blob: 4f9b79cbab0548f9dc79cbbbcb811defd56d0f25 [file] [log] [blame]
var specify = require('specify')
, async = require('async')
, helpers = require('../helpers')
, timeout = helpers.timeout
, nano = helpers.nano
, nock = helpers.nock
var mock = nock(helpers.couch, "db/changes")
, db = nano.use("db_changes")
specify("db_changes:setup", timeout, function (assert) {
nano.db.create("db_changes", function (err) {
assert.equal(err, undefined, "Failed to create database");
[ function(cb) { db.insert({"foo": "bar"}, "foobar", cb); }
, function(cb) { db.insert({"bar": "foo"}, "barfoo", cb); }
, function(cb) { db.insert({"foo": "baz"}, "foobaz", cb); }
, function(error, results){
assert.equal(error, undefined, "Should have stored docs");
specify("db_changes:test", timeout, function (assert) {
db.changes({since:2}, function (error, response) {
assert.equal(error, undefined, "Changes should respond");
assert.equal(response.results.length, 1, 'Gets one result');
assert.equal(response.last_seq, 3, 'seq is 3');
specify("db_changes:teardown", timeout, function (assert) {
nano.db.destroy("db_changes", function (err) {
assert.equal(err, undefined, "Failed to destroy database");
assert.ok(mock.isDone(), "Some mocks didn't run");