RC2 of platform-only 9.0-alpha
Merge pull request #270 from jlahoda/do-fail-on-rat-or-verify-failures

Let the Travis build really fail on Rat or verify-libs-and-licenses f…
tree: 36f762ed60f6d720d6fe3c3fb4a964733d44e12c
  1. ant.browsetask/
  2. ant.debugger/
  3. ant.freeform/
  4. ant.grammar/
  5. ant.kit/
  6. api.annotations.common/
  7. api.debugger/
  8. api.debugger.jpda/
  9. api.htmlui/
  10. api.intent/
  11. api.io/
  12. api.java/
  13. api.java.classpath/
  14. api.maven/
  15. api.progress/
  16. api.progress.compat8/
  17. api.progress.nb/
  18. api.search/
  19. api.templates/
  20. api.visual/
  21. api.xml/
  22. api.xml.ui/
  23. apisupport.ant/
  24. apisupport.harness/
  25. apisupport.installer/
  26. apisupport.installer.maven/
  27. apisupport.kit/
  28. apisupport.project/
  29. apisupport.refactoring/
  30. apisupport.wizards/
  31. applemenu/
  32. autoupdate.cli/
  33. autoupdate.pluginimporter/
  34. autoupdate.services/
  35. autoupdate.ui/
  36. beans/
  37. bugtracking/
  38. bugtracking.bridge/
  39. bugtracking.commons/
  40. bugzilla/
  41. bugzilla.exceptionreporter/
  42. c.google.guava/
  43. c.googlecode.javaewah.JavaEWAH/
  44. c.jcraft.jsch/
  45. c.jcraft.jzlib/
  46. classfile/
  47. code.analysis/
  48. core.browser/
  49. core.browser.webview/
  50. core.execution/
  51. core.ide/
  52. core.io.ui/
  53. core.kit/
  54. core.multitabs/
  55. core.multitabs.project/
  56. core.multiview/
  57. core.nativeaccess/
  58. core.netigso/
  59. core.network/
  60. core.osgi/
  61. core.output2/
  62. core.startup/
  63. core.startup.base/
  64. core.ui/
  65. core.windows/
  66. csl.api/
  67. csl.types/
  68. css.editor/
  69. css.lib/
  70. css.model/
  71. css.prep/
  72. css.visual/
  73. db/
  74. db.core/
  75. db.dataview/
  76. db.drivers/
  77. db.kit/
  78. db.metadata.model/
  79. db.mysql/
  80. db.sql.editor/
  81. db.sql.visualeditor/
  82. dbapi/
  83. dbschema/
  84. deadlock.detector/
  85. debugger.jpda/
  86. debugger.jpda.ant/
  87. debugger.jpda.heapwalk/
  88. debugger.jpda.js/
  89. debugger.jpda.jsui/
  90. debugger.jpda.kit/
  91. debugger.jpda.projects/
  92. debugger.jpda.projectsui/
  93. debugger.jpda.ui/
  94. debugger.jpda.visual/
  95. defaults/
  96. derby/
  97. diff/
  98. dlight.nativeexecution/
  99. dlight.nativeexecution.nb/
  100. dlight.terminal/
  101. docker.api/
  102. docker.editor/
  103. docker.ui/
  104. editor/
  105. editor.actions/
  106. editor.bookmarks/
  107. editor.bracesmatching/
  108. editor.breadcrumbs/
  109. editor.codetemplates/
  110. editor.completion/
  111. editor.deprecated.pre65formatting/
  112. editor.document/
  113. editor.errorstripe/
  114. editor.errorstripe.api/
  115. editor.fold/
  116. editor.fold.nbui/
  117. editor.global.format/
  118. editor.guards/
  119. editor.indent/
  120. editor.indent.project/
  121. editor.indent.support/
  122. editor.kit/
  123. editor.lib/
  124. editor.lib2/
  125. editor.macros/
  126. editor.mimelookup/
  127. editor.mimelookup.impl/
  128. editor.plain/
  129. editor.plain.lib/
  130. editor.search/
  131. editor.settings/
  132. editor.settings.lib/
  133. editor.settings.storage/
  134. editor.structure/
  135. editor.tools.storage/
  136. editor.util/
  137. extbrowser/
  138. extexecution/
  139. extexecution.base/
  140. extexecution.impl/
  141. extexecution.process/
  142. extexecution.process.jdk9/
  143. favorites/
  144. findbugs.installer/
  145. form/
  146. form.binding/
  147. form.j2ee/
  148. form.kit/
  149. form.nb/
  150. form.refactoring/
  151. git/
  152. gototest/
  153. gsf.codecoverage/
  154. gsf.testrunner/
