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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Mylyn Usage Surveyy</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
if($(".q5:checked").length > 3) {
<h1>Mylyn Usage Survey</h1>
To better understand how developers work with Mylyn, we would like to ask about your experience with Mylyn in this very short survey.
<br />
<div id="mylform">
<form name="myl_survey" method="post" action="">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<input type="hidden" name="username" value="' + username + '">');
<b>1. How do you use task lists?</b> <i>(multiple answers possible)</i>
<div class="margin-around">
<input name="usage_how_a" value="y" type="checkbox" />&nbsp;I organize tasks in finetuned queries.<br />
<input name="usage_how_b" value="y" type="checkbox" />&nbsp;I organize tasks in categories.<br />
<input name="usage_how_c" value="y" type="checkbox" />&nbsp;I group tasks by scheduled dates.
</div><br /><br/>
<b>2. How frequently do you use the private notes and the personal planning feature?</b>
<div class="margin-around">
<input name="usage_freq" value="a" type="radio" />&nbsp;Often<br />
<input name="usage_freq" value="b" type="radio" />&nbsp;Sometimes<br />
<input name="usage_freq" value="c" type="radio" />&nbsp;Never
</div><br />
<b>3. How frequently do you create local tasks?</b>
<div class="margin-around">
<input name="create_freq" value="a" type="radio" />&nbsp;Often<br />
<input name="create_freq" value="b" type="radio" />&nbsp;Sometimes<br />
<input name="create_freq" value="c" type="radio" />&nbsp;Never
</div><br />
<b>4. Do you find notifications (e.g., overdue tasks, incoming tasks) useful?</b>
<div class="margin-around">
<input name="notifications_useful" value="yes" type="radio" />&nbsp;Yes<br />
<input name="notifications_useful" value="no" type="radio" />&nbsp;No<br />
</div><br />
<b>5. Do you find the task focused user interface useful and, if yes, which 3 features in the list below do you find most useful?</b>
<div class="margin-around">
<input name="tf_ui_a" value="y" type="checkbox" class="q5"/>&nbsp;Being able to show/hide elements in navigator views.<br />
<input name="tf_ui_b" value="y" type="checkbox" class="q5" />&nbsp;Automatic highlighting of context elements in navigator views.<br />
<input name="tf_ui_c" value="y" type="checkbox" class="q5" />&nbsp;Automatic ordering of relevant context elements in, e.g., Open Type dialog.<br />
<input name="tf_ui_d" value="y" type="checkbox" class="q5" />&nbsp;Attaching and retrieving a context.<br />
<input name="tf_ui_e" value="y" type="checkbox" class="q5" />&nbsp;Managing context elements via the Context tab in the Task Editor.
<b>6. What feature do you like most when working with Mylyn?</b>
<div class="margin-around">
<textarea cols="80" rows="4" name="favourite_features"></textarea><br /><br />
<input value="Submit" type="submit" /><br /><br />
<script type="text/javascript">
if(username=='guest') {
document.write('<center>You must be logged-in in order to see and submit the form. Please <a href="">login</a> and try again.</center>');