any timer callback
* has been executed.
* ## Example
* {@example core/testing/ts/fake_async.ts region='basic'}
* @experimental
function tick(millis) {
if (millis === void 0) { millis = 0; }
* Simulates the asynchronous passage of time for the timers in the fakeAsync zone by
* draining the macrotask queue until it is empty. The returned value is the milliseconds
* of time that would have been elapsed.
* @param maxTurns
* @returns The simulated time elapsed, in millis.
* @experimental
function flush(maxTurns) {
return _getFakeAsyncZoneSpec().flush(maxTurns);
* Discard all remaining periodic tasks.
* @experimental
function discardPeriodicTasks() {
var zoneSpec = _getFakeAsyncZoneSpec();
var pendingTimers = zoneSpec.pendingPeriodicTimers;
zoneSpec.pendingPeriodicTimers.length = 0;
* Flush any pending microtasks.
* @experimental
function flushMicrotasks() {
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* Injectable completer that allows signaling completion of an asynchronous test. Used internally.
var AsyncTestCompleter = /** @class */ (function () {
function AsyncTestCompleter() {
var _this = this;
this._promise = new Promise(function (res, rej) {
_this._resolve = res;
_this._reject = rej;
AsyncTestCompleter.prototype.done = function (value) { this._resolve(value); }; = function (error, stackTrace) { this._reject(error); };
Object.defineProperty(AsyncTestCompleter.prototype, "promise", {
get: function () { return this._promise; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return AsyncTestCompleter;
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
function unimplemented() {
throw Error('unimplemented');
* Special interface to the compiler only used by testing
* @experimental
var TestingCompiler = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(TestingCompiler, _super);
function TestingCompiler() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Object.defineProperty(TestingCompiler.prototype, "injector", {
get: function () { throw unimplemented(); },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
TestingCompiler.prototype.overrideModule = function (module, overrides) {
throw unimplemented();
TestingCompiler.prototype.overrideDirective = function (directive, overrides) {
throw unimplemented();
TestingCompiler.prototype.overrideComponent = function (component, overrides) {
throw unimplemented();
TestingCompiler.prototype.overridePipe = function (directive, overrides) {
throw unimplemented();
* Allows to pass the compile summary from AOT compilation to the JIT compiler,
* so that it can use the code generated by AOT.
* Allows to pass the compile summary from AOT compilation to the JIT compiler,
* so that it can use the code generated by AOT.
TestingCompiler.prototype.loadAotSummaries = /**
* Allows to pass the compile summary from AOT compilation to the JIT compiler,
* so that it can use the code generated by AOT.
function (summaries) { throw unimplemented(); };
* Gets the component factory for the given component.
* This assumes that the component has been compiled before calling this call using
* `compileModuleAndAllComponents*`.
* Gets the component factory for the given component.
* This assumes that the component has been compiled before calling this call using
* `compileModuleAndAllComponents*`.
TestingCompiler.prototype.getComponentFactory = /**
* Gets the component factory for the given component.
* This assumes that the component has been compiled before calling this call using
* `compileModuleAndAllComponents*`.
function (component) { throw unimplemented(); };
* Returns the component type that is stored in the given error.
* This can be used for errors created by compileModule...
* Returns the component type that is stored in the given error.
* This can be used for errors created by compileModule...
TestingCompiler.prototype.getComponentFromError = /**
* Returns the component type that is stored in the given error.
* This can be used for errors created by compileModule...
function (error) { throw unimplemented(); };
return TestingCompiler;
* A factory for creating a Compiler
* @experimental
var TestingCompilerFactory = /** @class */ (function () {
function TestingCompilerFactory() {
return TestingCompilerFactory;
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
var UNDEFINED = new Object();
* An abstract class for inserting the root test component element in a platform independent way.