  155. gsf.testrunner.ui/
  156. hibernate/
  157. hibernate4lib/
  158. html/
  159. html.custom/
  160. html.editor/
  161. html.editor.lib/
  162. html.lexer/
  163. html.parser/
  164. html.validation/
  165. httpserver/
  166. hudson/
  167. hudson.ant/
  168. hudson.git/
  169. hudson.maven/
  170. hudson.mercurial/
  171. hudson.subversion/
  172. hudson.tasklist/
  173. hudson.ui/
  174. i18n/
  175. i18n.form/
  176. ide/
  177. ide.branding/
  178. ide.branding.kit/
  179. ide.kit/
  180. image/
  181. j2ee.core.utilities/
  182. j2ee.eclipselink/
  183. j2ee.eclipselinkmodelgen/
  184. j2ee.jpa.refactoring/
  185. j2ee.jpa.verification/
  186. j2ee.metadata/
  187. j2ee.metadata.model.support/
  188. j2ee.persistence/
  189. j2ee.persistence.kit/
  190. j2ee.persistenceapi/
  191. java.api.common/
  192. java.completion/
  193. java.debug/
  194. java.editor/
  195. java.editor.base/
  196. java.editor.lib/
  197. java.examples/
  198. java.freeform/
  199. java.graph/
  200. java.guards/
  201. java.hints/
  202. java.hints.declarative/
  203. java.hints.declarative.test/
  204. java.hints.legacy.spi/
  205. java.hints.test/
  206. java.hints.ui/
  207. java.j2sedeploy/
  208. java.j2seembedded/
  209. java.j2semodule/
  210. java.j2seplatform/
  211. java.j2seprofiles/
  212. java.j2seproject/
  213. java.kit/
  214. java.lexer/
  215. java.metrics/
  216. java.module.graph/
  217. java.navigation/
  218. java.platform/
  219. java.platform.ui/
  220. java.preprocessorbridge/
  221. java.project/
  222. java.project.ui/
  223. java.source/
  224. java.source.ant/
  225. java.source.base/
  226. java.source.compat8/
  227. java.source.queries/
  228. java.source.queriesimpl/
  229. java.sourceui/
  230. java.testrunner/
  231. java.testrunner.ant/
  232. java.testrunner.ui/
  233. javadoc/
  234. javaee.injection/
  235. javafx2.editor/
  236. javafx2.kit/
  237. javafx2.platform/
  238. javafx2.project/
  239. javafx2.samples/
  240. javafx2.scenebuilder/
  241. javahelp/
  242. javascript2.debug/
  243. javascript2.debug.ui/
  244. javawebstart/
  245. jellytools.ide/
  246. jellytools.java/
  247. jellytools.platform/
  248. jemmy/
  249. jshell.support/
  250. jumpto/
  251. junit/
  252. junit.ant/
  253. junit.ant.ui/
  254. junit.ui/
  255. junitlib/
  256. keyring/
  257. keyring.fallback/
  258. keyring.impl/
  259. languages/
  260. languages.diff/
  261. languages.manifest/
  262. languages.yaml/
  263. lexer/
  264. lexer.nbbridge/
  265. lib.jshell.agent/
  266. lib.nbjavac/
  267. lib.nbjshell/
  268. lib.nbjshell9/
  269. lib.profiler/
  270. lib.profiler.charts/
  271. lib.profiler.common/
  272. lib.profiler.ui/
  273. lib.terminalemulator/
  274. lib.uihandler/
  275. libs.antlr3.runtime/
  276. libs.antlr4.runtime/
  277. libs.asm/
  278. libs.bytelist/
  279. libs.cglib/
  280. libs.commons_compress/
  281. libs.commons_net/
  282. libs.felix/
  283. libs.freemarker/
  284. libs.git/
  285. libs.ini4j/
  286. libs.javacapi/
  287. libs.javacimpl/
  288. libs.javafx/
  289. libs.jaxb/
  290. libs.jna/
  291. libs.jna.platform/
  292. libs.jsch.agentproxy/
  293. libs.jshell.compile/
  294. libs.json_simple/
  295. libs.jsr223/
  296. libs.junit4/
  297. libs.jvyamlb/
  298. libs.lucene/
  299. libs.nbi.ant/
  300. libs.nbi.engine/
  301. libs.osgi/
  302. libs.smack/
  303. libs.springframework/
  304. libs.svnClientAdapter/
  305. libs.svnClientAdapter.javahl/
  306. libs.svnClientAdapter.svnkit/
  307. libs.testng/
  308. libs.xerces/
  309. localhistory/
  310. localtasks/
  311. masterfs/
  312. masterfs.linux/
  313. masterfs.macosx/
  314. masterfs.nio2/
  315. masterfs.ui/
