blob: 7fcbefcf9cc5567616d7043c4cbe864afe20e54f [file] [log] [blame]
/* minimal couch in node
* copyright 2011 nuno job <> (oO)--',--
* licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
* you may obtain a copy of the license at
* unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis,
* without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
* see the license for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the license.
var request = require('request')
, fs = require('fs')
, qs = require('querystring')
, _ = require('underscore')
, error = require('./error')
, default_url = "http://localhost:5984"
, nano;
* nano is a library that helps you building requests to couchdb
* that is built on top of mikeals/request
* no more, no less
* be creative. be silly. have fun! relax (and don't forget to compact).
* dinosaurs spaceships!
module.exports = exports = nano = function database_module(cfg) {
var public_functions = {};
if(typeof cfg === "string") {
if(/^https?:/.test(cfg)) { cfg = {url: cfg}; } // url
else {
try { cfg = require(cfg); } // file path
catch(e) { console.error("bad cfg: couldn't load file"); }
if(cfg.proxy) {
request = request.defaults({proxy: cfg.proxy}); // proxy support
if(!cfg.url) {
console.error("bad cfg: using default=" + default_url);
cfg = {url: default_url}; // if everything else fails, use default
* relax *
* relax
* base for all request using nano
* this function assumes familiarity with the couchdb api
* e.g.
* nano.request( { db: "alice"
* , doc: "rabbit"
* , method: "GET"
* , params: { rev: "1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"}
* },
* function (_,_,b) { console.log(b) });
* @error {request:socket} problem connecting to couchdb
* @error {couch:*} an error proxied from couchdb
* @param {opts:object} request options; e.g. {db: "test", method: "GET"}
* {opts.db:string} database name
* {opts.method:string:optional} http method, defaults to "GET"
* {opts.doc:string:optional} document name
* {opts.att:string:optional} attachment name
* {opts.content_type:string:optional} content type, default to json
* {opts.body:object|string|binary:optional} document or attachment body
* {opts.encoding:string:optional} encoding for attachments
* @param {callback:function:optional} function to call back
function relax(opts,callback) {
var url = cfg.url + "/" + opts.db
, headers = { "content-type": "application/json"
, "accept": "application/json"
, req = { method: (opts.method || "GET"), headers: headers }
, params = opts.params
, status_code
, parsed
, rh;
if(opts.doc) {
url += "/" + opts.doc; // add the document to the url
if(opts.att) { url += "/" + opts.att; } // add the attachment to the url
if(opts.content_type) { req.headers["content-type"] = opts.content_type; }
if(opts.encoding) { req.encoding = opts.encoding; }
req.uri = url + (_.isEmpty(params) ? "" : "?" + qs.stringify(params));
if(!callback) { return request(req); } // void callback, pipe
if(opts.body) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(opts.body)) {
req.body = opts.body; // raw data
else { req.body = JSON.stringify(opts.body); } // json data
request(req, function(e,h,b){
if(e) { return callback(error.request_err(e,"socket",req,status_code),{},b); }
rh = (h.headers || {});
rh['status-code'] = status_code = h.statusCode;
delete rh.server; // prevent security vunerabilities related to couchdb
try { parsed = JSON.parse(b); } catch (err) { parsed = b; } // did we get json or binary?
if (status_code >= 200 && status_code < 300) {
else { // proxy the error directly from couchdb
* db *
* creates a couchdb database
* e.g. function recursive_retries_create_db(tried,callback) {
* nano.db.create(db_name, function (e,b) {
* if(tried.tried === tried.max_retries) {
* callback("Retries work");
* return;
* }
* else {
* tried.tried += 1;
* recursive_retries_create_db(tried,callback);
* }
* });
* }
* @param {db_name:string} database name
* @see relax
function create_db(db_name, callback) {
return relax({db: db_name, method: "PUT"},callback);
* annihilates a couchdb database
* e.g. nano.db.delete(db_name);
* even though this examples looks sync it is an async function
* @param {db_name:string} database name
* @see relax
function destroy_db(db_name, callback) {
return relax({db: db_name, method: "DELETE"},callback);
* gets information about a couchdb database
* e.g. nano.db.get(db_name, function(e,b) {
* console.log(b);
* });
* @param {db_name:string} database name
* @see relax
function get_db(db_name, callback) {
return relax({db: db_name, method: "GET"},callback);
* lists all the databases in couchdb
* e.g. nano.db.list(function(e,b) {
* console.log(b);
* });
* @see relax
function list_dbs(callback) {
return relax({db: "_all_dbs", method: "GET"},callback);
* compacts a couchdb database
* e.g. nano.db.compact(db_name);
* @param {db_name:string} database name
* @param {design_name:string:optional} design document name
* @see relax
function compact_db(db_name, design_name, callback) {
if(typeof design_name === "function") {
callback = design_name;
design_name = null;
return relax({db: db_name, doc: "_compact", att: design_name, method: "POST"},callback);
* couchdb database _changes feed
* e.g. nano.db.changes(db_name, {since: 2}, function (e,h,r) {
* console.log(r);
* });
* @param {db_name:string} database name
* @param {params:object:optional} additions to the querystring
* @see relax
function changes_db(db_name, params, callback) {
if(typeof params === "function") {
callback = params;
params = {};
return relax({db: db_name, doc: "_changes", params: params, method: "GET"},callback);
* replicates a couchdb database
* e.g. nano.db.replicate(db_1, db_2);
* @param {source:string} name of the source database
* @param {target:string} name of the target database
* @param {continuous:bool:optional} continuous replication on?
