blob: 6cdcbfc635b575381f6cfdef34405e165191b00f [file] [log] [blame]
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var BUNDLED_SERVERS_GROUP_NAME = "Server\u00ebt e tubuar";
var NETBEANS_DOWNLOAD_BUNDLES_MSG = "Shkarkimi i tufave t\u00eb NetBeans IDE";
var NETBEANS_DOWNLOAD_BUNDLES_COMMUNITY_MSG = "Shkarkimi i tufave t\u00eb NetBeans IDE n\u00eb gjuh\u00ebt e kontribuara nga komuniteti";
var NETBEANS_PACKS_MSG = "Teknologjit\u00eb e p\u00ebrkrahura";
var JAVA_COM_LINK = "";
//var JDK_NOTE_ALL = "Java 6 ose Java 5 \u00ebsht\u00eb e k\u00ebrkuar p\u00ebr instalimin dhe ekzekutimin e Tufave NetBeans PHP-s\u00eb, Ruby si dhe C/C++. Ju mund t'i shkakroni <a href=\"{0}\">Java t\u00eb fundit nga</a>.<br><br>JDK 6 ose JDK 5 \u00ebsht\u00eb e k\u00ebrkuar p\u00ebr instalimin dhe ekzekutimin e Java SE, JavaFX, Java si dhe All NetBeans Bundles. Ju mund t\u00eb shkarkoni <a href=\"{1}\">JDK vet-q\u00ebndruese</a> ose shkarkoni t\u00eb fundmen <a href=\"{2}\">JDK me NetBeans IDE Java SE bundle</a>.<br><br>";
var JDK_NOTE_ALL = "Java 6 is required for installing and running the PHP and C/C++ NetBeans Bundles. You can download the <a href=\"{0}\">latest Java at</a>.<br><br>JDK 6 is required for installing and running the Java SE, Java EE and All NetBeans Bundles. You can download <a href=\"{1}\">standalone JDK</a> or download the latest <a href=\"{2}\">JDK with NetBeans IDE Java SE bundle</a>.<br><br>";
//var JDK_NOTE_MACOSX = "JDK 5.0 is required for installing and running the NetBeans IDE.";
var FREE_SIZE_MESSAGE = "Falas,&nbsp;{0}&nbsp;MB";
var NOTE_PREFIX = "Sh\u00ebnim: ";
var NOTE_AND_SEP = "{0} dhe {1}";
var NOTE_COMMA_SEP = "{0}, {1}";
var SINGLE_NOT_AVAILABLE_ZIP = "{0} nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme n\u00eb {1}";
var SINGLE_NOT_AVAILABLE_BUNDLE = "{0} nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme p\u00ebr {1}";
var MULTIPLE_NOT_AVAILABLE_ZIP = "{0} nuk jan\u00eb t\u00eb gatshme n\u00eb{1}";
var MULTIPLE_NOT_AVAILABLE_BUNDLE = "{0} nuk jan\u00eb t\u00eb gatshme p\u00ebr {1}";
var ZIP_FILES_LIST_NAME = "Skedar\u00ebt Zip";
var NOTE_SOLARIS = "Sh\u00ebnim: Mobility \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme vet\u00ebm p\u00ebr Windows dhe Linux. <br>UML Pack \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme n\u00eb Qendr\u00ebn e p\u00ebrdit\u00ebsimit.";
var NOTE_MACOSX = "Sh\u00ebnim: Java ME \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme vet\u00ebm ppr Windows dhe Linux. <br>UML Pack \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme n\u00eb Qendr\u00ebn e p\u00ebrdit\u00ebsimit.";
var NOTE_ZIP = "Sh\u00ebnim: GlassFish si dhe Apache Tomcat jan\u00eb t\u00eb gatshme vet\u00ebm n\u00eb instaluesit e ve\u00e7ant p\u00ebr platforma. UML Pack \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme n\u00eb Qendr\u00ebn e p\u00ebrdit\u00ebsimit.";
