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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Submit NetBeans Screenshots!</title>
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="DESCRIPTION"
content="Submit a screenshot to be published on!">
<meta name="NAV_LINK" content="Screenshots">
<meta name="NAV_PRIORITY" content="5">
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<h1>Submit an Application Screenshot!</h1>
<p>One way you can help the NetBeans community is to contribute
screenshots of your application built on the NetBeans platform. Check
out the existing <a href="">platform
screenshots page</a> to see what others have contributed. </p>
<p>If you've come here looking for screenshots of features of the
NetBeans IDE,
look at the <a href="../../features/ide/editor.html">features pages</a>.
<h2>Submission Guidelines for Application Screenshots</h2>
<p>Here are some quick guidelines for submissions:
<li>Provide a short description of the application and where to get
more information;
<li>Send a couple of different shots, up to 3 or 4, showing
variations of windows, workspaces, configurations, etc;
<li>Try to include a couple of different windows
in each screenshot, showing some of the more interesting
aspects of your application;
<li>Include a brief description of your environment - OS, NetBeans
anything else relevant;
<li>Include a brief description of what is visible in the image, what
is happening
(eg "import button for large images");
<li>Shots should be in as high resoloution and colour depth as you
(within reason), and in any standard image format - we can always scale
down and reduce colour depth for the website;
<li>If your shots are accepted and published, you will be credited
by name (not email), unless you specifically ask not to be;
<li>Send your screenshots to webmaster at netbeans dot org;
<p>Thanks for contributing to!