* @see relax
function replicate_db(source, target, continuous, callback) {
if(typeof continuous === "function") {
callback = continuous;
continuous = false;
var body = {source: source, target: target};
if(continuous) { body.continuous = true; }
return relax({db: "_replicate", body: body, method: "POST"},callback);
* doc *
function document_module(db_name) {
var public_functions = {};
* inserts a document in a couchdb database
* @param {doc:object|string} document body
* @param {doc_name:string:optional} document name
* @see relax
function insert_doc(doc,doc_name,callback) {
var opts = {db: db_name, body: doc, method: "POST"};
if(doc_name) {
if(typeof doc_name === "function") {
callback = doc_name;
else {
opts.doc = doc_name;
opts.method = "PUT";
return relax(opts,callback);
* destroy a document from a couchdb database
* @param {doc_name:string} document name
* @param {rev:string} previous document revision
* @see relax
function destroy_doc(doc_name,rev,callback) {
return relax({db: db_name, doc: doc_name, method: "DELETE", params: {rev: rev}},
* get a document from a couchdb database
* e.g. db2.get("foo", {revs_info: true}, function (e,h,b) {
* console.log(e,h,b);
* return;
* });
* @param {doc_name:string} document name
* @param {params:object:optional} additions to the querystring
* @see relax
function get_doc(doc_name,params,callback) {
if(typeof params === "function") {
callback = params;
params = {};
return relax({db: db_name, doc: doc_name, method: "GET", params: params},callback);
* lists all the documents in a couchdb database
* @param {params:object:optional} additions to the querystring
* @see get_doc
* @see relax
function list_docs(params,callback) {
if(typeof params === "function") {
callback = params;
params = {};
return relax({db: db_name, doc: "_all_docs", method: "GET", params: params},callback);
* bulk update/delete/insert functionality
* [1]:
* @param {docs:object} documents as per the couchdb api[1]
* @see get_doc
* @see relax
function bulk_docs(docs,callback) {
return relax({db: db_name, doc: "_bulk_docs", body: docs, method: "POST"},callback);
* attachment *
* inserting an attachment
* [2]:
* e.g.
* db.attachment.insert("new", "att", buffer, "image/bmp", {rev: b.rev},
* function(_,_,response) {
* console.log(response);
* });
* don't forget that params.rev is required in most cases. only exception
* is when creating a new document with a new attachment. consult [2] for
* details
* @param {doc_name:string} document name
* @param {att_name:string} attachment name
* @param {att:buffer} attachment data
* @param {content_type:string} attachment content-type
* @param {params:object:optional} additions to the querystring
* @see relax
function insert_att(doc_name,att_name,att,content_type,params,callback) {
if(typeof params === "function") {
callback = params;
params = {};
return relax({ db: db_name, att: att_name, method: "PUT", content_type: content_type
, doc: doc_name, params: params, body: att},callback);
* get an attachment
* @param {doc_name:string} document name
* @param {att_name:string} attachment name
* @param {params:object:optional} additions to the querystring
* @see relax
function get_att(doc_name,att_name,params,callback) {
if(typeof params === "function") {
callback = params;
params = {};
return relax({ db: db_name, att: att_name, method: "GET", doc: doc_name
, params: params, encoding: "binary"},callback);
* destroy an attachment
* @param {doc_name:string} document name
* @param {att_name:string} attachment name
* @param {rev:string} previous document revision
* @see relax
function destroy_att(doc_name,att_name,rev,callback) {
return relax({ db: db_name, att: att_name, method: "DELETE"
, doc: doc_name, params: {rev: rev}},callback);
public_functions = { info: function(cb) { return get_db(db_name,cb); }
, replicate: function(target,continuous,cb) {
if(typeof continuous === "function") {
cb = continuous;
continuous = false;
return replicate_db(db_name,target,continuous,cb);
, compact: function(cb) { return compact_db(db_name,cb); }
, changes: function(params,cb) {
return changes_db(db_name,params,cb);
, insert: insert_doc
, get: get_doc
, destroy: destroy_doc
, bulk: bulk_docs
, list: list_docs
, view: { compact: function(design_name,cb) {
return compact_db(db_name,design_name,cb); }
, attachment: { insert: insert_att
, get: get_att
, destroy: destroy_att
return public_functions;
public_functions = { db: { create: create_db
, get: get_db
, destroy: destroy_db
, list: list_dbs
, use: document_module // alias
, scope: document_module // alias
, compact: compact_db
, replicate: replicate_db
, changes: changes_db
, use: document_module
, scope: document_module // alias
, request: relax
, config: cfg
, relax: relax // alias
, dinosaur: relax // alias
return public_functions;
* and now an ascii dinosaur
* _
* / _) ROAR! i'm a vegan!
* .-^^^-/ /
* __/ /
* /__.|_|-|_|
* thanks for visiting! come again!
* LH1059-A321
* LH1178-A321
nano.version = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/package.json")).version;
nano.path = __dirname;