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<title>Interview with NetBeans user Kirk Pepperdine</title>
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value="Kirk Pepperdine, NetBeans user, in conversation
about his work, performance tuning, memory leaks and usage of the NetBeans Profiler.">
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<h1>Interview with NetBeans user Kirk Pepperdine</h1>
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<td><p>Kirk Pepperdine works as an consultant, educator, and
author. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and is
a co-author of the book <i>Ant
Developer's Handbook</i>. Kirk uses the NetBeans Profiler and
with the recent move of the Profiler into the standard NetBeans IDE
distribution in NetBeans 6.0 Milestone 8 he spent some time telling
us about his experiences with it.
<p><h3>Q: Kirk tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.</h3>
<p>A: I've been working with Java technologies for about 11 years, starting with when I
began working for GemStone. I signed up because I wanted to
work with their Smalltalk product but that plan didn't survive my first day
there. Instead I got to work with their Java application server at a
time when the term application server had yet to be defined. As for
performance, well, I did some operational research performance
work prior to working with Java so it was quite natural to continue
doing performance work once I moved to working with Java. My current
focus has been on imparting some of the things that I learned and
continue to discover in my performance tuning course.
<p><h3>Q: What sorts of tools do you use for performance tuning?</h3>
<p>A: I get asked what my favorite tools are all the time. In reality I
don't have a favorite tool. Well, ok, I take that back. My favorite
tool is one that gives me the information I need to solve the problem
at hand. That tool is the hero of the day. I say this because tools
are like little eyes that give you a view on the system that you are
studying. However they only give you a pin prick's view so if that
view happens to give you what you need to know then it's got to be good.
<p><h3>Q: When did you start using the NetBeans Profiler?</h3>
<p>I don't really recall when I first ran into JFluild (the original Sun Labs project) but I've been watching it for quite some
time. I really got very interested in it when I saw the NetBeans 6.0
roadmap. As you know, I had been waiting on the arrival of Milestone 7 for quite
some time and aside from a few hiccups, it hasn't disappointed.
<p><h3>Q: What features of the NetBeans Profiler do you use?</h3>
<p>A: My primary interest has been memory leaks. Even with all the tools
out there - and there are some pretty decent ones, finding memory
leaks is still very difficult. Recently I co-presented (with Dr.
Heinz Kabutz) a University session at Javapolis where I wanted to give
the attendees a solid methodology to find a leak by the end of the
three hour session. What I didn't want was a problem with a class
named ThisClassLeaks or something like that. I wanted to present on a
real problem with enough code that you couldn't just stroll through
the code and find it. The two features that stand out have been
generations and the HeapWalker. They provide the answers to two of the
three questions you need to answer when searching for a memory leak: what, where, and why.
<p><h3>Q: And what does generations tell you?</h3>
<p>A: Generations is a very clever, very simple idea though it can be a
bit tricky to understand at first. To understand generations you first
have to understand how objects age. An object's age is determined by
the number of garbage collections (GC) it has survived. Since most objects
never survive more than a few microseconds, they rarely get very old.
So you may have a handful of different ages for each class. Now let's
say you create a cache of constant values that you initialize at the
start of an application. These objects will survive every GC and
consequently be very old. However you will still only have a handful
of different ages for those objects. Even in a cache where objects are
moved in and out on a regular basis you will most likely only have a
handful of ages. Objects that are constantly leaking will have a large
number of different ages.
<p>So as you can see, the difference between
objects that leak and objects that don't will most likely show up in
the number of different ages or generations. The key is, once your
application starts producing leaking objects it never stops. The
result is that the leaking class will live in an ever increasing number of
generations. So not only will the number be large, it will also be
growing continuously. So this measurement is a really cool way to pick
off this type of object leak.
<p><h3>Q: Do you have a quick example that could help us better understand
<p>A: Sure, let's say your program allocates three instances of class
Foo when the program starts and then it never allocates any more Foo
objects. And it holds references to those three instances forever.
Now let's say we look at the state of the application after the
garbage collector has run 500 times. What is the generations value for
the Foo class? The answer is 1 and it will stay 1. Now let's say that
you also continuously create objects of class Bar that leak throughout the lifetime
of the application. The generations value for class Bar will most
likely be 500 and it will always be increasing.
<p><h3>Q: So generations helps you identify "what" objects were leaking. What
about "where" and "why"?</h3>
<p>A: There are two things the NetBeans Profiler provides for that.