* @experimental
var TestComponentRenderer = /** @class */ (function () {
function TestComponentRenderer() {
TestComponentRenderer.prototype.insertRootElement = function (rootElementId) { };
return TestComponentRenderer;
var _nextRootElementId = 0;
* @experimental
var ComponentFixtureAutoDetect = new InjectionToken('ComponentFixtureAutoDetect');
* @experimental
var ComponentFixtureNoNgZone = new InjectionToken('ComponentFixtureNoNgZone');
* @whatItDoes Configures and initializes environment for unit testing and provides methods for
* creating components and services in unit tests.
* @description
* TestBed is the primary api for writing unit tests for Angular applications and libraries.
* @stable
var TestBed = /** @class */ (function () {
function TestBed() {
this._instantiated = false;
this._compiler = null;
this._moduleRef = null;
this._moduleFactory = null;
this._compilerOptions = [];
this._moduleOverrides = [];
this._componentOverrides = [];
this._directiveOverrides = [];
this._pipeOverrides = [];
this._providers = [];
this._declarations = [];
this._imports = [];
this._schemas = [];
this._activeFixtures = [];
this._testEnvAotSummaries = function () { return []; };
this._aotSummaries = [];
this._templateOverrides = [];
this.platform = null;
this.ngModule = null;
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
TestBed.initTestEnvironment = /**
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
function (ngModule, platform, aotSummaries) {
var testBed = getTestBed();
testBed.initTestEnvironment(ngModule, platform, aotSummaries);
return testBed;
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
TestBed.resetTestEnvironment = /**
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
function () { getTestBed().resetTestEnvironment(); };
TestBed.resetTestingModule = function () {
return TestBed;
* Allows overriding default compiler providers and settings
* which are defined in test_injector.js
* Allows overriding default compiler providers and settings
* which are defined in test_injector.js
TestBed.configureCompiler = /**
* Allows overriding default compiler providers and settings
* which are defined in test_injector.js
function (config) {
return TestBed;
* Allows overriding default providers, directives, pipes, modules of the test injector,
* which are defined in test_injector.js
* Allows overriding default providers, directives, pipes, modules of the test injector,
* which are defined in test_injector.js
TestBed.configureTestingModule = /**
* Allows overriding default providers, directives, pipes, modules of the test injector,
* which are defined in test_injector.js
function (moduleDef) {
return TestBed;
* Compile components with a `templateUrl` for the test's NgModule.
* It is necessary to call this function
* as fetching urls is asynchronous.
* Compile components with a `templateUrl` for the test's NgModule.
* It is necessary to call this function
* as fetching urls is asynchronous.
TestBed.compileComponents = /**
* Compile components with a `templateUrl` for the test's NgModule.
* It is necessary to call this function
* as fetching urls is asynchronous.
function () { return getTestBed().compileComponents(); };
TestBed.overrideModule = function (ngModule, override) {
getTestBed().overrideModule(ngModule, override);
return TestBed;
TestBed.overrideComponent = function (component, override) {
getTestBed().overrideComponent(component, override);
return TestBed;
TestBed.overrideDirective = function (directive, override) {
getTestBed().overrideDirective(directive, override);
return TestBed;
TestBed.overridePipe = function (pipe, override) {
getTestBed().overridePipe(pipe, override);
return TestBed;
TestBed.overrideTemplate = function (component, template) {
getTestBed().overrideComponent(component, { set: { template: template, templateUrl: (null) } });
return TestBed;
* Overrides the template of the given component, compiling the template
* in the context of the TestingModule.
* Note: This works for JIT and AOTed components as well.
* Overrides the template of the given component, compiling the template
* in the context of the TestingModule.
* Note: This works for JIT and AOTed components as well.
TestBed.overrideTemplateUsingTestingModule = /**
* Overrides the template of the given component, compiling the template
* in the context of the TestingModule.
