Apache NetBeans Jackpot

This tool allows to run NetBeans Java code checker without the NetBeans IDE. This includes running the custom Java hints specified in META-INF/upgrade/*.hint.


To Build

  • NetBeans 10.0
  • JDK 8 and JDK 11
  • bash
  • ant 1.9.9 or above

To Run

  • JDK 11


Build using:

$ ant -DNETBEANS_PLATFORM=<path-to-NetBeans-10.0> -DJDK11=<path-to-JDK-11> build-and-test

The built product is in tool/build/jackpot.


Run using:

$ jackpot <options> <files-to-inspect>

To get help on the options, run:

$ jackpot --help