  316. masterfs.windows/
  317. maven/
  318. maven.apisupport/
  319. maven.checkstyle/
  320. maven.coverage/
  321. maven.embedder/
  322. maven.grammar/
  323. maven.graph/
  324. maven.hints/
  325. maven.htmlui/
  326. maven.indexer/
  327. maven.indexer.ui/
  328. maven.junit/
  329. maven.junit.ui/
  330. maven.kit/
  331. maven.model/
  332. maven.osgi/
  333. maven.persistence/
  334. maven.profiler/
  335. maven.refactoring/
  336. maven.repository/
  337. maven.search/
  338. maven.spring/
  339. mercurial/
  340. mylyn.util/
  341. nashorn.execution/
  342. nbbuild/
  343. nbi/
  344. nbjunit/
  345. net.java.html/
  346. net.java.html.boot/
  347. net.java.html.boot.fx/
  348. net.java.html.boot.script/
  349. net.java.html.geo/
  350. net.java.html.json/
  351. net.java.html.sound/
  352. netbinox/
  353. notifications/
  354. o.apache.commons.codec/
  355. o.apache.commons.httpclient/
  356. o.apache.commons.io/
  357. o.apache.commons.lang/
  358. o.apache.commons.logging/
  359. o.apache.tools.ant.module/
  360. o.apache.ws.commons.util/
  361. o.apache.xml.resolver/
  362. o.apache.xmlrpc/
  363. o.eclipse.core.contenttype/
  364. o.eclipse.core.jobs/
  365. o.eclipse.core.net/
  366. o.eclipse.core.runtime/
  367. o.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.auth/
  368. o.eclipse.equinox.app/
  369. o.eclipse.equinox.common/
  370. o.eclipse.equinox.preferences/
  371. o.eclipse.equinox.registry/
  372. o.eclipse.equinox.security/
  373. o.eclipse.jgit/
  374. o.eclipse.jgit.java7/
  375. o.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.core/
  376. o.eclipse.mylyn.commons.core/
  377. o.eclipse.mylyn.commons.net/
  378. o.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.core/
  379. o.eclipse.mylyn.commons.xmlrpc/
  380. o.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core/
  381. o.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.confluence.core/
  382. o.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.core/
  383. o.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.markdown.core/
  384. o.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.textile.core/
  385. o.jdesktop.beansbinding/
  386. o.n.bootstrap/
  387. o.n.core/
  388. o.n.html.ko4j/
  389. o.n.html.xhr4j/
  390. o.n.insane/
  391. o.n.swing.dirchooser/
  392. o.n.swing.outline/
  393. o.n.swing.plaf/
  394. o.n.swing.tabcontrol/
  395. o.n.upgrader/
  396. o.openidex.util/
  397. openide.actions/
  398. openide.awt/
  399. openide.compat/
  400. openide.dialogs/
  401. openide.execution/
  402. openide.execution.compat8/
  403. openide.explorer/
  404. openide.filesystems/
  405. openide.filesystems.compat8/
  406. openide.filesystems.nb/
  407. openide.io/
  408. openide.loaders/
  409. openide.modules/
  410. openide.nodes/
  411. openide.options/
  412. openide.text/
  413. openide.util/
  414. openide.util.enumerations/
  415. openide.util.lookup/
  416. openide.util.ui/
  417. openide.windows/
  418. options.api/
  419. options.editor/
  420. options.java/
  421. options.keymap/
  422. parsing.api/
  423. parsing.indexing/
  424. parsing.lucene/
  425. parsing.nb/
  426. parsing.ui/
  427. performance/
  428. performance.java/
  429. print/
  430. print.editor/
  431. profiler/
  432. profiler.api/
  433. profiler.attach/
  434. profiler.freeform/
  435. profiler.heapwalker/
  436. profiler.j2se/
  437. profiler.kit/
  438. profiler.nbimpl/
  439. profiler.nbmodule/
  440. profiler.options/
  441. profiler.oql/
  442. profiler.oql.language/
  443. profiler.ppoints/
  444. profiler.projectsupport/
  445. profiler.snaptracer/
  446. profiler.utilities/
