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<!-- root element of PES configuration
incomingDir: where PES expects results to be uploaded
this directory will have two subdirectories:
- replacement/
- results stored in this directory
will replace the already processed
results (if applicable)
- invalid/
- here are placed results which cannot
be processes by PES (ivalid or incomplete
archive) - so they can be further
investigated manually
workDir: PES' working directory - used for processing
results before they are integrated to web
loggingLevel: logging level of PES, which is used for writing out logs
to standard output. Default value is WARNING
usually there is no need to specify this attribute
since 'WARNING' level is suitable for most users
databaseUploadPath: path, where resuls prepored for database upload.
are stored. When this attribute is set, database upload
mode is actiavated. More information on this topic will come soon.
team: default team of this PES instance. This attribute applies only
when databaseUploadPath is set, hence it is relevant only when
uploading results to database. Again more informatin on this
will be written soon.
<!ELEMENT PESConfig (PESWeb, Mail?)>
databaseUploadPath CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- element describing email settings for PES.
This element is optional and when used, PES is able to send notification to
it's administrators about exceptional states it encounters. Attributes are:
smtpHost: host address which is running smtp daemon to send email. Unix workstation
are usually running this daemon. If you are not sure, please
ask your network administrator.
from: email account which is used as a sender of this message.
to: email account to which are all messages sent
loggingLevel: similarly as in the top element (PESConfig), but this logging
level is used for sending notifications via email. Usually
there is no need to define this attribute, since 'SEVERE' level
is suitable for most users
<!-- element describing PES' web. Any PES instance can manage
one or more websites, each is independent on each other
- this functionality can be used to prepare archives
for offline access or to prepare truncated results
(results uploaded to
webroot: directory in the filesystem which serve as
web root for results (does not have to be
real webroot of the http server, but any
subdirectory of it).
type: type of the web. Possible values are:
- main - main PES web - this is the only compulsory
web to be specified in the config. All other types
of web are created from this one. Only one main
web can exist in one PES instance.
- copy - full or partial copy of the main web. This
can be used when preparing subset of results to be
published on other network (e.g.
- archive - web to be archived for offline access. It
is actually full or partial copy of main web, but
results available in archive are deleted from main
web. If you need to keep them available on the
main web, use 'copy' value instead of 'archive'
truncate: setting this to true means, that results
in this web are truncated - i.e. no working
directories, IDE userdirs nor exception details
are available on this web
includeExceptions: when set to true (default), exceptions thrown in the
tests are displayed with stack traces on the pages. If false, no
stacktraces are displayed.
includeIDELogs: when set to true (default), ide logs are available from
the web pages.
uploadToDatabase: if true (default), then results from this web will be uploaded
to database. This attribute depends on databaseUploadPath in PESConfig,
so if the databaseUploadPath is not set, then this attribute has no
effect at all.
webURL: URL of the webroot. This attribute is required only when database
uploads are on (see databaseUploadPath attribute in PESConfig
<!ELEMENT PESWeb (PESProjectGroup+)>
type (main|copy|archive) "main"
truncate (true|false) "false"
includeExceptions (true|false) "true"
includeIDELogs (true|false) "true"
uploadToDatabase (true|false) "true"
<!-- this elements defines groups of projects
available on the web. Each web can contain
one or more projects group. Each project group
can include one or more projects and is available
on separate page. All group pages are connected
together via links.
name: name of the group - this name is displayed
in the title of the main group page as well on
links pointing to this page
description: detailed description of this group -
description is displayed on the group summary page
main: if true, this group is taken as the main group
on the web site (is available in index.html).
It also means that all results which does
not fit into any other group will stay in this
group (even though there are not defined)
historyMatrices: if true, historyMatrices are
created for this group, if false, no history matrices
are produced
currentBuilds: defines number of builds which are
considered as current - they are available
on the first projects summary page. Any build
'older' than the number specified is available
in other page. If not defined - no older builds
are created
detailedData: defines number of builds for which are
detailed data kept available. When a build is older then
defined number, all detailed data (workdirs, logs, IDE userdirs)
are deleted. When not defined, no detailed data are deleted.
uploadToDatabase: this settings applied only when databaseUploadPath
is set in PESConfig element. Basically this let you to let the results
from this group to be uploaded to database, or disables (when set to
false) the upload of all results from this group
<!ELEMENT PESProjectGroup (PESProject*)>
<!ATTLIST PESProjectGroup
description CDATA #REQUIRED
main (true|false) "false"
historyMatrices CDATA #IMPLIED
currentBuilds CDATA #IMPLIED
detailedData CDATA #IMPLIED
uploadToDatabase (true|false) "true"
<!-- PESProject defines logical project which is managed
in this group.
project: real name of the project as is defined
in the submitted results. This attribute serves
as 'link' to the tested project (i.e. even
though on pages is displayed logical names,
the shown data are from this project. Attribute
can contain regular expression (with syntax
conforming to JDK 1.4 regex package)
department: from which department should
be tests included in this project. Usually one real
project can be tested by several groups (like
QA, Development, RE) and results needs to be
kept separately. If not defined, all departments
are included. Attribute can also contain
regular expression (with syntax conforming to
JDK 1.4 regex package)
testType: which test type should be included in this
project. Similarly as with department - one real
project can be tested with several test types (e.g.
functional, performance, unit ...). If this attribute
is not defined, then all test types are included.
Likewise with project and department, testType can
contain regular expression.
fromBuild: from which build should be project
available in this logical project. If not defined,
all builds from beginning to buildTo are included
in this logical project.
toBuild: to which build should be project available
in this logical project. If not defined, all
builds from buildFrom are included in this
logical project.
department CDATA #IMPLIED