Better messages from Janitor on abandoned cache dirs.
diff --git a/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/ b/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/
index 0d2ee6f..66882b4 100644
--- a/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/
+++ b/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/
@@ -58,11 +58,33 @@
     "# {1} - the days of abandonement",
     "# {2} - the disk space can be reclaimed (in megabytes)",
     "TIT_ABANDONED_USERDIR=NetBeans {0} was last used {1} days ago.",
+    "# {0} - the name of the abandoned cache dir.",
+    "# {1} - the disk space can be reclaimed (in megabytes)",
+    "TIT_ABANDONED_CACHEDIR=NetBeans cache directory {0} seems to be abandoned.",
     "# {0} - is the user directory name",
     "# {1} - the days of abandonement",
     "# {2} - the disk space can be reclaimed (in megabytes)",
     "DESC_ABANDONED_USERDIR=Remove unused data and cache directories of NetBeans {0}. "
             + "Free up {2} MB of disk space.",
+    "# {0} - is the cache directory name",
+    "# {1} - the disk space can be reclaimed (in megabytes)",
+    "DESC_ABANDONED_CACHEDIR=NetBeans could not find a user dir for cache dir {0}, so it is probably abandoned. "
+            + "Remove abandoned cache dir, "
+            + "free up {1} MB of disk space.",
+    "TIT_CONFIRM_CLEANUP=Confirm Cleanup",
+    "# {0} - the dirname to be cleaned up",
+    "TXT_CONFIRM_CLEANUP=Remove user and cache data for NetBeans {0}?",
+        "# {0} - the dirname to be cleaned up",
+    "TXT_CONFIRM_CACHE_CLEANUP=Remove abandoned cache dir?",
+    "# {0} - the dirname to be cleaned up",
+    "LBL_CLEANUP=Removing unused/abandoned user and/or cache dirs."
 public class Janitor {
@@ -87,30 +109,37 @@
         List<Pair<String, Integer>> otherVersions = getOtherVersions();
         for (Pair<String, Integer> ver : otherVersions) {
-            long toFree = size(getUserDir(ver.first())) + size(getCacheDir(ver.first()));
+            String name = ver.first();
+            Integer age = ver.second();
+            long toFree = size(getUserDir(name)) + size(getCacheDir(name));
             toFree = toFree / (1_000_000) + 1;
-            ActionListener cleanupListener = cleanupAction(ver.first());
-            Notification nf = NotificationDisplayer.getDefault().notify(
-                    Bundle.TIT_ABANDONED_USERDIR(ver.first(), ver.second(), toFree),
-                    clean,
-                    Bundle.DESC_ABANDONED_USERDIR(ver.first(), ver.second(), toFree),
-                    cleanupListener);
+            ActionListener cleanupListener;
+            Notification nf;
+            if (getUserDir(name) != null) {
+                cleanupListener = cleanupAction(name, Bundle.TXT_CONFIRM_CLEANUP(name));
+                nf = NotificationDisplayer.getDefault().notify(
+                        Bundle.TIT_ABANDONED_USERDIR(name, age, toFree),
+                        clean,
+                        Bundle.DESC_ABANDONED_USERDIR(name, age, toFree),
+                        cleanupListener);
+            } else {
+                cleanupListener = cleanupAction(name, Bundle.TXT_CONFIRM_CACHE_CLEANUP(name));
+                nf = NotificationDisplayer.getDefault().notify(
+                        Bundle.TIT_ABANDONED_CACHEDIR(name, toFree),
+                        clean,
+                        Bundle.DESC_ABANDONED_CACHEDIR(name, toFree),
+                        cleanupListener);
+            }
             CLEANUP_TASKS.put(cleanupListener, nf);
-    @Messages({
-        "TIT_CONFIRM_CLEANUP=Confirm Cleanup",
-        "# {0} - the dirname to be cleaned up",
-        "TXT_CONFIRM_CLEANUP=Remove user and cache data for NetBeans {0}?",
-        "# {0} - the dirname to be cleaned up",
-        "LBL_CLEANUP=Removing user and cache dirs of {0}"
-    })
-    static ActionListener cleanupAction(String name) {
+    static ActionListener cleanupAction(String name, String label) {
         return new ActionListener() {
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
-                JanitorPanel panel = new JanitorPanel(Bundle.TXT_CONFIRM_CLEANUP(name));
+                JanitorPanel panel = new JanitorPanel(label);
                 DialogDescriptor descriptor = new DialogDescriptor(
diff --git a/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/JanitorPanel.form b/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/JanitorPanel.form
index a1ac916..6d7df9c 100644
--- a/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/JanitorPanel.form
+++ b/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/JanitorPanel.form
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     <Component class="javax.swing.JLabel" name="jLabel1">
-        <Property name="verticalAlignment" type="int" value="1"/>
+        <Property name="horizontalAlignment" type="int" value="0"/>
     <Component class="javax.swing.JCheckBox" name="cbEnabled">
diff --git a/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/ b/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/
index da15afa..0190cae 100644
--- a/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/
+++ b/platform/janitor/src/org/netbeans/modules/janitor/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
         jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         cbEnabled = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
-        jLabel1.setVerticalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.TOP);
+        jLabel1.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER);
         org.openide.awt.Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(cbEnabled, org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(JanitorPanel.class, "JanitorPanel.cbEnabled.text")); // NOI18N