| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> |
| <parent> |
| <groupId>org.apache.netbeans.utilities</groupId> |
| <artifactId>utilities-parent</artifactId> |
| <version>2</version> |
| </parent> |
| <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> |
| |
| <artifactId>nb-repository-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.8-SNAPSHOT</version> |
| <packaging>maven-plugin</packaging> |
| |
| <name>Apache NetBeans Maven Utilities - NB Repository Plugin</name> |
| <description>Maven plugin for creating Maven Repository out of a NetBeans installation (and other sources) for consumption by the projects using nbm-maven-plugin. |
| </description> |
| <inceptionYear>2005</inceptionYear> |
| <url>https://bits.netbeans.org/mavenutilities/nb-repository-plugin</url> |
| <issueManagement> |
| <system>jira</system> |
| <url>https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANSINFRA</url> |
| </issueManagement> |
| <prerequisites> |
| <maven>3.1.1</maven> |
| </prerequisites> |
| <licenses> |
| <license> |
| <name>Apache License 2</name> |
| <url>http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt</url> |
| <distribution>repo</distribution> |
| </license> |
| </licenses> |
| <scm> |
| <connection>scm:git:https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/netbeans-mavenutils-nb-repository-plugin.git</connection> |
| <developerConnection>scm:git:https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/netbeans-mavenutils-nb-repository-plugin.git</developerConnection> |
| <url>https://github.com/apache/netbeans-mavenutils-nb-repository-plugin</url> |
| <tag>HEAD</tag> |
| </scm> |
| <!-- TODO need to override parent version value... I suppose this will eventually end up in mojo parent pom, check regularly --> |
| |
| <build> |
| <pluginManagement> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.1.2</version> |
| <dependencies> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>com.puppycrawl.tools</groupId> |
| <artifactId>checkstyle</artifactId> |
| <!-- last jdk 8 compatible version --> |
| <version>9.3</version> |
| </dependency> |
| </dependencies> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </pluginManagement> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <!-- TODO need to override parent version value... I suppose this will eventually end up in mojo parent pom, check regularly --> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-plugin-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.6.4</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound>true</skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound> |
| </configuration> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>mojo-descriptor</id> |
| <phase>process-classes</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>descriptor</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| <execution> |
| <id>help-goal</id> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>helpmojo</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <source>1.8</source> |
| <target>1.8</target> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> |
| <artifactId>animal-sniffer-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <phase>package</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>check</goal> |
| </goals> |
| <configuration> |
| <signature> |
| <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo.signature</groupId> |
| <artifactId>java18</artifactId> |
| <version>1.0</version> |
| </signature> |
| </configuration> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </build> |
| <reporting> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId> |
| <reportSets> |
| <reportSet> |
| <reports> |
| <report>plugins</report> |
| <!-- <report>cim</report> --> |
| </reports> |
| </reportSet> |
| </reportSets> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-changes-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <!-- configure github milestone ? --> |
| <!--<onlyMilestoneIssues>false</onlyMilestoneIssues> |
| <onlyCurrentVersion>false</onlyCurrentVersion>--> |
| <!--<skip>true</skip>--> |
| <component>12336704</component> |
| </configuration> |
| |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-jxr-plugin</artifactId> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-plugin-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.6.4</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <requirements> |
| <!-- |
| NOTE: Maven 2.x does not interpolate properties of the form project.*|pom.* so the Maven Plugin Plugin |
| gets garbage when manually examining the config of the Maven Compiler Plugin. |
| --> |
| <jdk>${mojo.java.target}</jdk> |
| </requirements> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <quiet>true</quiet> |
| <source>8</source> |
| <links> |
| <!--<link>http://download-llnw.oracle.com/javaee/1.4/api/</link>--> |
| <link>https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-collections/javadocs/api-3.2.2/</link> |
| <link>http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://commons.apache.org/fileupload/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://commons.apache.org/logging/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://commons.apache.org/pool/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://junit.sourceforge.net/javadoc/</link> |
| <link>http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/</link> |
