How to install Synergy

1. Install Apache HTTP server, PHP and MYSQL

Install Apache with PHP and MySQL:

Next enable .htaccess using steps from

2. Get Synergy sources

assuming apache's document root is in /var/www/html, in terminal:

cd /var/www/html
svn checkout
mv opensynergy~source-code-repository synergy
cd synergy

Now you are in the synergy main directory.

3. Create database

this will also create default project, default version and a new user with username import and password import - this user is administrator, in terminal:

mysql -u root -p < server/db/structure.sql

4. If needed change DB connection details

update file server/setup/conf.php from line 18 which contains database connection details to match your database credentials

define('DHOST', 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=synergy;charset=UTF8');
define('DUSER', 'user');
define('DPASS', 'password');
define('DB', 'synergy');
define('DBHOST', 'localhost');

5. Now Synergy should be almost up and running

you can try it in your browser http://localhost/synergy/client/app/

6. Setup directories for attachments and images

By default, images will be stored at /var/www/media/ and attachments at /var/www/att/. Either make sure these 2 paths exist and that apache server can write there, or you'll need to change the setting to point to paths which meet the criteria.

The change can be done via Synergy UI in Administration -> Server setting where you can find 2 setting fields: ATTACHMENT_PATH and IMAGE_PATH. Note also the IMAGE_BASE which must correlate with IMAGE_BASE, for instance if IMAGE_PATH is /var/www/html/images, then IMAGE_BASE would be http://localhost/images/ . Please note that these 2 directories must have proper permissions - for local setup 777 is fine

7. Setting up error log file

In terminal, navigate to the Synergy directory and open file .htaccess, line 33 starts with php_value error_log and it ends with path to error log file. Synergy will print error logs there in case something is wrong.

Either create the default path and file (/var/www/synergy/server/errors/errors.log) or change the path in .htaccess file to your path. Again make sure it is possible to write to file - setting 777 permissions should be on local deployment.

8. Allow Synergy to store static data from test runs

In terminal in synergy directory, execute following:

chmod 777 -R server/data