| = bits.netbeans.org |
| |
| bits.netbeans.org is a virtual host in the NetBeans VM. |
| |
| == Infrastructure as code |
| |
| The digital certificates and other virtual host settings are managed with |
| link:https://puppet.com/solutions/infrastructure-as-code[puppet], in a joint |
| effort between the NetBeans Team (for configuration) and the ASF-Infra Team |
| (for updates) through JIRA. |
| |
| The NetBeans Team also maintains some convenience tools that generate Jenkins scripts |
| to ease JavaDoc generation. |
| |
| These infrastructure as code tools can be found here: https://github.com/apache/netbeans-tools/tree/master/buildscripts/conveniences |
| |
| == The NetBeans APIs |
| |
| Currently bits.netbeans.org hosts the APIs of NetBeans and different Maven stuff. |
| |
| APIs are generated through different Jenkins jobs. Each hour a script in the |
| NetBeans VM checks if a download is required and downloads the API zip file. |
| Then, if required, the API zip file is extracted and served. |
| |
| The Jenkins jobs responsible for generating the APIs are: |
| |
| [options="header", cols="1,2,4"] |
| |=== |
| | Release | Jenkins job | Generated API |
| | NetBeans Dev | link:https://builds.apache.org/job/netbeans-master-apidocmaven/[netbeans-master-apidocmaven] | https://bits.netbeans.org/dev/javadoc |
| | NetBeans 11.0 | link:https://builds.apache.org/job/netbeans-r110-apidocmaven/[netbeans-r110-apidocmaven] | https://bits.netbeans.org/11.0/javadoc/ |
| | NetBeans 10.0 | link:https://builds.apache.org/job/netbeans-r100-apidocmaven/[netbeans-r100-apidocmaven] | https://bits.netbeans.org/10.0/javadoc/ |
| | NetBeans 9.0 | link:https://builds.apache.org/job/netbeans-r90-apidocmaven/[netbeans-r90-apidocmaven] | https://bits.netbeans.org/9.0/javadoc/ |
| | Maven Site | link:https://builds.apache.org/job/netbeans-mavenutils-website/[netbeans-mavenutils-website] | https://bits.netbeans.org/mavenutilities/nbm-shared/index.html |
| |