var NOTE_OTHER = "Sh\u00ebnim: UML Pack \u00ebsht\u00eb e gatshme n\u00eb Qendr\u00ebn e p\u00ebrdit\u00ebsimit.";
var NOTE_JAVAFX = "Available only with <a href=\"{0}\">NetBeans&nbsp;6.5.1</a>";
var NOTE_ALL = "Note: Greyed out technologies are not supported for this platform.";
var MORE_LANGUAGES = "M\u00eb tep\u00ebr gjuh\u00eb...";
var COMMUNITY_MESSAGE = "Komuniteti i NetBeans-it ka kontribuar n\u00eb gjuh\u00ebn(t) q\u00eb mund t\u00eb shkarkohet na kjo faqe. P\u00ebr t\u00eb marr\u00eb m\u00eb tep\u00ebr informata mbi v\u00ebllimin e lokalizimeve kontrollot <a href=\"\">statusin e faqes s\u00eb komunitetit </a>. P\u00ebr t\u00eb shkarkuar kontributet e fundme t\u00eb komunitetit, vizito <a href=\"\">faqja e shtojc\u00ebs s lokalizimi</a>.";
var COMMUNITY_CONTRIBUTED_SEP = " -- Community Contributed -- " ;
var SUN_SUPPORTED_SEP = " -- Oracle Supported -- " ;
var NETBEANS_DOWNLOAD_PAGE_TITLE = "Shkarkimi i NetBeans IDE-s";
var NETBEANS_DOWNLOAD_HEADER = "Shkarkimi i NetBeans IDE {0}";
var DEVELOPMENT_TITLE = "Zhvillim";
var ARCHIVE_TITLE = "Akriv\u00eb";
var PYTHON_TITLE = "Python&nbsp;EA";
var EMAIL_LABEL = "Adresa&nbsp;e&nbsp;E-post\u00ebs&nbsp;(opsionale):&nbsp;";
var SUBSCRIBE_LABEL = "An\u00ebtar\u00ebsohu&nbsp;n\u00eb&nbsp;lajmlet\u00ebr:";
var MONTHLY_LABEL = "Mujore&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
var WEEKLY_LABEL = "Javore";
var CONTACT_LABEL = "NetBeans&nbsp;mund&nbsp;t\u00eb&nbsp;kontaktoj\u00eb&nbsp;&nbsp;mua&nbsp;n\u00eb&nbsp;k\u00ebt\u00eb&nbsp;adres\u00eb";
var LANGUAGE_LABEL = "Gjuha e IDE-s:";
var PLATFORM_LABEL = "Platforma:";
var PLUGIN_MANAGER_LABEL = "Ju mund t\u00eb shtoni ose t\u00eb largoni pako m\u00eb von\u00eb duke p\u00ebrdorur Drejtuesin e shtojcave t\u00eb IDE-s (Veglat | Shtojcat).<br>";
var JAVATOOLSBUNDLE_LABEL = "Ju gjithashtu mund ta shkarkoni NetBeans IDE si pjes\u00eb t\u00eb <a href=\"\">Tufa e veglave Java EE 5</a>. or <a href=\"\">Tufa MySQL GlassFish Bundle</a>.";
var SOURCE_BINARY_LABEL = "Kodi burimor i NetBeans-it dhe nd\u00ebrtimet binarike pa koh\u00eb-veprimet gjithashtu jan\u00eb t\u00eb gatshme n\u00eb <a id=\"zip_link\" href=\"{0}\">formatin e skedar\u00ebve zip</a>.";
var BUILD_WIKI_LABEL = "Shiko gjithashtu instruksionet <a href=\"\"> se si nd\u00ebrtohet IDE nga burimi</a> ose <a href=\"{0}\">instruksionet e instalimit</a>.";
var PLATFORM_DEV_LABEL = "Ju mund t\u00eb filloni zhvillimin e aplikacioneve t\u00eb bazuara n\u00eb NetBeans Platform-\u00ebn duke p\u00ebrdorur NetBeans IDE for Java SE. M\u00ebsoni m\u00eb tep\u00ebr p\u00ebr <a href=\"{0}\">NetBeans Platform</a>.";
var PYTHON_LINK = "";
// TRANSLATE NOTE: change download*.gif to download*_<locale>.gif
var DOWNLOAD_BUTTON_NORMAL = "download_sq.gif";
var DOWNLOAD_BUTTON_DISABLED = "download_d_sq.gif";
var DOWNLOAD_BUTTON_HIGHLIGHT = "download_h_sq.gif";
var START_PAGE = "start.html";
var ZIP_PAGE = "zip.html";