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The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
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The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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Declaratively describes library content definition.
PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Library Declaration 1.0//EN"
<library version="1.0">
<name>NetBeans Lookup library</name>
<description>Library providing lookup functionality.</description>
Root element of library definition descriptor.
<!ELEMENT library (name, type, description?, localizing-bundle?, volume*) >
<!-- The version attribute specifies the version of the library -->
<!ATTLIST library version CDATA #FIXED "1.0" >
<!--- Library unique identifier - a string.
In the case when the localizing-bundle element presents the name value is used
as a key into bundle to locate the display name. Otherwise the name value is
used as a display name-->
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
<!--Short description of given library - a string.
In the case when the localizing-bundle element presents the description value
is used as a key into bundle to locate the localized description. Otherwise
the description value is used.-->
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) >
<!-- The resource name of base bundle without an extension - a string.
The bundle used to lookup the localized strings.
The bundle is looked up by NbBundle.getBundle (String) method.
Example of localizing bundle: org.netbeans.modules.junit.resources.Bundle -->
<!ELEMENT localizing-bundle (#PCDATA)>
<!--- Volume is typed list of resources -->
<!ELEMENT volume (type, resource*) >
<!--- Volume type of a library volume - a string
For example the J2SE library supports the following types of volume:
classpath, javadoc and src -->
<!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA) >
<!--- Volume resource coded as absolute URI.
file:/usr/lib/java/xerces.jar is resolved to /usr/lib/java/xerces.jar
nbinst:/modules/ext/junit.jar is resolved to /IDE-INSTALLATION/ide4/modules/ext/junit.jar
<!ELEMENT resource (#PCDATA) >