Developing NetBeans based Extension for VS Code

Getting the Code

$ git clone
$ cd netbeans/


To build the VS Code extension invoke:

netbeans$ ant build
netbeans$ cd java/java.lsp.server
java.lsp.server$ ant build-vscode-ext -D3rdparty.modules=.*nbjavac.*

The 3rdparty.modules property doesn't have to be set at all. The resulting extension is then in the build directory, with the .vsix extension.

Building for Development

If you want to develop the extension, use these steps for building instead:

netbeans$ cd java/java.lsp.server
java.lsp.server$ ant build-lsp-server -D3rdparty.modules=.*nbjavac.*
java.lsp.server$ cd vscode
vscode$ npm install
vscode$ npm run watch

The 3rdparty.modules property doesn't have to be set at all. This target is faster than building the .vsix file. Find the instructions for running and debugging below.


Often it is also important to properly clean everything. Use:

java.lsp.server$ ant clean-vscode-server
java.lsp.server$ cd ../..
netbeans$ ant clean

Running and Debugging

Have a sample Maven project, open it in NetBeans first and select the main file for both the Run and Debug actions.

To use the extension created for developement you can run VS Code with following parameter:

vscode$ code --extensionDevelopmentPath=`pwd` path_to_the_maven_project

Or you can open the vscode folder in code directly and use F5 to debug the extension's typescript code.

To debug the Java code, launch the NetBeans part of the VS Code system first and specify suitable debug arguments:

vscode$ npm run nbcode -- --jdkhome /jdk-14/ -J-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000

Connect to the process with Java debugger, setup all breakpoints. Then launch and connect from the VS Code extension:

vscode$ code --extensionDevelopmentPath=`pwd` path_to_the_maven_project