| <!-- unreachable site <link>http://jakarta.apache.org/regexp/apidocs/</link> --> |
| <link>https://velocity.apache.org/engine/1.5/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://maven.apache.org/ref/${maven.version}/maven-artifact/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://maven.apache.org/ref/${maven.version}/maven-model/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://maven.apache.org/ref/${maven.version}/maven-plugin-api/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>https://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-reporting-api/apidocs/</link> |
| <link>http://maven.apache.org/ref/${maven.version}/maven-settings/apidocs/</link> |
| </links> |
| <tagletArtifacts> |
| <tagletArtifact> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugin-tools</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-plugin-tools-javadoc</artifactId> |
| </tagletArtifact> |
| <tagletArtifact> |
| <groupId>org.codehaus.plexus</groupId> |
| <artifactId>plexus-component-javadoc</artifactId> |
| <version>1.6</version> |
| </tagletArtifact> |
| </tagletArtifacts> |
| </configuration> |
| |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <targetJdk>1.8</targetJdk> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-linkcheck-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <excludedLinks> |
| <excludedLink>../../images/codehaus-small.png</excludedLink> |
| <excludedLink>../../images/mojo_logo.png</excludedLink> |
| <excludedLink>plugin-info.html</excludedLink> |
| </excludedLinks> |
| <!--<excludedPages> |
| <excludedPage>dependencies.html</excludedPage> |
| </excludedPages>--> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> |
| <artifactId>taglist-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.0.0</version> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId> |
| <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>0.13</version> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </reporting> |
| <profiles> |
| <profile> |
| <id>run-its</id> |
| <build> |
| |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-invoker-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.3.0</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <debug>false</debug> |
| <cloneProjectsTo>${project.build.directory}/it</cloneProjectsTo> |
| <pomIncludes> |
| <pomInclude>*/pom.xml</pomInclude> |
| </pomIncludes> |
| <postBuildHookScript>verify</postBuildHookScript> |
| <localRepositoryPath>${project.build.directory}/local-repo</localRepositoryPath> |
| <settingsFile>src/it/settings.xml</settingsFile> |
| <goals> |
| <!-- default build in netbeans IDE --> |
| <goal>clean</goal> |
| <goal>install</goal> |
| </goals> |
| <filterProperties> |
| <netbeans.version>RELEASE110</netbeans.version> |
| </filterProperties> |
| </configuration> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>integration-test</id> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>install</goal> |
| <goal>integration-test</goal> |
| <goal>verify</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| </profiles> |
| <!--profiles> |
| <profile> |
| <id>tools.jar</id> |
| <activation> |
| <file> |
| <exists>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</exists> |
| </file> |
| </activation> |
| <dependencies> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>com.sun</groupId> |
| <artifactId>tools</artifactId> |
| <version>1.5.0</version> |
| <scope>system</scope> |
| <systemPath>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</systemPath> |
| </dependency> |
| </dependencies> |
| </profile> |
| </profiles--> |
| |
| <dependencies> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-plugin-api</artifactId> |
| <version>${maven.version}</version> |
| <scope>provided</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugin-tools</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-plugin-annotations</artifactId> |
| <version>3.6.4</version> |
| <scope>compile</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.codehaus.plexus</groupId> |
| <artifactId>plexus-utils</artifactId> |
| <version>3.4.2</version> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>junit</groupId> |
| <artifactId>junit</artifactId> |
| <scope>test</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-model</artifactId> |
| <version>${maven.version}</version> |
| <scope>provided</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-core</artifactId> |
| <version>${maven.version}</version> |
| <scope>provided</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugin-testing</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-plugin-testing-harness</artifactId> |
| <version>3.3.0</version> |
| <scope>test</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-compat</artifactId> |
| <version>${maven.version}</version> |
| <type>jar</type> |
| <scope>provided</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.ant</groupId> |
| <artifactId>ant</artifactId> |
| <version>1.10.12</version> |
| <scope>compile</scope> |
| <type>jar</type> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>${project.groupId}</groupId> |
| <artifactId>nb-shared</artifactId> |
| <version>1.4</version> |
| </dependency> |
| </dependencies> |
| <properties> |
| <mojo.java.target>1.8</mojo.java.target> |
| <maven.version>3.8.5</maven.version> |
| </properties> |
| </project> |