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= NetBeans Pub Hangout in Prague
:author: Geertjan Wielenga
:revdate: 2022-10-24
:jbake-type: post
:jbake-tags: blogentry
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Apache NetBeans 18 release
:description: Apache NetBeans 18 release
:toc: left
:syntax: true
A group of Java engineers gathered in a pub in Prague last night to celebrate many years
of their engagement in NetBeans, all having worked in Sun Microsystems or Oracle or both,
continuing into the Apache world where NetBeans is now found.
This will not be the last of such gatherings, anyone involved in NetBeans over
the years is more than welcome to attend or set up similar get togethers,
ideally in a pub, which is also where NetBeans started.