* Note: This works for JIT and AOTed components as well.
function (component, template) {
getTestBed().overrideTemplateUsingTestingModule(component, template);
return TestBed;
TestBed.overrideProvider = function (token, provider) {
getTestBed().overrideProvider(token, provider);
return TestBed;
TestBed.deprecatedOverrideProvider = function (token, provider) {
getTestBed().deprecatedOverrideProvider(token, provider);
return TestBed;
TestBed.get = function (token, notFoundValue) {
if (notFoundValue === void 0) { notFoundValue = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND; }
return getTestBed().get(token, notFoundValue);
TestBed.createComponent = function (component) {
return getTestBed().createComponent(component);
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
TestBed.prototype.initTestEnvironment = /**
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
function (ngModule, platform, aotSummaries) {
if (this.platform || this.ngModule) {
throw new Error('Cannot set base providers because it has already been called');
this.platform = platform;
this.ngModule = ngModule;
if (aotSummaries) {
this._testEnvAotSummaries = aotSummaries;
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
TestBed.prototype.resetTestEnvironment = /**
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
function () {
this.platform = (null);
this.ngModule = (null);
this._testEnvAotSummaries = function () { return []; };
TestBed.prototype.resetTestingModule = function () {
this._aotSummaries = [];
this._templateOverrides = [];
this._compiler = (null);
this._moduleOverrides = [];
this._componentOverrides = [];
this._directiveOverrides = [];
this._pipeOverrides = [];
this._moduleRef = (null);
this._moduleFactory = (null);
this._compilerOptions = [];
this._providers = [];
this._declarations = [];
this._imports = [];
this._schemas = [];
this._instantiated = false;
this._activeFixtures.forEach(function (fixture) {
try {
catch (e) {
console.error('Error during cleanup of component', fixture.componentInstance);
this._activeFixtures = [];
TestBed.prototype.configureCompiler = function (config) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('TestBed.configureCompiler', 'configure the compiler');
TestBed.prototype.configureTestingModule = function (moduleDef) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('TestBed.configureTestingModule', 'configure the test module');
if (moduleDef.providers) {
(_a = this._providers).push.apply(_a, moduleDef.providers);
if (moduleDef.declarations) {
(_b = this._declarations).push.apply(_b, moduleDef.declarations);
if (moduleDef.imports) {
(_c = this._imports).push.apply(_c, moduleDef.imports);
if (moduleDef.schemas) {
(_d = this._schemas).push.apply(_d, moduleDef.schemas);
if (moduleDef.aotSummaries) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
TestBed.prototype.compileComponents = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this._moduleFactory || this._instantiated) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
var moduleType = this._createCompilerAndModule();
return this._compiler.compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync(moduleType)
.then(function (moduleAndComponentFactories) {
_this._moduleFactory = moduleAndComponentFactories.ngModuleFactory;
TestBed.prototype._initIfNeeded = function () {
if (this._instantiated) {
if (!this._moduleFactory) {
try {
var moduleType = this._createCompilerAndModule();
this._moduleFactory =
catch (e) {
var errorCompType = this._compiler.getComponentFromError(e);
if (errorCompType) {
throw new Error("This test module uses the component " + ɵstringify(errorCompType) + " which is using a \"templateUrl\" or \"styleUrls\", but they were never compiled. " +
"Please call \"TestBed.compileComponents\" before your test.");
else {
throw e;
for (var _i = 0, _a = this._templateOverrides; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var _b = _a[_i], component = _b.component, templateOf = _b.templateOf;
var compFactory = this._compiler.getComponentFactory(templateOf);
ɵoverrideComponentView(component, compFactory);
var ngZone = new NgZone({ enableLongStackTrace: true });
var providers = [{ provide: NgZone, useValue: ngZone }];
var ngZoneInjector = Injector.create({
providers: providers,
parent: this.platform.injector,
this._moduleRef = this._moduleFactory.create(ngZoneInjector);
// ApplicationInitStatus.runInitializers() is marked @internal to core. So casting to any
// before accessing it.