  447. progress.ui/
  448. project.ant/
  449. project.ant.compat8/
  450. project.ant.ui/
  451. project.indexingbridge/
  452. project.libraries/
  453. project.libraries.ui/
  454. project.spi.intern/
  455. project.spi.intern.impl/
  456. projectapi/
  457. projectapi.nb/
  458. projectimport.eclipse.core/
  459. projectimport.eclipse.j2se/
  460. projectui/
  461. projectui.buildmenu/
  462. projectuiapi/
  463. projectuiapi.base/
  464. properties/
  465. properties.syntax/
  466. queries/
  467. refactoring.api/
  468. refactoring.java/
  469. sampler/
  470. schema2beans/
  471. selenium2/
  472. selenium2.java/
  473. selenium2.maven/
  474. selenium2.server/
  475. sendopts/
  476. server/
  477. servletapi/
  478. settings/
  479. spellchecker/
  480. spellchecker.apimodule/
  481. spellchecker.bindings.htmlxml/
  482. spellchecker.bindings.java/
  483. spellchecker.bindings.properties/
  484. spellchecker.dictionary_en/
  485. spellchecker.kit/
  486. spi.actions/
  487. spi.debugger.jpda.ui/
  488. spi.debugger.ui/
  489. spi.editor.hints/
  490. spi.editor.hints.projects/
  491. spi.java.hints/
  492. spi.navigator/
  493. spi.palette/
  494. spi.quicksearch/
  495. spi.tasklist/
  496. spi.viewmodel/
  497. spring.beans/
  498. subversion/
  499. swing.validation/
  500. target.iterator/
  501. tasklist.kit/
  502. tasklist.projectint/
  503. tasklist.todo/
  504. tasklist.ui/
  505. team.commons/
  506. team.ide/
  507. templates/
  508. templatesui/
  509. terminal/
  510. terminal.nb/
  511. testng/
  512. testng.ant/
  513. testng.maven/
  514. testng.ui/
  515. timers/
  516. uihandler/
  517. uihandler.exceptionreporter/
  518. updatecenters/
  519. usersguide/
  520. utilities/
  521. utilities.project/
  522. versioning/
  523. versioning.core/
  524. versioning.indexingbridge/
  525. versioning.masterfs/
  526. versioning.system.cvss.installer/
  527. versioning.ui/
  528. versioning.util/
  529. web.browser.api/
  530. web.common/
  531. web.common.ui/
  532. web.indent/
  533. web.webkit.debugging/
  534. websvc.jaxws21/
  535. websvc.jaxws21api/
  536. websvc.jaxwsmodelapi/
  537. websvc.saas.api/
  538. websvc.saas.codegen/
  539. websvc.saas.codegen.java/
  540. websvc.saas.kit/
  541. websvc.saas.ui/
  542. welcome/
  543. whitelist/
  544. xml/
  545. xml.axi/
  546. xml.catalog/
  547. xml.catalog.ui/
  548. xml.core/
  549. xml.jaxb/
  550. xml.jaxb.api/
  551. xml.lexer/
  552. xml.multiview/
  553. xml.retriever/
  554. xml.schema.completion/
  555. xml.schema.model/
  556. xml.tax/
  557. xml.text/
  558. xml.text.obsolete90/
  559. xml.tools/
  560. xml.tools.java/
  561. xml.wsdl.model/
  562. xml.xam/
  563. xml.xdm/
  564. xsl/
  565. .gitignore
  566. .travis.yml
  567. build.xml
  569. LICENSE
  570. NOTICE
  571. README.md

Apache NetBeans

Apache NetBeans is an open source development environment, tooling platform, and application framework.


  • Git
  • Ant 1.9.9 or above
  • JDK 8 (to build NetBeans)
  • JDK 9 (to run NetBeans)

Note: NetBeans also runs with JDK 8, although then it will not include tools for the JDK 9 Shell.

Building NetBeans

Build the full project:

$ ant

Build the NetBeans Platform:

$ ant -Dcluster.config=platform

Running NetBeans

Run the build:

$ ant tryme

Note: Look in nbbuild/netbeans for the NetBeans installation created by the build process.

Get In Touch

Subscribe or mail the users@netbeans.incubator.apache.org list - Ask questions, find answers, and also help other users.

Subscribe or mail the dev@netbeans.incubator.apache.org list - Join developement discussions, propose new ideas and connect with contributors.