First, during memory profiling it will show you which method allocated
an object. Sometimes just knowing where a leaking object was
allocated is enough of a clue to let you figure out why it has not
been garbage collected. But the answer to "where" the object is
leaking can often be far away from where it is being created. This is
one factor that makes finding leaks so challenging. This is where
the NetBeans HeapWalker comes into play.
<p><h3>Q: How does the NetBeans HeapWalker help?</h3>
<p>A: The JVM's HPROF agent is the original heap profiler. When you have it enabled it
will produce a complete picture of everything that is in your Java
heap space. The NetBeans HeapWalker uses the binary output from HPROF to
reconstruct a view of memory. With the NetBeans HeapWalker you can perform a visual
inspection of everything in that reconstructed view. The problem here
is that even for a trivial application the heap can contain a very
large number of objects. Finding a particular set of leaking objects in a heap
is like looking for a needle in a haystack so you really need to have
other bits of information to help you direct your search. So if we
combine the information culled from generations with the HeapWalker,
we can zero in on a suspected leak.
<p>Once you've got an instance of the leaking class selected in the HeapWalker,
the HeapWalker can find the shortest path from that object to a GC root. Chances
are pretty good that when we do that we will find a domain object that is either an
implied collection or contains a collection that is responsible for
causing the leak. Now this still doesn't answer the question of "why" but
even getting this far is a huge step in the diagnostic process.
<p><h3>Q: Can you tell us about how you've used the tools?</h3>
<p>A: I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of a stable
version of this tool so I can put it through its paces. The
M7 milestone is stable enough to fit that criteria. Before I use
a tool in a live situation I want to be able to understand how to most
effectively apply it. So I maintain a number of applications that leak
in a couple of different ways. I've used M7 to diagnose the leaks in
these applications. So far the results look very promising in that
I've consistently been able to pick out signs of the leak very very
quickly. It was this experience that lead me to include the tool in my
performance tuning course even though it (version 6.0 of NetBeans) is still being
<p><h3>Q: How is the NetBeans Profiler being used in your training class?</h3>
<p>A: Again this is all very early stuff so the first introduction was
gentle. However the impact of the tool in the heap tuning section of
the course was dramatic. Since performance tuning is mostly about
getting used to looking at the output from tools and instrumentation
there is quite a bit of emphasis on solving problems. One of the
exercises is particularly nasty. It contains a whole bunch of well
hidden problems that closely resemble stuff I see in the field. The
exercise is free form in that anything goes. They can use any tool
they like or even rewrite the entire application.
<p>Everyone decided to
use NetBeans to diagnose the memory leaks and the results were
outstanding. This group managed to find leaks much faster and with far
less difficulties than any group that had previously taken the course.
It was very interesting to watch and I have started to use what I've
learned during that session to restructure that portion of the course.
<p><h3>Q: Starting with Milestone 8 of NetBeans 6.0, the Profiler will be
included with the standard IDE installation. You will no longer need
to do a separate download and installation. How does that sound to you?</h3>
<p>A: The install of the NetBeans Profiler was pretty trivial to begin with but
anything to make it easier is always good news.
<p><h3>Q: Are there any features you would like to see added to the NetBeans Profiler?</h3>
<p>I think it goes without saying that there are always going to be times
when you wish a tool could do this or that so yes, there are a number of
things that I'd like to see included in the NetBeans Profiler. However I'd like
to focus on one large feature that I think would be most useful, the
ability to analyze information being reported upon by the garbage
collector. You can get this information using the JVM's -verbose:gc flag but as
you can imagine, the information is quite cryptic. It also requires one
to do quite a few calculations to extract useful information from these
logs and there are currently only a handful of tools with this
capability. The existing tools leave a lot of information on the table.
They also are standalone so there is some analysis that is either
extremely difficult or just impossible to obtain.
<p>For example, if you could combine
the GC logging information with an execution profile all of a sudden you
have the ability to zero in on areas of your application that are
responsible for a lot of object churn. As we start to run our
applications on more and more cores, applications will be able to create
more garbage at a much faster rate. This will put more pressure on the
garbage collector which means that being able to identify loci of object
churn is going to become increasingly more important.
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<h2><a name="moreinfo"></a>Resources</h2>
<p>For more information about using the NetBeans Profiler, see the following resources:
<li><a href="">Profiler Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="">Profiler Basics</a></li>
<li><a href="">Profiler Tutorial</a></li>
<li><a href="">Profiler project home page</a></li>