// ApplicationInitStatus.runInitializers() is marked @internal to core. So casting to any
// before accessing it.
this._instantiated = true;
TestBed.prototype._createCompilerAndModule = function () {
var _this = this;
var providers = this._providers.concat([{ provide: TestBed, useValue: this }]);
var declarations = this._declarations.concat( (entry) { return entry.templateOf; }));
var imports = [this.ngModule, this._imports];
var schemas = this._schemas;
var DynamicTestModule = /** @class */ (function () {
function DynamicTestModule() {
DynamicTestModule.decorators = [
{ type: NgModule, args: [{ providers: providers, declarations: declarations, imports: imports, schemas: schemas },] },
/** @nocollapse */
DynamicTestModule.ctorParameters = function () { return []; };
return DynamicTestModule;
var compilerFactory = this.platform.injector.get(TestingCompilerFactory);
this._compiler = compilerFactory.createTestingCompiler(this._compilerOptions);
for (var _i = 0, _a = [this._testEnvAotSummaries].concat(this._aotSummaries); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var summary = _a[_i];
this._moduleOverrides.forEach(function (entry) { return _this._compiler.overrideModule(entry[0], entry[1]); });
this._componentOverrides.forEach(function (entry) { return _this._compiler.overrideComponent(entry[0], entry[1]); });
this._directiveOverrides.forEach(function (entry) { return _this._compiler.overrideDirective(entry[0], entry[1]); });
this._pipeOverrides.forEach(function (entry) { return _this._compiler.overridePipe(entry[0], entry[1]); });
return DynamicTestModule;
TestBed.prototype._assertNotInstantiated = function (methodName, methodDescription) {
if (this._instantiated) {
throw new Error("Cannot " + methodDescription + " when the test module has already been instantiated. " +
("Make sure you are not using `inject` before `" + methodName + "`."));
TestBed.prototype.get = function (token, notFoundValue) {
if (notFoundValue === void 0) { notFoundValue = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND; }
if (token === TestBed) {
return this;
// Tests can inject things from the ng module and from the compiler,
// but the ng module can't inject things from the compiler and vice versa.
var result = this._moduleRef.injector.get(token, UNDEFINED);
return result === UNDEFINED ? this._compiler.injector.get(token, notFoundValue) : result;
TestBed.prototype.execute = function (tokens, fn, context) {
var _this = this;
var params = (t) { return _this.get(t); });
return fn.apply(context, params);
TestBed.prototype.overrideModule = function (ngModule, override) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overrideModule', 'override module metadata');
this._moduleOverrides.push([ngModule, override]);
TestBed.prototype.overrideComponent = function (component, override) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overrideComponent', 'override component metadata');
this._componentOverrides.push([component, override]);
TestBed.prototype.overrideDirective = function (directive, override) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overrideDirective', 'override directive metadata');
this._directiveOverrides.push([directive, override]);
TestBed.prototype.overridePipe = function (pipe, override) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overridePipe', 'override pipe metadata');
this._pipeOverrides.push([pipe, override]);
TestBed.prototype.overrideProvider = function (token, provider) {
this.overrideProviderImpl(token, provider);
TestBed.prototype.deprecatedOverrideProvider = function (token, provider) {
this.overrideProviderImpl(token, provider, /* deprecated */ /* deprecated */ true);
TestBed.prototype.overrideProviderImpl = function (token, provider, deprecated) {
if (deprecated === void 0) { deprecated = false; }
var flags = 0;
var value;
if (provider.useFactory) {
flags |= 1024 /* TypeFactoryProvider */;
value = provider.useFactory;
else {
flags |= 256 /* TypeValueProvider */;
value = provider.useValue;
var deps = (provider.deps || []).map(function (dep) {
var depFlags = 0;
var depToken;
if (Array.isArray(dep)) {
dep.forEach(function (entry) {
if (entry instanceof Optional) {
depFlags |= 2 /* Optional */;
else if (entry instanceof SkipSelf) {
depFlags |= 1 /* SkipSelf */;
else {
depToken = entry;
else {
depToken = dep;
return [depFlags, depToken];
