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-//NetBeans//DTD annotation type 1.1//EN
Document type declaration for AnnotationType.
<!ELEMENT type (combination?)>
<!ATTLIST type visible (true | false) #IMPLIED>
<!-- The annotation is visible=true by default -->
<!ATTLIST type localizing_bundle CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST type description_key CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- No localization/no description by defualt.
In fact, bundle/description is #REQUIRED for visible=true -->
<!ATTLIST type highlight CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST type foreground CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST type waveunderline CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST type type (line|linepart) #IMPLIED>
<!-- The type=line by default -->
<!ATTLIST type actions CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!--Should a custom color be used when showing in the editor side bar (Error Stripe)?
default: true if custom_sidebar_color attribute is specified, false otherwise
<!ATTLIST type use_custom_sidebar_color (true | false) #IMPLIED>
<!--The custom color for the editor side bar (Error Stripe).
Valid values are 0xRRGGBB, where RR, GG, BB are hexadecimal numbers.
default: no color
<!ATTLIST type custom_sidebar_color CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!--Severity of the annotation. Used to recognize errors and warnings. If
none, the annotation is not visible in certain views (editor side bar).
default: none
<!ATTLIST type severity (error | warning | ok | none) #IMPLIED>
<!--Whether the annotation should be browseable by some kind "Show Next Error" action.
default: false
<!ATTLIST type browseable (true | false) #IMPLIED>
<!--Determines some "priority" of the annotation.
The smaller number, the higher priority.
default: 0
<!ATTLIST type priority CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT combination (combine+)>
<!ATTLIST combination tiptext_key CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST combination order CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST combination min_optionals CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT combine EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST combine annotationtype CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST combine absorb_all (true | false) #IMPLIED>
<!-- The absorb_all=false by default -->
<!ATTLIST combine optional (true | false) #IMPLIED>
<!-- The optional=false by default -->