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-//NetBeans//DTD Top Component in Mode Properties 2.2//EN
Top component reference consists of several property sets for various
user-interface types and optional module information.
"version" is versioning attribute which in fact specifies version
of DTD for the document. Attribute is used to perform simple versioning
without the need to use time-consuming xml validation using this DTD.
<!ELEMENT tc-ref (module?, tc-id, state, previousMode, docking-status?, slide-in-status?) >
<!ATTLIST tc-ref
<!-- Optional element for module information. Attribute name specifies name of
module which defines this xml description. Module information is used for
automatic removal of top component reference defined by module if module
is disabled.
If you want your module's top component reference to be removed
automatically when your module is disabled, fill this element.
When this element is missing, no automatic removal will be done.
1) "name" code name of the module, can be either base code name or full code
name with slash and release number. Examples for core module are:
"org.netbeans.core" or "org.netbeans.core/1"
2) "spec" is specification version of the module which defines this xml description.
<!ELEMENT module EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST module
Element "tc-id" contains unique identification of TopComponent.
"id" unique ID of TopComponent. It corresponds to name of TopComponent settings file.
<!ATTLIST tc-id
Element "state" describes state of TopComponent in Mode.
"opened" is "true" when TopComponent is opened, "false" if TopComponent is closed.
<!ATTLIST state
opened (true | false) #REQUIRED
Element "previousMode" contains identification of the mode that it resides in before this one. Useful for sliding views.
attribute name contanis the name of the previous mode.
<!ELEMENT previousMode EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST name
name CDATA
Element "docking-status" describes the docking state of TopComponent.
"maximized-mode" is "docked" when TopComponent is docked, "slided" if TopComponent is slided to edgebar when the editor is maximized.
"default-mode" is "docked" when TopComponent is docked, "slided" if TopComponent is slided to edgebar in the regular, non-maximized mode.
<!ELEMENT docking-status EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST docking-status
maximized-mode (docked | slided) #IMPLIED
default-mode (docked | slided) #IMPLIED
Element "slide-in-status" describes the state of TopComponent when it is slided-in.
"maximized" is "true" when TopComponent covers the whole screen, "false" if TopComponent has its default or user defined size.
<!ELEMENT slide-in-status EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST slide-in-status
maximized (true | false) #IMPLIED