ɵoverrideProvider({ token: token, flags: flags, deps: deps, value: value, deprecatedBehavior: deprecated });
TestBed.prototype.overrideTemplateUsingTestingModule = function (component, template) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overrideTemplateUsingTestingModule', 'override template');
var OverrideComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
function OverrideComponent() {
OverrideComponent.decorators = [
{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'empty', template: template },] },
/** @nocollapse */
OverrideComponent.ctorParameters = function () { return []; };
return OverrideComponent;
this._templateOverrides.push({ component: component, templateOf: OverrideComponent });
TestBed.prototype.createComponent = function (component) {
var _this = this;
var componentFactory = this._compiler.getComponentFactory(component);
if (!componentFactory) {
throw new Error("Cannot create the component " + ɵstringify(component) + " as it was not imported into the testing module!");
var noNgZone = this.get(ComponentFixtureNoNgZone, false);
var autoDetect = this.get(ComponentFixtureAutoDetect, false);
var ngZone = noNgZone ? null : this.get(NgZone, null);
var testComponentRenderer = this.get(TestComponentRenderer);
var rootElId = "root" + _nextRootElementId++;
var initComponent = function () {
var componentRef = componentFactory.create(Injector.NULL, [], "#" + rootElId, _this._moduleRef);
return new ComponentFixture(componentRef, ngZone, autoDetect);
var fixture = !ngZone ? initComponent() :;
return fixture;
return TestBed;
var _testBed = (null);
* @experimental
function getTestBed() {
return _testBed = _testBed || new TestBed();
* Allows injecting dependencies in `beforeEach()` and `it()`.
* Example:
* ```
* beforeEach(inject([Dependency, AClass], (dep, object) => {
* // some code that uses `dep` and `object`
* // ...
* }));
* it('...', inject([AClass], (object) => {
* object.doSomething();
* expect(...);
* })
* ```
* Notes:
* - inject is currently a function because of some Traceur limitation the syntax should
* eventually
* becomes `it('...', @Inject (object: AClass, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { ... });`
* @stable
function inject(tokens, fn) {
var testBed = getTestBed();
if (tokens.indexOf(AsyncTestCompleter) >= 0) {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function () {
var _this = this;
// Return an async test method that returns a Promise if AsyncTestCompleter is one of
// the injected tokens.
return testBed.compileComponents().then(function () {
var completer = testBed.get(AsyncTestCompleter);
testBed.execute(tokens, fn, _this);
return completer.promise;
else {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function () { return testBed.execute(tokens, fn, this); };
* @experimental
var InjectSetupWrapper = /** @class */ (function () {
function InjectSetupWrapper(_moduleDef) {
this._moduleDef = _moduleDef;
InjectSetupWrapper.prototype._addModule = function () {
var moduleDef = this._moduleDef();
if (moduleDef) {
InjectSetupWrapper.prototype.inject = function (tokens, fn) {
var self = this;
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function () {
return inject(tokens, fn).call(this);
return InjectSetupWrapper;
function withModule(moduleDef, fn) {
if (fn) {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function () {
var testBed = getTestBed();
if (moduleDef) {
return fn.apply(this);
return new InjectSetupWrapper(function () { return moduleDef; });
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
var _global$1 = (typeof window === 'undefined' ? global : window);
// Reset the test providers and the fake async zone before each test.
if (_global$1.beforeEach) {
_global$1.beforeEach(function () {
// TODO(juliemr): remove this, only used because we need to export something to have compilation
// work.
var __core_private_testing_placeholder__ = '';
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.
* Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
export { async, ComponentFixture, resetFakeAsyncZone, fakeAsync, tick, flush, discardPeriodicTasks, flushMicrotasks, TestComponentRenderer, ComponentFixtureAutoDetect, ComponentFixtureNoNgZone, TestBed, getTestBed, inject, InjectSetupWrapper, withModule, __core_private_testing_placeholder__, TestingCompiler as ɵTestingCompiler, TestingCompilerFactory as ɵTestingCompilerFactory };